Photoshop Pictures: Dside

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The Warrior - created by dside666

The Warrior
Favs: 1SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 6/17Score: 54.8% (10)4398 views

Mirrored original pic to form body , took a picture of my eye for eyes and used my mouth hehe, had to pull a face to get right shape hehe, horns cut from leaf, used wood planks for arms from orig pic, cut knife shape out of wood and added a style i made. (5 years and 3675 days ago)

avatar visba
visba says:

I like the central quality of this image. All the lines in the body armor, head armor, and arms point towards the face, which is a good way to draw attention and keep it. The blurring is very well done and adds to that effect. Still the side edges of the vest are kind of sharp compared to the blurry background, so just touch that up a bit.

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chris says:

very nice work indeedy!

avatar gotmeamuse

LOVE this style of edit!!!!

Howdie stranger!
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