(5 years and 2669 days ago)
Sources by:
Night Fate
Lennarish (5 years and 2819 days ago)
Excellent work! Very ominous image!
Thank you sooooooooooooo much! It's good to have more time than usual, to create!
Wow, one of your best works so far. Very creative and surreal.... good luck!
Aww, thank you for your kind words, George!
Thank you very much, Jordy!
Stunning Chop. Good Luck!
Thank you so much, Draco!
Incredible job author, it goes straight to my favorites.
Thank you for your words and fav, Roberto! Great honor!
Great mood and colors, well-chosen elements - very nice work, author.
Glad you liked, Carol! Thank you, dear!
great job...i knew this was yours right away
Hahaha... Thank you so much, friend!
Well done, I like the sharpness in the picture and the intensity =)
Thank you my dear!
spotted as favorite.. this is one your best work.... great effect, good luck
Thank you so much for your kind words, Anoop!!!
Congrats awesome work
Thank you very much, Madamemonty!!
Congratulation for 1st and 3rd place.
Thank you very much for the support, dear!
Congrats Daniela, great work!!
Sorry for delay! But, thank you so much for the support!
Thank you very much for the support Jordy!
Howdie stranger!
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I did this with a different model but the source needed permission to be used. The DA artist never got back to me. Due to the time crunch I had to improvise and created using my own model image. I also used my bloody tear stock and hair stock. The image was inspired by the darker classic versions of Rapunzel and the Little Mermaid. Not all fairy tales have a happy ending after all. The other images were Deviant Art Stock and are listed below. (5 years and 2963 days ago)
Nice job, author! You've done well. There's a peculiar dark outline around the mermaid's left arm near the lightning. Get rid of that and soften the edge and you'll pic will rock even more than it does now!
Thank you, I was very pleased with it as well. It's always so nice when and image in your head comes out the way you imagined. I know the line that you speak of however its to late for the contest. I will remove it off of the original though. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it
Howdie stranger!
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own source images used for the hands are uploaded in the sbs..any suggestions for improvement is more than welcome my friends....thank you (5 years and 3463 days ago)
Very good ... your concept is very sound and your choice of stock is great; you definitely have an eye for composition. There is a little more work needed on the cutting out of "Pandora".
If you are using a program with layer masks try using them to mask your image. You can start with the lasso tool (or whatever tool for selecting you like) after the basic selection is done you can go in and really refine it with a brush, I will even use the smudge tool to smooth and soften the outline.
Layer masks and adjustment layers give a lot more control and are non-destructive so you always have you original to go back to for reference. For fine tuning nothing works like a layer mask/adjustment layer
NOTE: using the Pen tool is also a great way to create selections but the learning curve is a bit fierce, worth the effort though!
thanx a lot frnd..did some changes...hope its ok now
Much better ... again nice choices! GL
Howdie stranger!
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Alot of layers! I have used the background, knife and half the skull of the source image provided. Only one other image is used.
This is not an image to be analized, it is just something I played with tonight, but still took a few hours grrrr...
Anyway, i was happy with the outcome :) :) (5 years and 3945 days ago)
i always go to the bucket, if i post something, which i don't wait analysis. such images are analyzed in the most! and, most seriously, i forget myself and go also to analyze them... eeerm... good luck!
lol its ok. i don't mind... I only put it there cause its not something I usually make. It is just a visual image not a "photo" type image that I tend to do lol I kinda let myself go for once
nice blending of the images ---like the overall effect well done
good luck =)
cool nice idea Good luck!
nice idea
Nice work
good work
err umm.. Author.. Oragami in the Hair?..you are very very very weird.. hehehe.. good luck awesome image
Nasty, reminds me of my ex. lol
the girl musta been a hottie then lol
good job..nice one
No analysis.. good luck.
she used to be pretty once ... lol .. nice work author
Really nice... good luck
Great idea, wonderful image, perfect background! GL
it's ok
Howdie stranger!
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Howdie stranger!
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