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pen and paper for conversion to binary (5 years and 3624 days ago)
- 1: source1
Lots of selections being transformed and duplicated here !
Spot the deliberate mistake...windows o/s (my own screen dump) on a mac machine! Such a Crime !!
Comments welcomed ;) (5 years and 3625 days ago)
hehehehehe the humor factor is endless (my boss would love this.. I'm always bumping him out of his chair when he starts typing).. it's like.. I'll DO IT! I'LL DO IT!...I gotta go home some time during the next millennium.. hehehe
great job and very clever Idea... good luck author
thanks drivenslush ... i'm just moving on to 4 fingers myself !
how do you give people those thumbs-up-in-stars for their comments? and do they do anything??
it helps with the reputation points... but it's just a nice way to say thanks... go to my stuff.. my contests and go to the entry and there will be an offering of three different thumbs up (I can't tell the difference.. they all look the same to me) but the gold gives the most rep points and the bronze the least.. but they all say thanks for the comment
EDIT : in the my contest screen click the blue comments button.. the comments will appear below and the thumbs will then become available
thanks, i'll give it a try now .....
can't seem to do it ... no thumbs anywhere ... perhaps i'm not a high enough level
this laptop was designed for me
I wish i could buy it
nice job author...gl
Quite amusing for its commentary on the underlying concept of this contest. The perspectives on the big 0 and 1 are off; they're inconsistent with the little 0 and 1's on the smaller keys. Also, the decimal (not binary) numbers on the pxleyes screenshot would seem to be a violation of the theme.
[I also appreciate Drivenslush's explanation of the thumbs-up icon.]
Hehe. You should change the rep.points, levels and stuff on the pxleyes-site to binary though to fully complete the image (IMO).
giving thumbs up has nothing to with your level.. and please can anybody tell me about votemedal...?
OK folks ... taken your comments and put them to action... changed perspective on '0' n '1', and changed digits in screen to binary
good re-work..
This is hilarious!
I can't use both little fingers, I don't know why...
Very funny work!
Very funny concept. I also think, if you're going to try to do thing with the binary theme, the G4 should also be binary along with ALL the decimals. But that is only if you're going to get carried away with the binary lol.
i love the humor! i agree that the other numbers... all the other numbers should be binary to meet the contest requirements.
Howdie stranger!
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A real love goes through the years... (5 years and 3629 days ago)
nice one...gl
Howdie stranger!
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This was so much fun to do. This dog just looked like he was ready to take off, so I helped him grow a pair of wings and gave him something to chase. (5 years and 3631 days ago)
amazing imagination, blend in dog more..u ll get an excellent image..GL
nice work.. GL
nice work...GL..
nice work...GL..
very nice
well done, creates a great atmosphere
Great things are the depth of the scenery, the dynamics, and of course, great imagination. I suggest to darken the wing a bit, especially the joining part. Also trim the wing more carefully, so the Hi-Res will be wonderful. Good luck!
I like the layout & its a great idea. Good luck
looks good!
Howdie stranger!
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Used all the sources and hope I didn't overlap anyone else's entry. It is a challenging contest and would enjoy it again sometime. Found that the shadow photo has some nice textures and patterns when color was changed. Therefore, I decided to frame it for the wall. (5 years and 3637 days ago)
well done and great capture of the feel.. this contest produced some great work.. and you should be happy.. hope you are
good idea.. just a couple of points.. the bottle is blurry at some edges.. so please sharpen it and since the 2 shadows pic is in a frame on the wall.. there should be a drop shadow so that it can follow the same light source as the wall.. I like how you got the napkins out of the paper boat..
Author, you have to remove the bread's reflexion of the backward glass... and they need more transparency.
Thanks so much for the comments . Always appreciated.
Similar entry already been made like this, a lot of the people are using the same ideas anyways like the towls on the hill outside dinning theme. I like how you made the napkins out of the paper boat It is a hard contest
good luck.
wow.. this looks alot better.. thanks for taking my points.. but thanks to your rework this looks perfect..
Author, just great! You know I'm your fan...
Howdie stranger!
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aaannddd.. what's that?
alright.. got it.. so r u done with the rework?
i am new to pyxleyes.. how do i send in my rework
Welcome to site.

You can edit your entry by clicking on "MY Stuff", then "my contest", where your current entries are listed. Click EDIT button to edit entry and upload corrected version using browse button
thanks nasirkhan. And bye the waty u r one super artist. am a fan of yours. Just took this oppurtunity to let u know.
Thanks author for your nice comment. Wish you success here and enjoy chopping. Good Luck.
good luck author.. and welcome aboard..
hope to see cool entries from you.. 
Welcome to PXLeyes...your work is very nice...good clean crop...good luck
Welcome, new member of Pxleyes! And if you didn't say the flaw, nobody would notice it... it's binary!

Howdie stranger!
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