Made only with source and a texture. Use brushing techniques from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrugGqwwLlM (5 years and 305 days ago)
They tried to cross the desert but came across sandstorms and all kinds of obstacles so they gave up, abandoned the vehicles and phoned a rescue team to
save them. While they were waiting, they took out their frustrations on the vehicles. That's why they are in such a sorry state. (5 years and 465 days ago)
...but were they rescued? Then what? I now know who to call when I need advice on brushes and how to use them. Your work is very inspirational but you do know how I feel about your stuff so I will shut up right now.
Yes they were rescued, otherwise I would have had to put bones in the scene.
Thanks for commenting Olga.
Not enough wrinkle cream in the universe to fix this one... hehehe.. GREAT JOB!
Thanks Ernest.
Its beautiful image, great work !!
Thank you very much Verikakis.
Congrats Skyangel, this is a smashing chop
Thanks Sylvie. Love your humor. Haha.
Great work!
Thanks Wyndham.
My congratulation for your realy great work!
Thank you Verikakis.
Howdie stranger!
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Made from the Star and a texture. Check out the SBS to see how it was made. I included two images that were used for reference. Not one pixel from these reference images were used. Only the Star and texture were used. (5 years and 527 days ago)
You're a maniac. In the best way, of course...
Sometimes these take a life of their own. I could try to make a happy scene by a lake and end up with something dark and gloomy.. or even an elephant juggling zebras. This one came out as planned. Never any real struggle. It just all came together. Well I did struggle a bit making the body of the vehicle look rounded, then I slapped on like two strokes of a dark color and it was a miracle.
Thanks for the "term of endearment".
Talk about CBR.... Can't recognize the original source at all but your work is excellent. At least the SBS shows us what you did with it.
Yea this needed an SBS to seem legit. Thanks Angel of the Sky.
Great job
Thank you rob. Glad you like it.
Very good! funny, I used the same lady here: http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-picture/58668708c6e15/Thunderstruck--recurring-dream.html
Well, you took #7 and me #8
Nice chop!! mjranum-stock at Deviantart has some cool stuff for sure.
Very good chop ! Howerver i cannot feel the source image...
I hear ya and a valid opinion. I didn't want to take the face and put it on the moon or something like that. Glad you at least like it.
congrats and well deserved
Mahalo Majkman
Congratulations. Excellent as always.
TY Angel.
Congrats B
Thanks Z!!
Congrats for first place BWR ! Incredible picture !
Thank you lolu. The source was so "blah", did what I thought was best.
Howdie stranger!
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An entry I worked on for Living hat contest that I didn't finish in time to enter. SBS coming soon!
(5 years and 548 days ago)
You are lucky! I tried also to enter a few weeks older post, but one of the source images(the main one) has disappeared...
I know. When I went looking for the links to one of my sources, using the number from the name of the file, it took me to another image. I had to search the subject and locate by eye.
Source 6 link does not work, please fix
Wow. It was there when I uploaded, and is now gone. I will work on that. Thanks.
Ok, fixed. The filename was changed.
Cool idea and good SBS. Extra points for that.
Howdie stranger!
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Please view Hi-res since you probably can't see the whole thing in the preview.
Stars were made with noise, blur, levels, and outer glow. Shooting star made with a star shaped stock brush. It's tail was a filled triangle with motion blur and Gaussian blur. Camera strap was masked out, pasted back in, and warped. Antennae is made from one of those long ear things. The fog was brushed in with a stock round brush with "render clouds" as a texture. His eye on our right was enlarged. Had to make feet for the bird since the source image didn't have any. The hill he is standing on was shaped with Content Aware Fill. Paper texture was used to make the film canister look old. (5 years and 679 days ago)
Amazing.Love it.
TY SDS. He is a good character for sure.
thanks a lot ! 100 % agree with you
Oh it was you!
Congrats !
Congratulation mate!
Howdie stranger!
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I felt so alone in this contest. But now that you are here with me, my life is good.
I know how it feels
Congrats B! See, you were not alone finaly
Yes yes. two of my favorite Photoshoppers came to visit me. You and magicalfruittuts .
Congrats well done.
I Have started liking Nemanja's tutorials more and more. Especially since he's been doing more and more compositing and manipulation stuff.
The tut I linked was pretty good. I have seen a few more by him too. He used a real cloud to make his brush. The one I used was made in PS like this. It's the only Cloud Brush I use.

I tend to go to PixImperfect for tuts. Unmesh is really good too. Or PhotoshopTrainingChannel. Jesus Ramirez is also good and was credited in the Photoshop program itself as he created something for it - I forgot what. Maybe I will check out Nemanja's channel more on your recommendation.
Howdie stranger!
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