Photoshop Pictures: Emotion

results 1 - 5 of 6

Melancolie - created by lolu

Favs: 1SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 3/12Score: 58.1% (25)15933 views

I try to create a personage making a fusion between happy and sad face.
I realise it's a little bit froggy ;) (5 years and 664 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar BWR
BWR says:

A disturbing frog man. Congrats lolu.

author says:

Thanks BWR

(5 years and 660 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Braaaavo Lolu

author says:

merciiiiiiii Zizounai

(5 years and 660 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Congratulations Lolu. Well done.

author says:

Thanks skyangel

(5 years and 656 days ago)

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AI emotion - created by gornats

AI emotion
Favs: 3SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 2/12Score: 71.2% (37)9876 views

(5 years and 2913 days ago)

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M.Sh says:

Beautiful work!

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

I don't quite get the floating jaw, but it's good work, author.

author says:

@ CMYK46... well it's not really floating , it's the outer layer detaching (sort of artificial jaw dropping experience)
....well at least that's what i tried to make...thanks for the observation

author says:

thanks Nator... added little more light in the mouth ( not too much , it was too distracting IMO )

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Removing the shadow under the jaw would make it seem attached to the mouth.

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Unique and colorful. I like the way you think author!

avatar hereisanoop

good imgae.. cool imagination...

avatar George55
George55 says:

Wow..... you did a good job! Good luck!

avatar spaceranger


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Icy emotion - created by siderismaris

Icy emotion
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 4/12Score: 57% (20)10909 views

When you are covered with emotions...i feel you'll gone melt. this the feeling I wanted to express through my image.
Created a simple background, with some lines with the line shape tool. I like working with colored tones in order to create a symphony of colors and sensations. Hope you like it!

credits and thanks: (5 years and 3590 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar lashari
lashari says:

nice ....

avatar hereisanoop

your style is not non anonimous for me....... Good luck author

avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

I agree with Anoop , this is a style i know good luck , its a good work

avatar kakarot
kakarot says:

Looks good Nicely done

avatar sophia
sophia says:

nice work author

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Happiness is everything, and I hope you'll be happy, forever!

avatar rasellia
rasellia says:

i think i've seen something similar to this entry...anyway, great entry, gl

avatar 04mehul
04mehul says:

Looks good.

avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

nice job

avatar chakra1985


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Emotion - created by ea8322

Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 10/12Score: 53.4% (0)6614 views

Credits to:

caltha-stock (5 years and 3824 days ago)

5 Sources:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Interesting image, but I'm not sure the juxtaposition of desaturation & color works, and it doesn't reflect the title to me...Also, the pic should somehow explain the symbolism. I'm not seeing that here.

no avatar

Kinda reminds me of the story about the Aztecs. They were trying to decide where they would build their city when they saw an eagle flying away with a snake in its beak. They took that as a sign. If you look at Mexico's flag, you'll see it.

Howdie stranger!
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eMotion - created by SOLARIS

Favs: 2SBS: 50Hi-resRank: 12/12Score: 41.8% (0)7175 views

my eMotions.

To simple! not very creative! I hear pre-estimated.

But it´s simple as that.
Sourrounded by dakness.

woops, something has changed.

well, now it´s been one day since i´v made and posted my entry.
starts from black over grey to finaly white.
What has happend?
short explained, ... i have sleped.
My emotional darkness, fear, hate and disappointments inverts
everytime to survive and actually to took the next wave over and over.

about the Entry:
I started with my superficial emotion, Black. Thats how the world
sees/treats me.
Now it´s White because thats how i see me-, and my emotional base.

about the SBS:
thats symbols "how i fight the darkness inside and outside of me"

about that one colored "hard to vote" entry: :-p

To me, there is nothing else to express the most powerful emotions
inside of me.

!!!PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT MY SBS BEVORE VOTE!!! *thanks (5 years and 3837 days ago)

author says:

let me add, there is a alternative end, but thats privat.

Edit: alternation is in progress.

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

avatar neverlander

almost reminds me of spongebob squarepants drawing a circle..... I love it.... so humorous

avatar inanis
inanis says:

reminds me of sand drawings. i would suggest to make the sbs files low-sized and make a gif out of them (loosing the text), just to see what would come out of it, post it somewhere (i don't know if pxleyes allows gifs to be submitted or not) and leave us a link.

avatar Giggles
Giggles says:

HIgh marks for the SBS!

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speel1993 says:

really clever, well done.

avatar dka120
dka120 says:

It sure was a clever and creative SBS, but the end result is just meaningless. So, sorry, really low marks for the entry. Higher for the SBS though.

avatar spygirl1978

it WAS a creative sbs, but i was sad to see darkness win in the end...):

author says:

@ dka120: Meaningless???? good joke! I gave you a simlpe black image, and your still to blind to see. To bad that your horizon is limited, but thats ok in my horizon @inanis: i thought about to let it run as my avatar for a while (+the alternative end) after the contest, will see.
@spygirl: well, will see

avatar visba
visba says:

My question is why did you add a high res version of the black image? SBS is great but the end result is still what we're judging, not the SBS.

avatar dka120
dka120 says:

Author: My so called "horizon" may be limited, who knows.. but I do know that a completely black image, that would take 1 second for anyone to reproduce, isn't impressive at all in a photoshop contest. Apart from the great SBS it's a complete waste of space compared to your previous entrys (in your portfolio). Since it's the end result that counts, not the SBS, I gave you low marks.You should turn the comments off if you don't want criticism.

