Photoshop Pictures: Fight (page 7)

results 31 - 35 of 42

the fight - created by kitty

the fight
Favs: 0SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 11/26Score: 56% (0)4816 views

(5 years and 3728 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar Suky04
Suky04 says:

very nice work !

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice idea, but too blown out...

avatar nowastedmoments

The two birds are a cool concept. Constructive criticism would be that the bright clouds might have too much contrast and brightness.

author says:

i hope it`s better now.. thanks

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Andersk says:

Love it!, i really dont know why, but the skyline doesnt fit whit the image, maybe replace it whit another image?, try to figure out something

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Fight for Treasure - created by nasirkhan

Fight for Treasure
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 8/26Score: 58.4% (0)6672 views

Thanks to

Also thanks to lPaul J Everett and upzdut at
(5 years and 3738 days ago)

8 Sources:

avatar divair
divair says:

Wonderful! Love the mood

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Didn't know they had steel truss bridges back in those days...

avatar George55
George55 says:

That is a nice image... good luck author

Howdie stranger!
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Thistles - Mouse fight - created by shaiju1974

Thistles - Mouse fight
Favs: 0SBS: 10Hi-resRank: 9/26Score: 51.4% (0)6900 views

First wish all of you A Happy and Prosperous New Year 2010
I used one external source of mouse
thanks to
Authro: lockstockb (5 years and 3738 days ago)

1 Source:

No comments yet... Be the first!Thistles, Mouse, fight

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food fight - created by jaescoe21

food fight
Favs: 0SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 9/26Score: 54.8% (0)4836 views

(5 years and 3752 days ago)

4 Sources:

avatar paras
paras [banned] says:

nice idea. you could add a bit of brown to the cofffee fighter and blur the red fighter's edges a bit

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I like your imagination but could you please upload a higher resolution so that I may see the details of your work? This will also greatly help your overall score with some of the other artists.

author says:

jawshoewhah i thought i did upload a high res. i checked the box when i uploaded it. this has been happening a lot lately.

avatar solkee
solkee says:

Please fix your source link 2 as it gives an incorrect link. Also if your image is smaller than a certain size it doesn't upload a High Res, so check the size of your original image.

author says:

oh that makes sense solkee thanks. how small does it have to be till it wont work. most of my things are 6 X 6

author says:

ok try the link now i think it is fixed.

avatar Siminho90
Siminho90 says:

nice idea.

avatar RayTedwell

If you add some highlights to the coffee warrior to make him look more liquid that would help - he just looks like a shadow now. Also the shadows from the men need a little work. Good concept though

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

There's still no high res avaliable. I'm not sure what you are doing wrong, but even in this res it's well executed.

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Fight another day - created by ReapRevenge

Fight another day
Favs: 4SBS: 13Hi-resRank: 7/26Score: 58.1% (5)6895 views

There is a greater story behind the image..

This is for CMYK seeing he likes stitches so much :D enjoy BOB (5 years and 3806 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Excellent work!! I love the light, it feels dusty.. just excellent!

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Looks good, but soften the top edge of the glove...
(You'll have to explain the comments to me... )

author [banned] says:

Cheers CMYK ive soften the edges

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

nice idea

avatar Hippunky
Hippunky says:

Super chop - good luck author!

no avatar
Keiley22 says:

wow to think of boxing gloves made out of the skin of lips..... brings a whole new meaning to 'sucker punch' rolf

avatar RayTedwell

great chop - feels like someone's just opened up a really old locker to let a stream of light in. Good imagination and execution (even if it does have stitches in it :P)

avatar annabat
annabat [banned] says:

Nice work, frankly it's creepy. you keep enough of the original textures for you to know exactly what it was manipulated from. The ONLY thing I don't like is the "shadow" doesn't match the the light it's blocking.

avatar kayaklovergirl

this is fabulous and its ironic, u know your punching someone with lips lol

avatar CorneliaMladenova

Really creative!

avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

Very original use of the lips, good work. GL

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I am surprised this got 7, it should have gotten higher.

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