everything is painted in photoshop including the sky and grass....
color balance,hue saturation layers are used for the sky and grass color effects
and thanks to
osidiandawn.com for the grass brush... (5 years and 3325 days ago)
I have another 2 sources here is the links becouse on entrys page is only 10 sources:
http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=1187553 (5 years and 3341 days ago)
nice concept, but the water looks artificial...
Good idea with a scale problem: TV's too small, goldfish too big.
(No source for TV).
thank you for the suggestion ! the link for tv is on description because was more than 10 sources.
very cool work and great unique idea...GL
Well, a fish "says" blub.. Anyway.. Only tried to be funny.. Better stick with being serious I guess Anyway, I like the idea!
Very cute creation = )
Howdie stranger!
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alemadmac - dove photo, and has been notified. (5 years and 3375 days ago)
Super cool idea author...burn a bit parts of the dove to achieve better transition...on u could make glass dove a bit lighter...idea is top notch...GL
Oh wow, great idea! Awesome find!
Howdie stranger!
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most of this was done with liquify. was done a while back, but i did some adjustments to it and added some coloring that i think really suits it.
original picture in sbs.
no outside sources used. (5 years and 3381 days ago)
I'm skeered...lol good work!
Really like it, I think I would have toned down the colour just a little, but still a really cool chop!
very well done woo hoo
Holy cow, I better not mess with you and score you high = ) Nicely done. Very scary = )
Wow...and to think I wasn't even gonna enter this piece! So happy you all like it so much! Thanks everyone!!!!!!!
I thought this was scary.....until I saw the source....I feel for the hubby and the kids when you`re having a bad day .....very well done author perfectly executed
Terrifyingly terrific! What an excellent image ... and I agree, I will avoid messing with you! I will even fav ... see I am being nice; you wouldn't want to bite little old me
You know you can just bite me!
Perhaps a good reply to most these comments would be:
It seems the most fitting.
Absolutely awesome and I think a sure win. GL!
Congrats Jadedink you're scary, beautifully done
I prefer to NOT come a little closer and shout from a (for me) healthy distance: Congrats for your first place!
I could be a little more obnoxious, but i don't want to.
OMG!!!!!! WOW. this is a surprise to log in to!!!! 11 favs?? i don't think i've ever had that.
Thanks so much for all the comments, and support guys!!! this was really FUN!
and first place. *faints* awesome. absolutely awesome.
Very well done! Congrats.
Congrats, well done = )
I had a feeling this was up there!!! Great and congrats!
hey congrats!! its perfect for a horror movie
Hey I thought I might also mention congrats for having this are your 2nd highest chop. It seems Eddie Munster still beats ya
Congrats, Jade! Perfectly done!
But, answer me... how can a sweet girl like you turn into a frightful creature???
Of course, everybody has both good and bad sides, but... don't tell me it's your bad side!!!
Congratulation Jade
You guys are so amazing. all the support you've given me while i've been on this site is just too much!
and erika, i do have a bad side, but its more like the evil girl from exorcist than anything else.
however, my daughter might say this is my bad side. :lol:
i make a great frightful creature.
and thank you dawg
Jaws, that little eddie munster is still awful proud of his evil side. i'm happy he's still my best chop to date.
Holy Crap!, First off I have to say this is amazing. But second, I have no idea how but when this popped up on my homepage I recognized you immediately!
Howdie stranger!
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all source and PS custom shape and brushes,.. (5 years and 3390 days ago)
This one is so CBR'd, I can't make out the source image at all..
YOU are kidding, right mossy??
the tires is part of teh source. the front of the sprayer.
the bumper is teh turn on valve on the source.
the ground the car is sitting on is from the brick wall.
the body of the car is the actual nozzle of the sprayer. notice the "soaker" printing??
i admit there needs some work done to blending of things..but CBR? not really. i've seen worse. ALOT worse.
@ mossy,...CBR ? yes..maybe something wrong with your eyes...hehehe...and jadedink's eyes are sharper than yours...I hope your eyes have no problem to read jadedink's comment,...@ jadedink, thanks a lot...
The car image is nicely done, and realistic. The rest is flat & cartoony, and IMO doesn't fit. Still, good work here.
YOU ARE SILLY AUTHOR!!! ... in a very great way LOL.. awesome
True, there are some issues with varying degrees of sharpness, but overall, I love the whimsy and design of this, very clever use of source, author! Great tree and buildings, would make a wonderful children's book illustration.
Fantastic work author...whole image is great compilation of different styles and i see great uniqueness in that...hat down for u author...well done
Howdie stranger!
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very cute!! good luck author
thank you
Great job on the sky!
Good job
very very nice work author...best of luck
Cool cartoon look
Howdie stranger!
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