Photoshop Pictures: Floss

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Candy Floss Tree - created by Daz

Candy Floss Tree
Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 7/13Score: 53.7% (0)8253 views

(5 years and 3925 days ago)

avatar tapiona
tapiona says:

nice idea, do you really wanna use lens flare? good luck and welcome back =)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

I love lens flare, but it is a tad frowned upon in the Photoshop communities (like page curl, rendered clouds, etc...) I personally like it and the usage of it in this picture.. to each his own.. GOOD LUCK!! (Experiment with other lighting effects but DON'T mess with the image if you ruin the initial effect)

avatar Mike
Mike says:

image is a bit flat... add some shadows and darker/brighter areas to make it more catching

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Beautiful work, good use of the source!

avatar Giggles
Giggles says:

nice idea but i think you shoud reduse the opacity(or even delete) the lense flare!And as Mike suggested,add some more shadows and highlights!Good luck!

author says:

Thanks for the comments.. SBS follows v.shortly

avatar RGB
RGB says:

nice good luck is a very cool idea!

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Not bad, but there's something with the light here (and then I dont even mention the l*ns fl*r*). Because it looks like the "branches" of the tree gets light from front right, while the shadow is also on front. Unless the l*nsfl*r* is messing with my eye...Good luck!

EDIT: light fixed

avatar fille
fille says:

this is a very good picture of naivism! i love it! good luck!

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Nice image, I agree on the lens flare... Suggestion? Add a "simple" cartoonish character to it

no avatar
TJ says:

This is great. I really like it.

avatar mellowdesign

Cool idea but kill the lens flare...find your own sky with light source, it's much more effective (the lens flare filter looks bad unless it's used well - which isn't often)...

avatar animmax
animmax says:

Quite creative - Good Luck.

avatar nishagandhi

very nice

no avatar
bicushka says:

unreal, I like it very much

avatar Ory
Ory says:

I wanna eat it, can I eat it?

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


avatar gopankarichal

like the color scheme & style

avatar chakra1985

very nice

avatar elficho
elficho says:

interesting idea.. good

author says:

Thanks for the feedback folks.. if my hand wasnt so poorly i might of tweaked a bit more.. I hope santa brings me a tablet !

no avatar
pixel says:

good job and good luck

avatar OliviasArts

*starting to drool* i love cotton candy

avatar Ory
Ory says:

Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work

Howdie stranger!
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