No outside sources used. Only my own source photos were used along with the contest source. (5 years and 3478 days ago)
Thanks to NightFateStock and TimeWizardStock (5 years and 3520 days ago)
Whoa, what a fantastic creature! Which books does it come from, what power does it have?
I think you should lose the tail (??) between the back two legs. It really doesn't come off as a tail, but a leg maybe. Other than that great entry, good luck!
Very cool image and work, But I would have to agree that the tail dose not look like a tail anymore? And the front legs look to far apart probably because the leg that is bent, isn’t bending in the right place....Take another look at the original horse image
Tail removed
really cool
looks better since you nixed the tail
Nice work. Looks much better without tail
White in background, white on figure...a different background would pop the figure more.
Nice mood here, and a powerful looking beast = )
very well blended... and the feel is nice too
Thank you for the suggestion Mircea, the problem was finding sources that fitted that idea, i had to settle for the stock that i used which I then warped and liquified quite heavily. I do agree with you though. Thanks for the comment and the favourite
Congrats Matteo!
Congrats great image!
Congrats for 3rd
Congratulations, Ponti, Great entry!
Congratulations, Matteo!
hybrid stuff?? congrats....
Congrats Ponti
Howdie stranger!
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Landscape by Silja Erg http://siljaergstock.deviantart.com
Model by Lindowyn http://lindowyn-stock.deviantart.com (5 years and 3715 days ago)
Nice chop, but not very dusky...
It's daylight saving time here Thanks CMYK...
lol@day light savings
Adding color to the end of the sky and maybe darkening it would make it look more like dusk.
Thank you jawshoewhah! Darkened the sky a little... Not much, I'm afraid to lose the moody atmosphere
great job
Howdie stranger!
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Imagine yourself walking to the shore of the lake, the grass beneath your toes.....just before you reach the edge, you stop for a moment. Your dog pauses and waits for you, watching your every move as a dog does. You take in the soft cool air on your face blowing from above the water. The smell is like none other....mmmm. Then you realize the sun has gone and the moon has arose. Along with the moon, the bridge has lit up...glowing like fireflies. You take in the beauty, the magnitude, the wonderful gifts God gives us.....
I used the source image and an image of my own of senior pictures that I did. Please see High Resolution and Original Bridge picture in SBS.
SBS coming soon (5 years and 3851 days ago)
I like the feel here.. good luck.
very cool image!
Throw a ball for that poor dog before he eats you... Lovely scene.. good LUCK!!
The colors are well blended and the subject shows the desolation of the spot.Excellent
Nicely created mood here. Good blend. Dog seems a bit dark and shadows seem too dark as well. Nice job
nice chop
Feels like you could step right into the scene! Good luck.
Beautiful. I like misty images And the doggie looks so sad.
Howdie stranger!
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All sources original, Fun tutorial, Thanks! (5 years and 3867 days ago)
Very nice, but the two people on the right are very pixelated, but the rest really looks great.
Ponti look the high res because deep colors like blue and red "pixelate" in low res. Great image (again) I like it
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This is a really beautiful and powerful image! I'd like to know if a confrontation like this is actually possible, and who is the winner.
I've been told you should never surprise or get in the way of a moose-especially an angry one. I should think this scene could be very real.
Very nice. Well done.
nice work !! g l
great colors and mood author...good luck...
good job..., goodluck to you
Absolutely gorgeous sweetheART fave ;} happy hippy hugglez
Howdie stranger!
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