Photoshop Pictures: Deep (page 7)

results 31 - 34 of 34

The Mysterious Deep - created by annabat

The Mysterious Deep
Favs: 12SBS: 21Hi-resRank: 1/10Score: 65.3% (36)6791 views

Please see Hi Res.

All photoshop and contest sources (except for fishes)

Thank You Mike Johnston on flickr for the fish photo (5 years and 3927 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar Giggles
Giggles says:

Great mood...great idea...Amazing entry!

avatar madamemonty

I love the attention to detail, high res looks really great

avatar Christy
Christy says:

I really like the frost on the glass...You can almost feel it...Really nice job...Good Luck

avatar Mike
Mike says:

gre8 image, very well made

avatar Mike
Mike says:

something told me this was yours

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Hey, this is a pretty cool image! Smart move putting it in this contest...not much competition...

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Very nice work

avatar animmax
animmax says:

I thought I had opened the wrong contest for a second!! Nice work.. But like all ROV's and submersables - you need some lights on the front!! IMHO..

avatar Kid
Kid says:

Very nice job

avatar Siminho90
Siminho90 says:


avatar nishagandhi


avatar gopankarichal

very nece thought

no avatar
olga says:

great work author! I really like it!

author [banned] says:

hmmm weird, but I never thought about putting it the other contest, since I used the other image a lot less. I built the image out of this source and there is nothing left of the other with all the stuff I put on top. The idea for using that image as the base for the sub, only came after I was mostly done w/ the cave.

no avatar
mix says:


avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Truly nice image. Great detail. Good luck!

avatar pingenvy
pingenvy says:

I would suggest, umm.....nothing. This reminds me of transportation in the game Myst. Very mysterious. Great stuff!

avatar Tuckinator

very cool

avatar siderismaris

beautiful. nice colors!

avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

Well done

avatar TheWinningStar

v goog job author it looks v nice .. GOOD LUCK

avatar jaskier
jaskier says:

Looking very good.

avatar Ory
Ory says:

Excellent, nice work

avatar Giggles
Giggles says:

Congrats Anna!Well deserved first place!

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 1st

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Congrats! Very well done. Oh yeah, babe this is great!

avatar pingenvy
pingenvy says:

Well deserverd Annabat!

avatar pthree
pthree says:

Congrats Anna ! Awesome mood.

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Anna, awesome work

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


avatar nishagandhi


avatar oana
oana says:


avatar gopankarichal


avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

CONGRAAATS!!!!! great work!

avatar devangel
devangel says:

Congrats for 1st

avatar spaceranger


Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:


deep - created by gornats

Favs: 4SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 2/10Score: 58.8% (30)8693 views

source only (5 years and 3931 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very creepy feel.. AWESOME.. love the Tick Like Creature and the body parts hanging from the ceiling.. woo hooooo

avatar arkncheeze

Creepy yet nice...

avatar chaplain
chaplain says:


no avatar

excellent work!

avatar Siminho90
Siminho90 says:

cool! very good done!

avatar annabat
annabat [banned] says:

This is Really good, NICE MOOD!!!! *creeped out*

avatar Christy
Christy says:


avatar devangel
devangel says:

very well done. great job author!!

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Nice job done author

avatar nishagandhi

very nice

avatar Ory
Ory says:

This is pretty cool. ~I like all of the image except for the floor, not sure why, its just not the same standard as everything else. But still a great piece.

avatar Tuckinator


avatar CSevrip
CSevrip says:


avatar darkshellie23

ohhh thats creepy good. nice gl-

avatar andrej2249

That floor looks like the slimy inside of an alien! But I still like it. Very good!

avatar dreamdriven

I like the pupa creation

avatar animmax
animmax says:

Hahaha - looks like the face huggers from Half Life!!

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Congrats! Very well done.

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 2nd

avatar orientallad


avatar gopankarichal


avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

Congrats on 2nd!

avatar spaceranger


Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:


Blue Deep Space - created by George55

Blue Deep Space
Favs: 3SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 6/10Score: 60.2% (0)6231 views

I like spacial scenes, I thought, maybe this "blue" contest would be good to use one of my space works...

Changes made, foreground a little stronger... and the smaller planet over the bigger has the highlight diminished. About the big planet/moon it looks ok to me, I think it looks rounded and spherical...As a matter of fact I used the Filter - Spherize to get this effect.

(5 years and 3942 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Very spacey...good luck!

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Nice flow.. good luck on this author

avatar fille
fille says:

i don't know... but how i can to know - i've never been in space... good luck!

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Nice textures and mood! Good luck! Looks great!

avatar 8DX
8DX says:

intriguing? the blue suits the mood. like it

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Interesting image, I like the light. Perhaps the big planet in the right corner would receive a bit more light (compared to the smaller planet in front of the big one). Good luck!

avatar OliviasArts

interesting image, i like it alot goodluck.

author says:

Thank you for comments... Waz..I will reduce the light over the smaller planet that is over the bigger...

avatar DanLundberg

Cool idea. The edge of the foreground surface, and the notch in it especially, should be stronger. The biggest moon/planet seems more like a disc than a sphere.

avatar gopankarichal

welldone. nice feel

avatar LKY
LKY says:

gr8 job....

avatar devangel
devangel says:

avatar chainedheart
chainedheart [banned] says:

I love spacial scenes as well

author says:

Changes were made....... Thanks for comments and suggestions

avatar chakra1985

nice job

avatar Christy
Christy says:

Nice Image!! Good Luck

avatar nishagandhi


avatar Giallo
Giallo says:


avatar CorneliaMladenova

Congratulations on the top-7 and thanks for the congrats

Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:


deep - created by mariosilva

Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 10/10Score: 52.3% (0)7992 views

tkxs to persons who made this sources possibel (5 years and 3951 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar RGB
RGB says:

Cool idea, nice work and good luck!

avatar animmax
animmax says:

I think you need to work on the scale of the skull teeth a little more. They appear a little too large for the mouth and look out of place.. GL.

avatar tapiona
tapiona says:

I agree on the teeth, good luck!

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

What's up with the green stuff! >.< disgusting :\

avatar Feodora
Feodora says:

Hahahaha, omg !

avatar ReapRevenge
ReapRevenge [banned] says:

this maybe an imptovement .. hehe!!

avatar mellowdesign

His left eye looks a bit it just filled white? Freaky pic!

avatar hsbee
hsbee says:

the left eye looks flat... and ask this guy to brush his few remaining teeth.. yuckie gl

avatar Kid
Kid says:

Agree, left eye looks awkward :P

no avatar
TJ says:

The left eye doesn't look right.

avatar DanLundberg

Goony. Aside from the flat left eye, the mouth also seems like too much of a black hole.

avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:


avatar CrAzYChelie

The eye you manipulated is a bit flat. Try adding some shading to make it look more realistic. Very ugly smile btw, lol!!

avatar Ory
Ory says:

His right eye is not very realistic, its too white, add some red veins and it will make the whole picture look good, nice job on the smile

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Funny face, but I completely agree with Dan. Give the eye some shading and check in the mirror how your mouth looks like on the inside from that angle. Good luck!

author says:

thkxs , good tips

avatar OliviasArts

love the eyes ;p

avatar RasGold
RasGold says:


Howdie stranger!
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