Used Adobe Illustrator (5 years and 2577 days ago)
I'd like to thank ozecha for his wonderful stock picture.
(the whole title is "How did the chicken cross the river" but it was too long)
I have to admit this was hard. I'm not even sure I completely understood what I was supposed to do. Any advice, tips or suggestions are highly appreciated.
Good luck to my competitors! :) (5 years and 2873 days ago)
that's cool looks right and good to me
thank you!
lmao excellent
I think you did a wonderful work..... the evolution of the chicken into a frog or viceversa, is good, I can clearly see the transformation.... good blendings and good luck!
thank you very much!
Excellent work, you should be proud! Well done 5*
wow! thank you!
well done author...
Thank you!
nice work gl author
This is perfect!..instant fav!! GL author
thank you for the comment and the fav!
Great job!!! Very well done!
Good luck author!
thank you!
Well done, author, nice transition.
Great entry and good score, been fun competing against you over the last 4 weeks.
Thank you! yes, it has been fun!
Congrats for making it to the last 4, I really enjoyed your entries in this tournament!
Congrats for a great entry, I really enjoyed your entries in this tournament!
Damn it, I can't remove my comment anymore, because the contests are closed now... didn't want to post the first one, because it sounded weird, so just ignore it!
OK, I ignored it. So I can't say thanks. :P
But I'll do a little dance for you instead.
Congratulations..... IMO you did a wonderful job in your blending.....LOVE IT! (There will be more challenges like this....do not miss them!)
Thank you so much George! I'll try not to miss them.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3167 days ago)
instead of the "guy" crossing the bridge, suggest substitute with ships/boats below it.
take care of the blending of the bridge and background image, so that they look as one.
perspectively speaking, the right side of the bridge should be smaller, since it is the furthest part.
it looks like an old postcard.... nice
The wooden mannequin ruins the illusion of this piece. He just looks out of place, proportionally and color-wise. I agree, either ships beneath, or a bunch of tiny cars would fit better.
Try to manipulate the point where the bridge touch the land so the vehicles who pass can continue their journey in the road :p. There needs a path becuase it seems that you have not access to the city.
I agree for the wooden mannequin, looks like e giant who has swallowed the colors of the city, and because of him you are loosing the idea of an old postcard.
Good luck.
yep, the wooden figure doesn't fit, try to blend the bridge in to the picture and you should cork a bit on the reflections. in high resolution you can see the reflection details that it doesn't fit.
All the best
Larger than life concept there.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3200 days ago)
Note from author: background image is own source.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3281 days ago)
lens flares take alot of focus away from images I find. Nice idea author, however the tree source you have use looks like it has a reflection in it, was it taken through glass? It is a bit blurry as well.
But good idea for sure so goodluck
its a nice concept, yet the technical side needs to improve
in my opinion the lens flair is pointless and the image stands better with out it.
all so, i would use different brushes (grass, roots or tree brushes) on the mask where the tree merges with the desk and the lamp
the transition does not look good when you use a soft round brush
good luck
very cool work author...GL
Howdie stranger!
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Howdie stranger!
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