I change the frist Idea to this, i hope you like ... (5 years and 3335 days ago)
- 1: thx leqley
- 2: thx mzacha
I change the frist Idea to this, i hope you like ... (5 years and 3335 days ago)
Just for fun... ;)
I hope my friend CMYK46 doesn't be offended by the joke! :D
Only source used. (5 years and 3635 days ago)
Ha HA!!!! That is too funny... I can see alot of CMYK jokes on the horizon here...
ohh boy.....Nice one author
ROFL...she would never wear bad shades like that, but good luck, author!
PS: You need to add shadows....
I picture a girl with more of a five oclock shadow.
@ Mekum, good chop author!
@CMYK: I'd like to have given her shades like yours, but I think they fit better you than her...
I didn't think his girlfriend would be so... "hard boiled", CMYK46 must be "eggstatic" to see her here. I see he "scrambled" to post a comment. I've "poached" fun at him myself so I know he can take a "yoke". Really good entry, you've "hatched" a clever idea with this one. Nicely done! I see Ichappell likes a well "chopped egg" also. (sorry... bad puns are my addiction.)
The popular guy is targeted again...... Good luck author.......
there went my idea. Well done though
Spaceranger is my new favourite guy around here.. haha!!
He he....Amazing work...
good luck author for this sweet work
Oh man, Spaceranger...LOL!!!
Guys, you're so great! I all...
Get 'em Spacie!
I like it, very cute
very well done !
cute one
Hahaha! great job
lol very nice
Howdie stranger!
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Oh man! This is great as far as I can tell...before I vote I'd like to see a high res version. Please, pretty please create a high res for all of us who choose to see the details. Thanks.

EDIT: Hi res looks nice! Only thing I would change is possibly soften the furthest area of shadow and lighten it overall a bit.
Robot looks kinda cool. Like the blur on the bus. Good one. GL
Very cool..great job
Amazing even in low res! But I agree, it would be a blast to see all your incredible work in hi! Just a little bit higher (even 800x960 would be nice and not too large a file for uploading)!
cool !!!
Very cool..great job
Great hi res! Thank you ... I didn't mention before ... I love his attitude! He may be old but he looks like a pretty cool customer
Great construction author...well done
This robo looks good, and nice touch with the bus in BG.
this is amazing. great job! GL
Haha very cool robot. Brilliant pose.. fantastic little character. Well done author!
the blur on the bus gives the image depth. Love this, this robot is a handsome fellow!
Well done.
like it
Cute old robot
Congratulations on your entry.....!
Congrats mate for Third!
Howdie stranger!
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