This is a good friend of mine I did a photo shoot for several years back. hope you like it...her :) (5 years and 3126 days ago)
Thanks for the use of images to the following: lips by Paola Sparta , cherries by thea0211, and hand by sateda. (5 years and 3383 days ago)
There's a lot of blue in this. To see, convert to CMYK and click off the blue channel.
OK . Will do...
CMYK, I did that, but could see no difference at all? I haven't put any blue in at all. This is not as straighforward as it seems. Lots of entries are being critised for a variety of things I'm sure none of them are guilty of!
Now I'm just waiting for shankarsadamate229 to ask me: "Is this pure black"..........
Author, if you convert to CMYK and click off the blue channel, you'll see a DRAMATIC difference! (And a much better image, BTW).
I'm assuming you know the Cyan channel shows the blues. Forget photoshop, just looking at this image can tell you there's a lot of blue there.
At last! I think I've got rid of the blue? (Which I didn't think was there in the first place) Silly me!
So thanks CMYK!
The reflections on the cherries show dark spots, which looks weird.
MossyB - it's water - they've just been rinsed under the tap...
IT might be just me, but it looks more violet than red.
jawshoewhah, I really HOPE it's just you. Only just managed to get rid of the blue........
After looking at it again I would say it's still red, but you might see what I mean by comparing thumbnails, to the other entries. Just a tint of violet, but still red. It does make it stand out against the rest so GL!
very sensual image...good luck author
Howdie stranger!
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Turtle Ice cream is one of my favorites!!
1) Cone with Ice cream
6) Put it all together (5 years and 3666 days ago)
masking and blending all need work. The ice cream should note be bleeding through the turles for example and the edges of the bowl are quite rough. A little more time will yield a much better image.
thank you! I fixed the bowl...im working on the other
Seems like the edge of bowl is too blurred now.
thanks...ill see what i can do
Yeah the icecream is a bit too blurred and see if you can fix the cherry above the turtles a bit. Anyway, nice work and good luck !
thanks...i fixed the picture again i hope this one looks better!
Howdie stranger!
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This is beautiful! Exquisite color match to the earrings.
There is the tinist diagonal dark shadow on the side of the nose, and another that is shaped like a small half circle at the inside corner of the eye. I'd lighten those ever so slightly...
thanks, I see what you are saying about the nose, I'll certainly fix that, but I'm not sure what part of the eye you are talking about...the inside corner?
Yes, just above the inside corner and the eyelid crease. It's barely noticeable, but I have hyper color sensitivity, so I see it really well...
really good work, well done
why thank you!
nice work gl author..!!
Why thank you kind sir!!!
looks very very beautiful author
great work
thank you!!! I was going for very beautiful, so mission accomplished
Wow, fantastic retouch work! She 'cleans up' right nice, you made her look like a geisha, very pretty. (suggest she get some Pro-Activ! lol)
Congrats again Robert
lovely work
Well deserved win. Gorgeous image.
Howdie stranger!
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