i used the deck to make the body of the guitar, i used the log for the fret board, the metal on the log for the frets, i also used the log to make the trim. (5 years and 3750 days ago)
Thanks to Xorlev (5 years and 3768 days ago)
Quite ok. If you can soften the elephant's edges a tiny bit more and get rid if the blue-ish glow on the left side of the body & ears, you're there! Good luck!
Wow! Very realistic! Nice shadows.
look real to me too... good luck...
Thanks wazowski, I have blurred edges and reduce blueish tint.
At last, some decent shadows! This is a good entry...lovely image!
it don't seem to bother the woman that a 30 foot elephant is walking down a London street........lol
perfect blending
Very nice job.......G/L Author.
great job
Congrats for your third place, Nasir!
Congratulations for 3rd
Congrat nasir
congrats Nasir
Congrats on 3rd!
Very clever, love how that person is walking by like this is totally normal, lol.
Howdie stranger!
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sources used:
"Deer Skull 1" by ~markopolio-stock at deviantart.com: http://markopolio-stock.deviantart.com/art/Deer-Skull-1-57236738
"Landscape stock 66 mountains" by ~Finsternis-stock at deviantart.com: http://finsternis-stock.deviantart.com/art/Landscape-stock-66-mountains-63681341
"Desert Sunset" by jonobate on Flickr.com: http://www.flickr.com/photos/prophet_of_rage/2884717470/
"RockJagged0016 (Texture: #25545)" from cgtextures.com: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=25545&PHPSESSID=c8f51e2c554e697378d54c9130d10131
"They Stand Alone" tree brushes by *midnightstouch at deviantart.com: http://midnightstouch.deviantart.com/art/They-Stand-Alone-41729596
"Flying Bird Brushes" by Osidian Dawn at osidiandawn.com (5 years and 3772 days ago)
Very nice, i like tehe addition of the tree on the antler.
the tree is a useful touch, i don't think i'd notice the proportion changes
yeah...i was going to build a city/town around it...but i didn't have enough time to work on the project (had to come to my mom's and paint her apt)
Nice job. I really like how the skull blends into rock.
I see the antlers but not the skull....
great job
Howdie stranger!
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The age of shadows has begun, giant machines blot out the sun :). I used only the source image, hope you like it... (5 years and 3872 days ago)
really cool
WOW.. Hi RES is AWESOME!!!!!!.. good LUCK
what high res? but yes, it's a great image!
*edit* high res IS awesome!!
looks ginormous!nice one!excuse mispelling
Looks good.... hard to see any details at this size high res would be good!
Edit:Over all is very nice.... still needs a little work in places mostly on the tyres ( bottom two) you can still see the outline.....
Great shadow!! And perhaps more importantly - great robot!!
Are there two suns on this planet? If not I, would be willing to believe that the scene was staged like the moon landing. Tractor and monster are casting shadows in different directions, other than that, looks really good.
hey! I think this is really perfect! congrajultions for your imagination and photoshopping!
thanks for nice comments people, at first I got rid of the tractor but then I decided to create smt like phases of the same vehicle
very good job author there is only some parts look a little bit blury (the shoulders and the center part bottom of the head),also the hands look like if it has been drawn. &for the lights, it is really a nice touch
Congrats for your first place!
Congrats, well done
Congratulations for 1st
thanks for congrats everybody
Howdie stranger!
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source only (5 years and 3880 days ago)
Nice work!
cute and colorful as usual
ha ha ha ha... that's nice
lot of work.. there are some dots and lines on several parts of the image, and a thin line across the pink creature's eyes, but they're only visible in high res
Elficho.. I know.. I tried to clone them out but it ruined the image.. and I can't figure out where they are to get rid of them completely.. I'll look at them later when My eyes get a chance to rest.. My Eyes are at about 75% right now.. and going down fast.. I'll have to look at this later.. thank you very much... my eyes don't work right all the time
Wow now that's what you call high Res!! super high Res...... great imagination & work!
real nice
Howdie stranger!
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oh, i also drew some of the things like the strings, controls, and the switch
i think you would have a better result if u used a guitar from the internet. and the source image is a bit hard to see. tho it's kinda cool
Would be nice to see reference for the guitar or SBS...
just don't get it...but a great guitar!
this is suppose to be as if a giant person/ god of some sort had placed his guitar on earth
Howdie stranger!
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