author says:

dka120: i like criticism, make me think about things. May i sounded a bit harsh, that wassnt my intention. I appoligize.
Im fine with you vote. maby i would vote the same.

i really should be quiet now, have said to much allready.

avatar neverlander

you guys are not getting it, the image itself is so clever that it's almost a joke, there is really no point criticizing it..
and describing one's emotions simply with a black canvas is so meaningful and it only proves that you have not thought deep enough about it if you say it's meaningless.
Again, good job author

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Maybe a stupid question (and well, maybe also something that you dont want for your idea), but your psd file has different layers (with what you show in your sbs)? Otherwise, to give it more depth, you can make some very subtle steps of black in your final image (a bit like in the Black Album cover from Metallica). Good luck!

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

A lot of effort to get nowhere...

author says:

neverlander: thanks alot Wazowski: there are no stupid questions, but im not shure if i get yours first, jes every step is on a different layer. after every liquify i made a copy to save the original for the sbs. mean let some layers shine throu at the final? I thought about something like that, but it wont match til now. Actually it´s time for me to work on the second part. But what do you mean with "very subtle steps of black" sounds interesting, but i think you dont mean a gradiant right?

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Uhmmm...well, see it like that on first look the whole entry is black, but that if you look closely you see the things you made in your SBS (which is only possible if some parts are less black than others. Or if you use 90%opacity for each layer. Or I dunno what), Compare it with a huge painting in blue that's done with a very small brush; has another effect than if you'd paint with a paint roller . Good luck!

avatar Stowsk
Stowsk says:

Great Visual Story. The verbiage and rigmarole lose me. Every frame deserves one word. That would create a masterpiece.

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

Well, the SBS is good. The entry is ultimately too plain for me to even vote. Ya know what though? There is a lot of emotion here and I feel bad for you. It sounds like there is some spiritual issues you may be going through. The pic does say a lot and the making of it is good, but again I cannot even vote because i wouldn't know what to vote.

author says:

waz: ah! now i get you. great idea, i´ll think about that. @Stowsk: i get what your meaning, and i think your right. in that way it could have potential for a masterpice. @k5683: I know i have brought you voters into a strange situation. Actually thats also a part of my entry. The week issnt over. Something is already in progress. So for all who arent shure how to vote, just hold it for the votingdays.

avatar spygirl1978

yayyy!!! i don't know exactly what the gray represents, but in my mind, it means that dark and light have come to a middleground, which is duality!

avatar neverlander

why did you change it? I personally think that black bring a more surreal feel to the theme of emotions than gray, because now it really seems kinda know what I mean?

author says:

image, description and SBS has been updated. now im courious

avatar neverlander

not too sure about white either, but awesome sbs....

avatar inanis
inanis says:

i still believe that you should ask the mods if uploading a gif is possible or not, and if it is, you should upload a small gif instead of a large white nothing, that way people could vote the end entry not the sbs...

author says:

inanis: i understand your suggestion, but that would not match for me and my idea for that entry. (a gif would also be to fast) Missy: you see a big part of the puzzle another thing i should say now is: The white image is the final, and it IS very well thoughted. Even the dare to poste a one colored image, and the resulting vote problems for voters are a part of the entry, on from the beginning. More than you think maby. A small hint: "did your show emotions by asking yourself how to vote here?" If so, your getting closer to some thoughts behind. No matter how you will vote.

avatar inanis
inanis says:

well, the decision is yours. good luck.

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Doesn't matter to me whether the final image is white, gray, or black. There's a difference between the concept (Which I Admire) and the result, which is just a blank screen. So I vote on Photoshop skill alone...I don't give much of a vote to a white, gray, or black screen.

author says:

it´s always the end result your voting for, and that what you should do. I choose to show my elemental emotion, and it´s base. First i thought it´s black, but as i uploaded the white, IT told me it was the last puzzletile i placed. (before that i thought about to switch the colours with my real actual emotions til deadline, to find out what will be at the end) but i didnt needed to switch cause i realized it sooner (for myselfe i mean). The blanc screen says it all. Also equal parts of RGB produces white. I think there are colours in my emotions, so it cant be the black.

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

sorry but I still can't vote

avatar yahidithmonnalisa

hmmmm, i am at a loss... there are multiple ways to come up with a color screen, and to me is the result that counts when it comes to judging. don't get me wrong, i am a sucker for process, that is how i learn and enjoy creating, but that is for myself. when it comes to sbs, i think it looks more like a story board for an animation, a completely different medium. to me, if you have to give an extensive explanation, or an explanation at all, of your work, then the message is not coming out right. " a picture is worth more than a thousand words" is key.

author says:

k5683: your maby have the answer. yahidithmonnalisa: im totally with you, but if i had explained nothing, would you had understand that there is a idea behind? ...well i couldnd shut my mouth as i said so in comment 3. But it´s a controversial entry so i think it was needed to expain some things, maby not. Now it´s Friday, deadline, the final is a plane white image for you to vote or not vote. Im quiet now and enjoy the results in silence

avatar Mayechung
Mayechung says:

High marks from me. love the sbs. I don't believe we always vote on photoshop skills alone. :P Even if we do, sbs plays a big part in affecting the final vote doesn't it? lol..

author says:

what a finish
thanks alot for your votes may it sounds strange, but i like the result.

Howdie stranger!
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