Picture of cloudy sky is mine. (5 years and 1449 days ago)
Thanks to https://www.facebook.com/FotostyleSchindler (5 years and 1512 days ago)
Very Classy!
Thanks classy man...
Nice image.
"Hello darkness my old friend..."
Oh... it's brownout... hehe...
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Dragon made out the picture of a komodo dragon (5 years and 1516 days ago)
Good approach to the theme, author. Please post a link to the komodo dragon source.
It's my own photo of a komodo dragon. I want to add the original photo for everybody to see or download, but I can't find a way to upload these easily. any suggestions?
Just add the photos to the SBS as separate steps and label them MY PHOTO.. easy peasy...
Very fun chop
how easy indeed. Thanx Drivenslush
No problem author, now center his horn or give him two for balance, it's annoying... I AM JUST KIDDING, it's fine just the way it is, I'm just messing with you. It reminds me of the "Cartoon Films" on PBS on late night that were "not allowed" in prime time way back in the 80's. Mainly because they were just a little off base college creations that involved Frankstien Chocolate Cake that the villagers had to eat in order to kill it. Weird. Thanks for the memory dump LOL
It was a good combination of your drawing with the texture. Good luck.
Thanks mate
Thanks mate
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The egg needs a little more work, and also some of the highlights here and there need more work. (5 years and 1518 days ago)
Question: why post your entry before the "stuff that needs work" is done? You have FIVE MORE DAYS to get it right... I'd also suggest making the dragon larger, since it's the purpose of the contest.
Because in my eyes it's just little retouching and I am not sure I am going to do it. I have to admit 15 days is a little bit short delay for me. And I say "it needs a little more work here and there" to let people know that I am aware it needs more work, so people wont post comments to point to those specific areas. But all comments are welcome anyway.
Having a flash back of the Mothra Egg from my child hood. Yowza.
That little white edge on the the lip of the crater is a slight distraction but the overall feel of chop has a very red feel to it. Sort of like a Sepia Effect only pounded into the orange/red spectrum.
While the egg is technically a baby dragon (in my book anyway) the contest is a DRAGON contest so that might be something to look into.
As time is a factor (and it would be a big change) you might want to think of having a crack in the egg with a claw popping out. Just a suggestion.
Good work overall, enjoyable vision.
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This image is created from almost completely from my own stock and drawing. I did use a texture by Marqoni - http://fav.me/d4allfs but everything else was from my own photographs and digital drawing. See SBS for in depth and original photo etc. (5 years and 1647 days ago)
Great fantasy image.
Thank you so much!
Very well done! Great to see you again!
Great to be back ...
Fun! Refraction reflection is AWESOME!
big grin and hugs!
Beautiful image. !!
Thank you so much ... I have been away and no internet so a little slow but really appreciate the comment and all
Wonderful work
Thank you, thank you and thank you ;D
I have been away and no internet so a little slow but really appreciate the comment and all
What a magical image.. definite fav in my gallery and personal collection. Truly inspiring.. Welcome back author
You say the kindest things! Thank you so much anoop ... Sorry it has taken so long to reply, out of town and no internet! Had fun but missed my computer ;D.
Amazing image. Love the sweet dragon and the spooky background. And don't know why the fav button does not work...
Glad you found that button!!! Hugs!
I have been away and no internet so a little slow but really appreciate the comment and all
Aha, it worked
Tee hee ... see other message!!!
Congrats for your second place, Arca
Thank you so much!!! I was so pleased ... I had been away and no internet so it was a wonderful surprise!!!
Congratulations... beautiful image...!
Thanks! I was thrilled!!!
At the risk of repeating myself ... I was so pleased ... I had been away and no internet so it was a wonderful surprise!!!
congrats! very nice water
Thanks you so much!
Congrats! You just keep getting better!
Or more determined ... took a lot of trial and error ... I didn't want a vicious dragon but something more ethereal and sea serpenty ... think I came close! Thank you so much I was away (camping) and no internet ...the 2nd place was thrilling to come home to!
Congrats Arca..,
Hugs and thanks!
Congrats for 2nd place.
Thank you so much!!!
congrats on your placement..
Howdie stranger!
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Very nicely done and original thinking! Little dragon fits in well with the other sculptures. My only critique is that the edge where the sand meets the little dragon might be a little soft. If you look at the sculpture in the foreground the edges there are more distinct. Just a minor point, personally this is the entry I like most.
Thanks for your comment, I used a softer brush and softened the edge there where you pointed out. Hope it looks better...
I think you mean you made the edges less soft which is what I suggested. Looks perfect now!
Thanks again Rein.
One, two, ready, go
Grow some big feet, holes in history
Is where you'll find me, is where you'll find
All is love, is love, is love, is love
~Karen O
Thanks my friend.
Good job! Love it!
Thanks my friend....
Congrats once again George, I really like this one!!
Thanks Rein.. I like learning... thanks for your advise...
Howdie stranger!
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