hi everyone
I just cropped what I needed and put them together and formed as a helicopter
hope you like it.
please let me know your opinion
also let me thank SPACERANGER because of his huge help about adding hi resolution image of my work.
space ranger , I owe you one. thanks alot (5 years and 2710 days ago)
a hi res would be nice, if you could. i could see more detail and tell more of what you did
spaceranger helped me , now you can see the hi res
thanks for your attention .
Question as a newbe here at pxleyes , how come we can see a entry before the end of contest ?
. no bad intend
just wondering
I think you should ask this from moderators but I think the reason is to get feedback from others to make the entry even better.

also I believe this will cause others who will participate later work harder than those before and that makes the contest more challenging.
I am a newbie just like you , let me know your opinion about my work and tell me the fails you see in it please so that I can learn more and act better in the future.
I'm not sure what you mean. Entries are submitted to be voted on and to receive comments and advice. The author is anonymous until you place your vote after which his/her name is visible. You won't see the scores an entry receives only the number of votes placed, how many comments were made how many favored the entry and how many views it received.
How can you vote for an entry if you can't see it?
When you have questions like this please don't use the entry comments to ask them. Post them in the forum or contact a moderator. The comments made here should only relate to the entry.
Howdie stranger!
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