(5 years and 3089 days ago)
Meet Amandine, the Parisian, Moulin Rouge themed, fashion doll. Be sure to check out the SBS guide to fully appreciate this piece. (5 years and 3129 days ago)
Don't mean to be a buzz kill, but I'm pretty sure you can see her ***** in the SBS lol. Other than that - great job! At first I thought you had simply designed the box for a doll. GL author
You didn't create the doll, you just changed the hair and clothes...
@MossyB: I'll take that as a compliment, because I really did create the doll. You are welcome to review my PSD file if you like, so you can see for yourself. Have you checked the SBS?
MossyB--I would like to help defend the author here. The job she did is amazing, she did much more than "just the hair and clothes" and Id like to see you put up nearly as good of an entry
@happyme27: Thanks for your support and appreciation of the work I put into this entry.
@lolu: I really don't know where you get this idea. If you think you're looking at a simple cut and paste of a real doll, then you're wrong. But if it's that hard to see or believe, I guess it means I did a pretty convincing job.
Also, you are most welcome as well to review my PSD file if you want to see for yourself.
Outstanding SBS, I think you made the doll from your model (source). Great work. Professional quality results.
@happyme27.....how do you know it is "she"
@author...good work
@deki---actually after writting the comment I realized that I didn't know and managed to just assume. my bad. hope no one was offended
I wasn't offended. Although I'm a he.
This is amazing. Putting a sheen on the skin to make it look plastic...perfect. Excellent result for all your hard work.
Welcome HE Looks like you got right into it off the bat.
This is an fine chop Author, take the good commenting here and number the bad.
very nice first entry. At least I think it is your 1st entry. Good luck.
great SBS great RESULT
all you deserve is great HIGHSCORE great FAV
best luck author
I thought it was a doll that you used as a source, but after I saw your SBS, I was amazed with his work, very good, my fav!
You fooled some folks.
great work
Wowly well done, toss up with another for top honor. may the best one win.g.l.
What a great work author! I envy you!!
Congrats on a well deserved 1st!
Congrats, wonderful work
A big thank you to everyone who voted, commented and faved my entry. I'm currently on a small vacation, but I plan to turn the SBS guide into a detailed tutorial and be a contestant in future Photoshop contests.
Nice Job Congrats
A quick update: I'm not going to make a tutorial for this piece. I'm just too busy creating new stuff...
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(5 years and 3130 days ago)
Thats actually very creepy
Yep. Meant to be creepy!
That's one creepy doll! The kid doesn't look like he's having a good time with it, either! lol!
Nice entry.
funny entry author good luck
My fav !
hmm i hate to be negative, but she looks more like a robot pig (robot like bicentenial man - Robin Williams), and the warthog from TMNT....? i dunno just my opinion.
@ Dragoncide: So what? Is she a big creepy doll or not? Check the contest guidelines.
big creepy doll,like it well done
I love how you did it author! Very well done!
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(5 years and 3204 days ago)
Great job!! Way to use your imagination!! Keep up the good work!!
super well done
excelent, GL!
nice, looks very good.
great one!
the girl on the source image looks like the orphan, from de movie "Orphan". lol kind of creepy! good luck!
Nice mood & convincing aspect. The orphan movie was really cool
Gorgeous, the eyes are so deep and magic
Thanks everyone! I spent a long time deciding exactly how to go about the doll pieces, as I really wanted to capture the ball joint style dolls. I am happy to have received such great compliments from so many of you! reminds me why I enjoy entering the contests! Thank you so much!
I had to look up ball-jointed dolls - you did a great job with this! Perfect bkgd with her.
Yeeee! Congratulations
Congrats Jaded!
congrats again, sweet
Congrats again too, awesome
Way To Go! Congratulations>
congrats, don't know why but it's scary )
Congrats again! Great work!
congrats.. hehehe
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(5 years and 3326 days ago)
The neck area looks kind of wonky - The really dark shape beneath the head makes it look like the head is floating, and it doesn't look at all like a shadow...Nice job on the background!
Very good
The general mood, the colors and theme is nice, it's some details which could make the entry more finished. That's imo mostly the hair, that looks a bit too roughly drawn compared to the more clean rest of the images. Pay a bit longer attention to it, perhaps you can add a blending layer (with mode multiply) to make the dark parts a bit darker so the hair looks somewhat more smooth. Or just use a tinier brush to get thát detail which make the image more like a whole. Same story would be for the strings. Perhaps here and there the edges from the suit can be a bit softer too. But for the rest I'd think that Tim Burton would like this .
@Mossy: not sure, but maybe the dark shape you mention is not necessarely a shadow but some kind of necklace?
Author, good luck!
Other than maybe make the right side of the head the same shape of the left (since she's staring strait out) it looks like her head is deformed but other than that, this is still one of the best entries I've seen. Fix that and I think you just might have a winner. GL!
I tried to fix the most critical parts, really thanks for you guys for making me know.
with few little adjustments this could be a fantastic image(mostly the hair)..but having said that, i really like it..the mood is great..goes to my fav's..good luck!
I really like this image! I couldn't really tell what was on the right side of her untill about the 5th look. Also not sure why you added an sbs with just one background image?
like the concept very much..., good luck author
love this, good luck!!!
Gruesome little thing isn't she. Has a very doll-like quality to her which makes it more impressive considering the scissors and the clothsline! Love the concept!
congrats on a well deserved 1st place
Congrats for the first place !
Congrats, this is really creepy
congrats very nice work.
Congratulations darling, you deserve it!
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hehehe.. looks like Florence and the Machine LOL, very weird and fun
LOL...Thanks!..it looks a little like Florence, u are right hehe..
ha ha nice author...
All the best..
weird and fun.Nice author.
reminds me of the animation movie coraline
good luck
Howdie stranger!
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