Just source (5 years and 3223 days ago)
(5 years and 3225 days ago)
very nice build
very beautiful work
best of luck author
Good work author! Good luck!
i want one lol
good work author.
love the webs!!!
Beautiful work!! Great!
Sorta guessed this to be yours...author! Nice work!!
Howdie stranger!
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i thank melork for uploading this image under creative commons. (5 years and 3716 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to selicula(sand), RAWKUS(chest)and Zhonk(background) at sxc.hu (5 years and 3949 days ago)
so many seekers, but only one treasure - typical! good luck!
careful with the masking.. you have detail next to blur then detail.. something to consider when taking on such a grand scale piece.. you can see in the high res that the chest should look buried but it kinda looks like it just disappeared.. good concept here.. just needs a bit more attention.. good luck though
for an image like this i would remember my rule of thirds. Crop the image from the bottom and right side so that the treasure chest is in the right corner of the image. It will get the attention on people faster. At the moment to me it seems a bit lost in the image. Im not sure why you have made the sand, it looks more like smoke the way it is blurred. Nice idea though, i will hold my vote for the moment
Here is a link to explain ROT's http://www.silverlight.co.uk/tutorials/compose_expose/thirds.html
The sand is a little blurry, but nice work anyways
very nice idea, but how about cropping the image, so you see the skull and chest better? good luck
You do not have to make the sand the way you have it, it looks weird, just, as GolemAura says,,,just mask around the chest or box...or leave the chest lying on the sand..... good luck
nice idea good luck!
nice idea
A few tweaks and it will look great.. GL.
Good picture Author! Talking about some improvements I'd suggest in future left less clouds on the picture (there is just to much sky which taking attention away from the chest and a skull) and ofcourse blurred sand looks choppy. I believe you'll improve in your next entry! good luck
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks To lockstockb for the chest image.
and scol22 for the map. (5 years and 3952 days ago)
It is cursed? Damn, I just wanted to grab some gold. Looks good
oo Money i want too! very nice idea and Good luck!
Well done! It's a true pirate's cursed treasure
hmm, it tells me a story... about two robbers... hehee good luck!
just a proportion nit pic.. the skull on the floor would be the same size or a bit larger then the one in the chest.. (unless it's a pygmy or a very old child LOL) other then that it's a very good use of source.. Good LUCK!!!
wow, very nice idea and work, good luck and welcome back =)
needs some shadow work on the box and coins ,looks C+P!
Work on the background, and do what reaprevenge tells you to
Nice job.
Good idea but at the moment the chest looks like it's floating as there is no differentiation beween surface and background. Add some shadows to create a sense of belonging.
Maybe put some ground texture in the background.
Nice idea.. GL.
Your image is good, agree with Golemaura I think the smaller skull should be the same size as the one on top of the chest, unless it is a baby's skull? Colors are nice.... good luck
Excellent entry Good Luck
Good luck!
good luck
IMO skulls should be same size
nice work
Howdie stranger!
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Now that's a beauty
nice work...........
Very nice masking work. Beautiful job.
i love that you made something without hacking into the source
looks great author, and I would buy one if i saw it in the shop window (depending on the price that is )
;p goodluck.
Howdie stranger!
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