That moment, when you want to take an artistic shot of the beach, and aliens decide to photobomb. (5 years and 787 days ago)
Thanks to Dietmar Temps from flickr, for the pic of the arab and camels, and to The B Tch also from flickr for the pic of the plastic flying machine.
An entry just for fun...we need entries though, compete even if you do not like the sources...keep pxleyes going! (5 years and 2641 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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1. Cubes were made using PS 3D resource.
2. The cat eyes are my own resource.
3. All the textures I used on the cubes and on the ground are in a pack (source 3). So I can't list one by one. (5 years and 2658 days ago)
Nice scene. The shadows and higlights are inconsistent, but i like the mood!
Great job author!
very impressive work author
Excellent work!
great idea, beautiful execution, bravo
Howdie stranger!
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Best viewed in high resolution. (5 years and 2813 days ago)
Great job on the huge craft! Very nice work on the planets as well, author.
Congrats on 2nd, Loyd!
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to delosj for the pic of the natural bridge, to davidprochazca, for the pic of the dinosaurs, both from Flickr, and Grafixar for the pic of the velociraptor, he is from Morguefile. The rest is my idea. (5 years and 2932 days ago)
Nice job! Very realistic...the foreground dino's color is pretty close to his background, so he doesn't really pop, but that's just me quibbling. GL author!
Thanks Bob. I added a redish color to the foreground velociraptor, darkened the background, just a little , and dodged some higlights over the rock.
Yep, it really pops now. GL once again!
Very nice!
But I think I see a division line behind the dinos, over the water. If it was not made on purpose, it needs a correction.
Thanks Erika....I have to clean my glasses more often. You were right, there was a division line over the water, and I corrected it already. You sure have a good vision my friend.
Your mistake ... I wear glasses too (for now only for myopia). But when I'm at my PC, I take them off - I can't read using them...
Howdie stranger!
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UFOs are renders.
5.6. 3D Renders or Illustrations as Source:
Using other people's 3D renders or illustrations (even with permission and no matter in which form they are offered) creates a false impression of your artwork. So 3D renders or illustrations can not be used as sources, unless they are entirely created by yourself. Only acceptable non-illustration brushes and clip art may be used, but you need to mention them as a source too. Don't use an image that has been altered by the source owner nor an entire work created by someone else.
CMYK46 is correct those UFOs are renderings and can't be used. There are many UFOs that are photos on sites like Flickr (see this forum post on how to search on Flickr: http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5644).
I can give you two links which I know are safe to use, this one on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Moonbeam_UFO.JPG and this one on DeviantArt: https://absurdwordpreferred.deviantart.com/art/Flying-Saucer-160295379 I've checked both and I know they are safe to use, the Wikipedia image is in Public Domain and the one on DeviantArt I verified to be a photo of a scale model. You can find more as I mentioned, if you aren't sure if the ones you find are okay just send me a PM and I'll check them for you.
It's an easy fix but make the correction as soon as you can to avoid a warning from the Contest Moderator.
Thank you for this important piece of info, and the links.
Howdie stranger!
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