Photoshop Pictures: Cutest

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the cutest buddah - created by kingsta20

the cutest buddah
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 6/11Score: 49.8% (0)6066 views

As a start, i cut the buda using the magic-wand tool, and pasted it to a new layer and changed the back ground color using the gradient tool, from black to white..then added the eye image and re sized it to fit the eye then duplicated and flipped it horizontally and then used the mask to get rid of the edges and used the hue and saturation to make the color match with the buda,, then used the same techniques for the hair, nose, bikini and lips as well......then i added the text layer, Georgia white, and then finally added a new layer and filled it with a dark pink color and set the blend mode to the end i flattened the image and duplicated it once again, and then i filtered the original image with Gaussian blur, and set the blending mode of the copy image to overlay..that's it....hope its clear and enjoy (5 years and 3325 days ago)

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avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Hmmm... I'd remove those black dots from nose - they give a piggy nose to "her". And now that he is "she", dress her a bikini up!...

author says:

thnx for the tips erikuri, i hope i did a good job, on the modification...

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schneider says:

it's an outstanding creativity. i like it!

no avatar
schneider says:

it's an outstanding creativity. i like it!

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Now you can say she's cute... And the correct spelling for the name is Buddha ("h" comes before "a", not after...)

Howdie stranger!
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