Photoshop Pictures: Game (page 2)

results 6 - 10 of 52

Majnoon Haven - created by Manax35

Majnoon Haven
Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 2/4Score: 59.7% (30)9411 views

The two children are air majnoon. (they are a form of jinn) In this setting they learn about their powers and the powers of the animals in their care. (i.e-The turtles in tea pots and the buraq) The concept was to be RPG, with different locations and places. One of them being a sky world (a safe haven) only accessible with a pair of wings or a flying buraq. (5 years and 2310 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!Jinn, game, play, rpg

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Now THAT'S a video game! - created by rgnestle

Now THATS a video game!
Favs: 0SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 4/4Score: 62.4% (0)18138 views

Kids in their own video game world--over and over and over again... (5 years and 2313 days ago)

author says:

This is kind of fun. I've never tried one of these before.

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Please post source link.

author says:

There is no source link for this. It's a picture I took with my Sony digital camera. The TV image was the Minecraft game they were playing. Other than that, the image is unchanged. If needed for comparison, I could try to find a way to upload the original.

(5 years and 2313 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

5.3. Use of Personal Images as Source:
If you use your own personal images as a source, link to its online location and proof it's yours. If it's nowhere online, upload the uncut source to your step by step guide, with an explanation that it is your image.

avatar Drivenslush

Author, just take a Screen shot of the original picture you took of the two people playing the video game, then place that image in an SBS. (Go to MY ENTRIES and add an SBS, easy peasy) Great job on this by the way

avatar Drivenslush

Very good job and the SBS works good luck author

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Wild T1A Pinball - created by rturnbow

Wild T1A Pinball
Favs: 0SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 4/4Score: 62.3% (0)14354 views

(5 years and 2523 days ago)

avatar tinasedits

Fun idea, and I like how your SBS is kind of a where's waldo of machine parts.

author says:

Thanks for the great comment!

(5 years and 2521 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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Just a Friendly Neighborhood Game - created by IDt8r

Just a Friendly Neighborhood Game
Favs: 8SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 1/4Score: 77.3% (48)113250 views

Thanks to Richard at CGTextures (5 years and 2658 days ago)

7 Sources:

avatar nicehotcupoftea

Magnificent work!

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

I'm with nicecupoftea, very good job!

avatar ushurani
ushurani says:

Excellent work. This is so well made. Looks like a scene from an animated movie.Love the little dude that has the Hockey puck

avatar hereisanoop

Well done..,

avatar RickLaMesa

nice job on the reflections and the goalies mask

avatar ushurani
ushurani says:


author says:

Thank you for the votes and comments!

avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

congrats wonderful work mam

avatar minnie
minnie says:

Congrats, really nice work!!

Howdie stranger!
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Samus Research. - created by detractor

Samus Research.
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 4/4Score: 59.9% (0)11609 views

strange activity in the coal mine .the workers are missing.
Thanks to Marcus Ranum for the girl Image.

Metroid inspiration. (5 years and 2770 days ago)

4 Sources:

no avatar
summus says:

Some nice editing you did there!

anyway where's the daily life situation? :p

author says:

Thanks! They are working on the cave researching!

avatar DR87
DR87 says:

good editing, but you used too much blurrrr

author says:

Thanks. I didnt use that blur. Maybe much clouds but blur.

(5 years and 2773 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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