A simple chop.
Masked out the foreground, erased the car and the background. Replaced with the statue and added a fresh sky.
Thanks. (5 years and 3910 days ago)
This is the one that i wanted to do.. but it worked out somewhat okay.
But here is a little one that just woke up from a nap, his feet are out of the blankie, and the kitty is sleeping beside him. :)
thanks to free stock photos at freerangephotos.com for the use of the photos. (5 years and 3914 days ago)
Wow...gigantic cat!
legs look like forcely fixed, and the clothe cutout need to improve.
nice i like it
clever idea but need some more work
The feet kinda look like they are floating, nice idea tho
i dont get it gl
Your idea is very good, but imo, get rid of the cat...it looks as if the cat is like part of the baby...either, add some shadows, around the blanket to show that the cat is under there...baby's feet a bit smaller..and again shadows to blanket by the feet...and on baby's face...Good Luck
nice idea but the babies foot are very closer and not blended with the source image. good luck
Howdie stranger!
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Have used the most clear poppy selection from source image to create little bouquets. After this I have placed them around the Venetian mask.
Added pixie dust brush from http://rl-brushes.deviantart.com/ , and some really cool flare brushes from http://www.finessefx.com/index.php
Also added a picture frame for backround from http://www.cgtextures.com/.
Will post SBS tomorrow!
Enjoy! (5 years and 3914 days ago)
Beautiful very nice colors
cool very good
beautiful work!
Colorful Entry........Good Luck Entry.
Well sakes a live.. I do I do I do now know what it looks like when a Rainbow is shot out of a cannon... wondrous wonders of wonderment.. I needs me a mint julep because I believe I do have the vapors... swooon
very nice idea and colors good luck!
like it!! beautiful image!!
Beautiful Image....I did notice in high res the handle of the mask looks transparent...Best of Luck
good colors
nice job
Love this explosion of colour!
very creative well done.
OMG It looks so beautiful!
very creative and beautiful
so amazingly creative, good luck!!
colorful...good job
VEEERY unusual! Great composition and colors! GL
Howdie stranger!
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I used a Waterfall Brush i have and tryed to clean it up to make it as real as possible.For the sky i used a sky i got from a sample photo that cam with my computer called dock. And used a lense flar to make the sun. Hope you like this is my first ever contest entrie. (5 years and 3916 days ago)
the source image is just sooooo small.
Don't you just love how a lens flare sucks when it distracts from the tiny image that's supposed to be the focus of your image?
Dont forget if its your own image you need to include it unedited in your SBS guide. Was there a link for the clouds?
Its nice, but would be better if you zoomed in on the one area so we can see the girl in more detail. removed the lens flare and work on the hair cutout
I like your use of color.
nice colors, lens flare not good
Like i said in the des. the clouds cam from one of the photos in the sample images that came with my new computer.
you cant use them, they are there only for desktop. Otherwise you need to find where the permission is for you to use it and you need to post the image in the sbs anyway
Diving. Not falling.
i think shes goin to die i like it ( not that shes goin to die that is) gl
Howdie stranger!
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A guy comes home weary from office, now..just whipped up a few steps to make his entry into his house smooth and charming !
1. The hat stand and the hat fall on the switch board, turning on the fan.
2. Fan starts rotating
3a. The rope is cut and the ball falls on the remote and the TV is switched on.
4a. The ball then kicks up another ball which strikes the door of the bedroom (in which his wife will be there) ..just a gentle hint that her guy is back home ..so she can come out and give him a warm welcome
3b. Similarly, this ball falls down and kicks up another ball which strikes the switch board and now the light bulb is switched on.
4b. The other ball flies and strikes the switch board to turnon the light
5. The bulb is on !
So, a guy comes back from office and pushes the door open, and viola ! his fan sends forth a gentle breeze, the TV plays his favourite channel, the light is on, his wife comes out and adds to this warm welcome !
Just made some good use of the fan !
Not exactly a Goldberg, its not so complicated nor is it humorous ,
No external images used, pretty straightforward use of rectangles and other shapes, coloring, gradients, some gaussian blur and pen tool.
I had used the image provided in the "empty square" contest and also the guy here was made by me in my submission to the "empty square" contest..again basic use of shapes and pattern overlays..the photoframe was again created by me using standard shapes and duplication and gradients and bevel & emboss
(5 years and 3917 days ago)
Step 45a sounds interesting . Some perspective issues maybe. on the other hand, it can be also seen as illustration style which looks funny
. Good luck!
Interesting idea - but your TV is partly transparent and can balance on two legs.
Nice idea, just distort the picture on the far right to make it fit in and the perspective will be much better. Yeah as ani says, make the TV solid.
idea is good, but perspective problems are there(eg:painting on the wall)
Howdie stranger!
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I don't know why, but is he falling backwards.. not a lot.. maybe just leaning backwords. the angle of the disk he is standing on isn't matching the angle of the rectangle of the platform of the Award.. no big whoop.. could be just my eyes.. very fun finish though.. good luck!!!
perspective problems are there(platform of the statue), and the statue is expanded. If you remove the platform of the statue and fix it.
Idea is great! But could be better implemented) GL!
Good idea
but agree about perspective... GL 
nice idea
Yes it has perspective issues... He is stretching backwards.. All day standing there would give anyone a stiff back!
Howdie stranger!
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