credits to:
Falln-Stock (5 years and 3367 days ago)
(5 years and 3371 days ago)
Very petty.
Lovely work - love the rain bouncing off the brolly...
Fantastic work author...every single detail is work of art...love the rain,rain spackles,mood is awesome,colors too...But the best thing is how u adjusted the model...very very well done and instant fav from me...Best of luck
Definitely my fav! GL!
beautiful ..........
very nice gl
Lovely, expressive and well put together image. The handling of the rain is wonderful!
Wow, beautiful piece...and I think I've seen something like this before...hmmm, but it is still lovely.
Wow, very well done = )
Superb manipulation
Congrats on third place - very nice!
This was definitely one of the best and well deserving placement! Congrats my friend!
Wonderful... Congratulations!
Howdie stranger!
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Only source image used in the making of this entry. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated, thank you. (5 years and 3372 days ago)
Nice! GL!
Nice job...very well constructed!! My only nitpick is the glow around the planets...Looks out of place with the rest of the stained glass pieces..Best of Luck
Edit:Looks really good author I like the changes you have made
Thank you jawshoewhah. Christy, I will take the glow away. Thanks.
After seeing step 3 I thought you were doing great! Then you added the background, which took it out of the realm of stained glass and into something else. There's nothing wrong with that in terms of the contest, but I own a stained glass studio and in the real world, this would not work. Good luck anyway, I still like your image!
Foreground is great, but (as CMYK46 has noted) the background doesn't connect. If the foreground is supposed to frame an opening looking out into space, then the planets and the stars behind them should look three-dimensional, not flat. Although it's not clear how any of that relates to your title.
CMYK: Thanks for your comment. I agree with you. I have a stained glass window in the house, and you are right, I had to have done something different, but this time, I wanted to do something like this. I know, the space and planets do not go with the picture, it is the meaning I wanted to put on it. A dove flying high above, as she does not find peace on earth. Dan: I think I answer your question about my image relates to the title. Thank you for comments.
very nice work author...GL
Nice change! :0
I don't have a stained glass window. I was just really impressed with the chop. With or without the glow it looks cool. Still one of my favs!
Oh how cool!
Howdie stranger!
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the man is looking for the giraffe, but he did not spot her yet.
she is hiding pretty good behind that street light.
she is peeping at him, all most like she is laughing at a him, playing with him.
(5 years and 3378 days ago)
I think the man is looking a little too high (and not really sure why he needs binoculars from that distance ) but otherwise looks like a nice clean chop - even if high-res image is still a bit too small to see the real details.
the man is looking for the giraffe, but he did not spot her yet.
' she is hiding pretty good behind that street light.
she is peeping at him, all most like she is laughing at a him, playing with him.
You can explain in the description of your entry what were you trying to represent.
I think it would be funnier to make the giraffe with it's tongue out.
The light pole is standing right on the edge, there should be placed at a distance from it.
you are are absolutely right about the explenation, i added it to the description
about the light pole, i have all ready cropped the image so im not so i think ill leave it as it is for now
the tongue, is a different matter, it looks great and funny, thanks for the tip
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks Grigoriev Vitalii,Timothy Lubcke,Bill.
(5 years and 3379 days ago)
I love the look on the giraffe's face LOL..Nice Job..Best of Luck
I never would have guessed...
ha ha cute
OMG THIS IS FUNNY!!! Looks very comfy!
I mean that in a nice way.... it's a very cute pic!
Very believable, excellent in every way........JB
so cool image...gl
Howdie stranger!
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Amazing image and really nice SB!

Best of luck my friend...
Lovely and full of fantasy!
Too dark. There is little to no depth, just images on a black background.
4 words(maybe 7?) lol: OMG I LOVE IT!
actually mossyB, i can see every single detail on my screen..i even brightened it up a little before submitting it..so maybe its your monitor..nobody else is having a problem..but if a few more people have a problem with it i'll gladly brighten it up some more..thanks for the comments guys!
Funny Mossy, most of your comments to people are "It's too dark". Suggestion: Throw out the CRT and try LCD.
There's nothing wrong with the lighting author. In fact it's one of the best in here!
Yup, josh is right, it's not too dark, high-res is awesome and i like how you made her look wet with those highlights.
Mossy, you should change your screen.
Stunning! She reminds me of the "Sirens" from Greek mythology; just she's a single seductress who lures people with her enchanting music in order to do them harm. But hey for all I know, she could be luring people to give them CUPCAKES!!! lol Love it. Fabulous!
great work author...a bit spooky but the mood is perfect
Congrats! Great Pic!
Congrats author...fantastic entry...
Howdie stranger!
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