Made entirely from source, even the ground and mountains, except little girl. See SBS. (5 years and 339 days ago)
The neck, body and tail is the paintbrush. So is his hair. The rest is external sources. (5 years and 501 days ago)
Cute and terrifying at the same time! could have been in the nightmare contest too
You have some round yukkies you might want to erase just in front of the creature's face
Yea those dots were added by the Nik Filter and I don't know why. I was hoping no one saw them but you have the eye of an eagle. I will try to clone them out. Thanks for the suggestion.
Those yuckies were actually in the external external source and were exaggerated by the Nik Filter.
You've gone batty!
Weird creature and great work as usual but I think you need to define the body edge a bit more where it meets the right wing. Check the right wing on the bat and see how the body edge is still defined?
Other than that, I have no suggestions for improvement.
That was a problem area. I spent more time on that than anything else (well not quite but it felt that way). I tried so hard to find legs that would just cover up that seam. I had the edge a little harder, then softer, and kinda settled on medium. Tried using some of the paintbrush texture to make it blend. Tried some color, and other types of brushing. Perhaps you see some solution that I don't, to which I am all ears, but I kinda racked my brain on that stupid seam. I was hoping no one would notice but you and Z with your damned eagle eyes are seeing ALL of my faults!! haha.
I beat on it some more. This is a before and after https://image.ibb.co/h8cTYA/before-and-after.jpg
You made it less defined. I was thinking more defined like in this reference......
I made the changes you suggested. Thank you.
Congrats on 1st place!
Oh wow. I didn't think this contest ended till tomorrow. Thanks Rob!
Congrats B
Mahalo seestah Z!!
Congratulations!. It is the best without doubt.
Thank you wyndham
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Balloon made entirely from the drum. Lots of Warp and Copy/Paste. Used PS's built in Flame Filter for the fire. Painted clouds with a custom brush using Brush Settings. Added man and woman. (5 years and 528 days ago)
Nice one... pretty
Thank you LifetimeDamage. Glad you like it.
Congratulations. Great work as usual.
Thank you thank you SA.
Congrats B
Merci seestah.
Congrats for first place !
Thank lolu. Hope you liked it.
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Guardian of the Skies.
The ramp source has been OK'd by Rob. A couple of the images are in a Gallery, so I put down their gallery numbers.
SBS has been updated to reflect changes. (5 years and 656 days ago)
This is a well put together chop, lots of imagination and work put into it. Be that as it may, there is something about the shadows bothering me. Specifically the tones and consistency. It seems to me that those gun turrets, the ropes from the balloons, and the side of the ship need some shading. Also, I'd think there would be some shadows cast onto the fog from the different elements in the scene.
I like the mood you're trying to set, a few tweaks would bring it over the top IMHO.
Good luck.
Thanks Ichappell. I re-did a bunch of things. Too much to type out but it is all written out in the first step of the SBS. TY for the suggestions. I didn't do any fog shadowing though.
Nice changes, especially those cables/ropes holding the balloons.
I really like the surreal dream like quality to this chop and I'm not so sure about shading because without it the end result is otherworldly. It is only an opinion on my part.
Image has been updated. the old version is in the SBS if you want to compare.
I read you SBS....HOLY CRACKERJACKS you need to get paid! HELLO ADMINSTRATION ! ! !
Thank you so much for being here, you are another great teacher.
Holy crackerjackers. Do you really say that in real life? BTW I do have Paypal.
It should sell well.....naw, I usually say "crap".
Play with the levels and curves maybe.
Thanks for your help with this. I didn't know what you specifically meant by "Play with the levels and curves", but I did darken the entire boat/sub some with Curves.
Congrats BW
Congratulations.... good job
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The "Rocket" was made with Photoshop's 3D function. It consists of the cone, cylinder, and cube meshes.
For the "Fire Trail" I used the filter> render >flame option, then smudged, and warped on it.
Pig's harness was pieced together from the source listed below. (5 years and 659 days ago)
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Well done
Thank you Robbie. Just used "R", rotated the image around and saw the helicopter. I do that a lot with the sources so you can "see things" using various angles. Kinda like tilting your head and seeing a rabbit or w/e in the clouds.
Shadow's a bit off, otherwise well made image.
The shadow IMO is about 8 o'clock. do you think it should be more towards 8:30?
If you draw a line from the spotlight through the figure, the shadow would be on that line. It would also widen a bit.
congratulation for the first place
well deserved
Mahalo abdou . Kind words. :d
Congrats Bro
Mahalo seestah!
Howdie stranger!
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