I always loved sunsets and since my real name includes a Z this username was not hard to decide... (5 years and 3698 days ago)
- 1: source1
Thanks to http://little-stock.deviantart.com/art/Castle-Stock-12-77000641 for castle image
Thanks to Lelaina for beautiful sunset picture.
Thanks to http://momotte2stocks.deviantart.com/art/Mountain-118-waterscape-131715693 for mountain picture.
Thanks to http://www.obsidiandawn.com/birds-flying-photoshop-gimp-brushes
Thanks to http://javierzhx.deviantart.com/art/Cloud-Brushes-34277964 for cloud brushes (5 years and 3775 days ago)
I really like the overall colour and the feeling. The birds are also a very nice addition. And it's of course always great to see one of my pictures in an entry. Thank you very much for using it And if you'd make a 'Lelaina' out of the 'lailena' I'd be very happy
Good luck!
Thanks Lelaina for comment. Sorry for spelling mistake in your name. I have corrected the spelling. Now be happy sweet girl.
That's absolutely no problem I'm used to it, that people misspell my name
Thanks for changing it and making a happy girl out of me! Good luck again!
It's brilliant! I really like the artistic direction of this one, not too realistic, but cartoony either. Compostiion is very good, tho I'd bring the castle just a liiiiitle bit closer to the center, and a little bigger too. =) But otherwise it's really great. =D
Thanks wlado, changed as per your suggesstion.
Great mood and beautiful colors
Nice concept and colors. Well blended. The only thing that bugs me, is that the castle looks transparent. May be, the clouds behind the castle should be darker.
Nicely Done
Love the mood GL!
This tutorial is used so many times,but image is nice...good luck
love it!
It's great now! Love it! >thumb up smiley here< xD =)
I thought the castles looked a little odd or maybe just trasparant a little bit. Still a unique design.
Top pic!!
nice image choices, good colours , really cool final image. I like the warping of your castle provides and interesting focus for the image.
Howdie stranger!
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I have always wanted to attempt making one of these. I am pleased with the outcome - critique appreciated!
(5 years and 3832 days ago)
LOL...not another one...well, it's not bad.
I know its "another one" but I wanted to try MY hand at it
i feel this needs a positive comment after that one because people tend to bias their opinion on others comments...excellent job
thank you very much
i think some of the shadows are a tad harsh, but the finished image looks great
wow, looks excellent, really great work. It has a great feel.
I'm staring at it almost expecting angels to fly out.
good work!
glad u like it
beautiful. GL!
A nice change from all the others. And "your hand "is very good at this type of image. GL
I would say your attempt was successful! It's looks very good! The mountain as the lower part of the island was a very good choice. Good luck
Congrats for your second place, Anjii!
Congratulations for 2nd
Congrat Anjii ^_^
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3868 days ago)
great Great GREAT take on the theme of this contest... super high marks for originality alone.. great JOB AUTHOR!!!!!
submarine add on made it my FAV!!!.. hehehe
How is that a city? I see some chips from a computer board in a cube.... i think o.o buty eh really original, floating on the water
akassa.. it's a BORG cube city (that's how I see it) but I'm a sci fi geek LOL
beatifull beatifull beatifull,good work
hmm i don't quite know how i would consider this a city maybe add some sighns of life by showing crafts coming of the surface ?
Your cube dimensions need work? Especially the front corner.. Not square to me..
EDIT: Much better now!
gud work. all the best...
Fantastic.... perfectly and expertly made.. good luck!
great idea ! Great job, would love to see SBS
thanks to "sundesign" for source 1 and "pixpix80" for source 2
What a cute city. Probably this is the inhabitat of special computer chip bugs which can drive green submarines
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Went with an imaginary city escaping us mean old humans, kind of like you would find in a fairytale.
Thank you redheadstock and Dave Nagel (5 years and 3872 days ago)
very very sweet... good luck!!!
you could have created those textures from scratch pretty easily and not have had to use a source at all...
you could have created those textures from scratch pretty easily and not have had to use a source at all...
Looks good!
Very interesting strong shapes.
it's prety good i understand that you proablychose the simplistic look unpurpose but you might want to put a litle more detail in the water coming out the hole just to make it look more like the water ontop of the island
Howdie stranger!
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Howdie stranger!
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