Please, don't tell me this is not a maze. After two bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon everything look like a maze ;)
3DS max (5 years and 3895 days ago)
Do Cows Drink Milk...well not really...they drink whiskey and here is a drunk cow to prove it.
(5 years and 3931 days ago)
Nice idea good luck!
haha! love it!
too young for this! where is mam's eyes?
Funny! Soften the cow's hard edges and you've got something...
good luck =)
haha funny one
High Marks for the the color scheme alone.. the mood is just wonderful.. but what happen to the cow's right front leg.. it's not in the source picture either.. that's just plain weird.. not your fault. but it just seems strange LOL.. good luck
EDIT: Great leg fix.. I still can't figure out where the other leg is in the source, very perplexing
well done - lighting is nice
Great imagination!!
ha ha. nice one.. gl
very nice
Is the cow that drunkk that he's legless?? I would fashion a new leg from the existing. Copy paste warp.. I am sure you can manage it.. GL.
cooool and nice mood
okay?... nice
Blending is really great, and the concept too !
Much better with 4 legs! Good job..
lol great concept!!!!!
great idea!
good job and good luck
lmao @ mad cow bar hehehe
well done! good colors and arrangement. like this one.
I always knew it I love the colours. Good luck
REALY nice!!! Wonderful composition, great entry (like the vignette effect myself) 2 thumbs up!
Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3933 days ago)
Funny as hell very nice chop good luck!
this is just wrong on so many levels.. Plaid with a Floral Striped PRINT?!?!?!?!?!.. really? Oh the cow with the baby hands is pretty awesome.. but a plaid blankey with a floral striped print?... seriously, kids nowadays
hoofs holding the bottle would really add to the picture, good luck =)
Do calves have baby hands?
That would have been one painful birth i bet!! The looks on their faces would have been priceless! GL.
Lol funny
LOL!! nice idea!
LOL This is hysterical.
thx all for the nice comments!
CMYK46, you're right, calves don't have baby hands. but, on the other hand, they never wear baby clothes...
They do drink milk :P good luck.
Yes, baby cows drink milk, thats how it works
simply very funny,gG:L
good idea. hands you have to change
yes they ..don't drink milk
uuuhg... only mothers could love such faces.
Nice and funny! Good luck!
Kinda freaky.. xD
Howdie stranger!
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wow pretty cool!
this is an EXCEPTIONAL maze.. just wonderful author... GOOD LUCK!!!!!
love it
cool 3d
Well, it's sort of maze-ish, anyway...
fantastic work, really excellent. Is the liquid in the glass wine, if so then would it not be darker and slightly less opaque.
Good work...!
very nice work. I think we need a seperate section for 3D Imaging contests.
Thanks for comments.Richie M B, you're a real connaisseur
, fixed. CMYK, for me the word â€spleenâ€came only from Baudelaire's beautiful poem, I'm sure you knew it. Gopankharichal, segregation is not a solution. And after separating 3d from PS what next ? separate mouse from tablet ? PS 7 from CS4 ? 3DS max from Poser ? And so on...
Wine looks much better now, excellent.
First class work on this love the reflections in the glass... keep pushing the 3D work top job
Congratulations for 1st, great
Congrats! Well done!
Congrats, awesome work
Congrats!, very nice work
Congrats!, very nice work
Congrats for 1st
Congratulations!!!! amazing work! keep it up! x
Howdie stranger!
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