A tower made from parts of engines. (5 years and 2970 days ago)
(5 years and 3053 days ago)
you should tur the item shes holding a little bit more. its seems like shes holding it in her hand on the first view but when looking better you see that its clearly not in her hand but resting on her puls/arm it would not be possible to hold an item that way. techniclly spoken it would be going right thru her flesh the way shes holding it now.. I love the setting and the color changes you did. Also the idea is very nice . Im holding off my vote for now in case you wish to fix this because it would surely change my vote.
Good choice of images, well blended. But Eladine is right, so please fix it, it's such a nice image.
This is one of my favourite entry for this contest. The colors are perfectly blended, the work is original.
I think is not so evident what Eladine says; i noticed this "bug" just after reading the comment.
I had funny ideas about what the thing that the model have in her hands is....
Anyway, good luck!
Wonderful entry author. She sure freaks the sh!t outta me
Good luck
nicely done except the stars could have maybe be a little bit more defined so that it doesn't look so much like smoke
@ Eladine: I agree partially - the hand's palm is quite flexible, the object could fit there but i admit i should have curved the device a little more.
@ TemporaNigra s: Ahah i swear i didn't think of anything else while making that xD
@ rsguetre: What stars? The ones inside the device? They're quite clear... the stars in the background are all blurred, which is on purpose ^^
Thanks for the constructive and also positive comments
its a very good chop, but it kinda looks like she's holding a.. ahem.. errr.. oh nevermind LOL
*Innocence*... The source picture already has... that form.... implicit!
Now that you've mentioned it @TemporaNigra, It indeed does.. well let's just say, after using that "portal engine", she'll be in a whole new world. (Sorry author, had to get that one out)
giggle snort (I have some D batteries for you) FLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Creative uses of source, love the belt and nebula in 'the device'. I think that portal engine could take someone to a whole 'nother galaxy! LOL
As always awesome author!...instant fav!
Howdie stranger!
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THX to Jelle80nl, Hotblack, Effennel, AndyGrayso, Cyrill
, Yochim, Therysma, MBeltman, Urban Don, Jerry Jones and Redjar for the lovely stock pictures ;-)
I was late for the actual contest, so i desided to put it here. I hope you like it. All comments are welcome ;-)
(5 years and 3072 days ago)
awesome man..
very nice build and idea -- think some texture on the edges of the parts of the head would improve this -- also maybe some shadows being cast from the face parts to the inner parts would give this more depth
Thx for comment
@ Alan, i will try to fix this
By the way, i got my inspiration from here:
This is pretty awesome!!..fav for me
@ Nator & Jordyponce: THX
Very well done, author!!
Unique, looks great in high res
Congrats Clinge wonderfully creepy
Thx to all for the nice comments
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3447 days ago)
It could use some sort of handles or steering wheel or something - to make moving it a bit more practical. Very neat idea, as a fan of cyber- and steampunk I've already got some ideas what to use it for ,-)
The smokestack needs to be centered.
very nifty author..high res is best
nice work...gl
nicely done...gl
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3598 days ago)
nice idea
You may want to throw some of the line pattern from the source into the base of the picture.. or just make a gravel pattern using the red bricks... you know how picky so many of the regs are at not seeing the source clearly.. GREAT GREAT GREAT JOB!!!!! (only if you want or have time... hehehe... awesome work as always)
Train is pretty well constructed, but the front (cow catcher) is flat...it should be V shaped. Also, the wheels don't look like they're on the tracks.
Train is pretty well constructed, but the front (cow catcher) is flat...it should be V shaped. Also, the wheels don't look like they're on the tracks.
Very cool!
But chimneys seems to be out of place (not in the middle)...
1st step, 2 point perspective, mad props!!!
nice .......................
beautiful ! outstanding work
A little CBR'd (chopped beyond recognition)
A little CBR'd (chopped beyond recognition)
Howdie stranger!
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like a Tesla Coil on Crack.. LOL.. good luck and nice chop.. good luck author
Howdie stranger!
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