(5 years and 3692 days ago)
Only the source image is used. (5 years and 3864 days ago)
Nice image.. good luck!
hehehe.. great work!!!
The image looks really great but wondering about the use of source. That aspect is poor in my views; there's hardly anything left of it and you could have used any source to do this image. If it had been a theme contest entry you would have gotten a much higher score and better comment from me.
Sorry author
Very nice! wow
you build worlds, where i want to live... i know that this is something trap, but if i find the way into these worlds, i don't care - i will be happy in this kind of prison... with love!
Hi author, I think you did a good and wonderful job. The image source does not have much field to choose from, also, it is not that you and some of us used a particle of the image source and did something that does not look like it at all, but it is the time that you spend at the computer, thinking, and thinking, and at the end, you do these wonderful images. Thank you for showing your abilities to create something different!!!
i love this image it will deffinately do well!
its a great work but i kinda aggree with rob here, you could made this with basicly any source... and the source should be vissible and its not in my opinion... but yeah, the result is awesome
Great work author
Thanks to all for the comments
Congrats, Cornelia!
Congratulations Cornelia for a first and third place, and for marking mine as favorite.
congrats lady
Congrats Cornelia, beautifully done
congrats Cornelia
Congrats!! Lovely work.
Congratulations for 1st, lovely pic, great work
Your guide is very helpful. Congrats on your win.
Howdie stranger!
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thanks to Dotlizard and Paul likes pics for the images. (5 years and 3892 days ago)
A frog went a-courtin' and he did ride, M-hm, M-hm. A frog went a-courtin' and he did ride, Sword and pistol by his side, M-hm, M-hm.. hehehe..haven't heard that one in YEARS..he's very white.. I'm not sure of where the chrome is?.. good luck author (see if you can gray the white area with out losing the slick ness.. I'm sure someone knows How.. I'm completely clueless unless I'm painting and that takes FOREVER and very hard to explain unless I'm sitting right next to ya (sorry.. still learning a lot.. chrome is a new one for me)
ok razzle dazzl Golum i gave it a tune up. this is tough i even used a chromesource
I think you have to add more dark shades(see the leg, it's almost ok), then only will get chrome feel
It doesn't feel like chrome.. to me chrome says really accentuated reflections and really obvious mirroring and distortion. Good luck though!
looks white
Cool, I like the idea here, but I think it should be an all chrome frog. feet included.
Howdie stranger!
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Nice one
The camels are floating in mid air...?
If you have ever been to the camel club, you would know it has a very scenic balcony.
very funny. Great idea. Good luck
Very nice idea...gl author
very nice
Howdie stranger!
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