They touch down, you chow down! (For those not familiar with American idiom, a frank is a frankfurter, aka a hot dog.) :) (5 years and 2773 days ago)
Great job, very realistic!!
lmao classic, and agree its very realistic
Likin' your slogan.
That would be as good as the Oscar Meyer Weiner wagon!
I like it. It would be good to take fresh hot dogs to the marines. Oh, well, still a good, sharp image, as usual. Good luck!
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: LOGIN HERE or REGISTER FOR FREE
Great job, very realistic!!
lmao classic, and agree its very realistic
Likin' your slogan.
That would be as good as the Oscar Meyer Weiner wagon!
I like it. It would be good to take fresh hot dogs to the marines. Oh, well, still a good, sharp image, as usual. Good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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