An entry I worked on for Living hat contest that I didn't finish in time to enter. SBS coming soon!
(5 years and 553 days ago)
(5 years and 3096 days ago)
Great photo selection, this has a wonderful mood to it. Well done!
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thanks to leroys for the cowboy image (5 years and 3219 days ago)
He looks a might "green," but the eyes are great!
good work Author
thanks weso
@MossyB check the dragan effect to know what its look like !!!
An explanation in your sbs would be very helpful, author. Nice work tho. I think the green tint enhances his eyes.
thanks pearlie i will add comments in the SBS
Author, I suggested this contest. I'm VERY aware of the Dragan effect, and sorry, a green tint to the skin is not quite what a good "Dragan" strives to achieve...lol! Especially the green in his beard...Might work for St. Patrick's day, though!
Check Dragan's website (the link is in the contest description), and YOU can then see what the Dragan effect looks like.
You might try a Curves adjustment of the Green channel to try to tone that down a bit. Or pin a shamrock onto his hat.
I beg your pardon, MossyB, but a couple of the tutorials that I looked at certainly DO have options for changing the coloring, via variations. Anyway, ever hear of 'artistic license'??
Perlie, a green skin tone is more than artistic license, it's a technical flaw in a contest trying to emulate the effect.
And just because you saw green tutorials does not make them accurate Dragan effects. That's why I did not link to second-rate tutorials, I linked to the actual artist's website, so that members could see the effect to attempt, which is more a High Def, skin texture focused effect...That's why the contest states, "...give it your best "Dragan effect," not "sharpen and color tint it."
@Mossy i checked the site before i enter the contest ,and i wish u look at it again !!!!!and i checked ur portfolio and found what a prof u r !!!so please keep ur nice cute comments to ur self ,,,,and advice to u watch and try to learn from others no need to be against everyone to prove that u r the best ,,,,,any way i like the green color ,,,,and there r no standards in photoshop ,anyone has a vision, and try to express it from his point of view even if he try to copy, we must have our view to the subject ,,,so please try to be positive ..............thats all
thanks pearlie ,,and i respect ur opinion
@mossy looking to the first class site you suggest to the contenders if you look again you will find many colors in it (Yellow-Green even blue) so check it again and after all the work is not bad i think author did well ...............you might suggest to correct something in the work but its also depend on the creator imagination as long as he convinced in what he did no one can change it .......... as i think this site is to improve people skills by see others work and learn from them so i think its better to gave advice instead of dropping empty comments
again nice work author and good luck
thanks weso
hey, on this way anybody will learn nothing, ok author its ok to have a green cast on face but the bear is gray or yellow or brown (little red) , to make it very good from good, you may apply a mask for the hair and clothes, good luck!
Author, whether MossyB is correct or not in her statement about the green, I think it is rude to go look at someone's profile and think that they have no right to say anything... "and i checked ur portfolio and found what a prof u r !!!" Do you think that the millions of people who buy art everyday have no right to say what they think is good or not just because they can't do art themselves?????
oh and by the way MossyB, if you go to Dragan's site and click on Portfolio and then Advertising and then the 3rd picture in the 3rd row, you'll see a green tint to this.
before i comment on anyone work i check it several times ,,,and i must be objective,to be useful ,not commenting for just commenting ,, else i dont comment at all ,,mossyB provoked me ,,he is the one who suggested the contest,and though he didnt check the site !!!!! i'm not rude k5683 we all have the right to check any one Portfolio !!!! and we have the right to evaluate the works for any one and evaluate the person who is commenting on our work !!!So please before u accuse me thats i'm rude, read mossyb comments again and see what he said !!! is that the way we comment on each other work ?! ,i call that a rudeness
!to me i have no right to mock any one work even it was a crap ,we live to learn .....so to me ,where i stand k5683,yes i'm prof !!......so i think u own me an apology for what u said about me ...
....thanks and GL for all ......
yes MossyB may have been wrong in what he/she said when not knowing for sure whether or not that the style of Dragan can be green or not, BUT to basically say that he/she isn't a "prof" (whatever that really is--I'm thinking you meant professer?) because you checked his/her profile is just wrong in my opinion! It is like saying a coach doesn't know how to coach just because he can't play the game! MossyB may have a great eye for things whether you think his/her profile is up to your standards or not. Jeesh! Jawshoewhaw once basically said that he wouldn't take my advice into consideration about photo's because my profile "wasn't that spectacular" as far as photography went. I may not be able to execute photography as well as others, but I'm pretty sure I know what looks good or not. So, my point is...just don't go saying stuff about people's profile because their execution may not fit perfectly into their "eye".
Howdie stranger!
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some inexplicable strangeness (5 years and 3240 days ago)
Tnx to Obsidian Dawn :
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3240 days ago)
LOL...completely different ....! very well blended....
very funny great blend
Author, you've outdone yourself!
Amazing photo manipulation !
Retarded is politically incorrect. Mentally challenged is the appropriate term today.
Wonderful modification of the original. Very well done.
Thanks Trim...changed the name....dont want to upset anyone
lol this is great, it made my night..!! probably a fave also!
I don't know about the other comments, but this dude should be a presidential candidate? The world would be a better place!
Hey Woodztocker....he couldnt do a worse job
Thanks for all the great comments
Excellent job with the blending, the eyes freak me out. Possibly could have put a layer of lower opacity of white for the lenses but that is a real nitpick. Good job author.
LOL! LOL! LOL!!!!!!!!!! wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Totally different and very convincing work! Excellent author!
Congrats for 1st
Congrats Freejay, nice work
Well deserved win, nice job mate.
Thanks everyone
Thanks Solkee....i think ive seen this guy in Tasmania once ))))
Nice Job Congrats on first place
wow u won!! congrats!!!!
Howdie stranger!
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You are lucky!
I tried also to enter a few weeks older post, but one of the source images(the main one) has disappeared...
I know. When I went looking for the links to one of my sources, using the number from the name of the file, it took me to another image. I had to search the subject and locate by eye.
Source 6 link does not work, please fix
Wow. It was there when I uploaded, and is now gone. I will work on that. Thanks.
Ok, fixed. The filename was changed.
Cool idea and good SBS. Extra points for that.
Howdie stranger!
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