(5 years and 3658 days ago)
- 1: Dog
(5 years and 3719 days ago)
U have to put your sources...and i think that this picture is copyrighted...pic of this girl is used for some payed photoshop tutorials.
Author, you need to link ti the image information page and not the download. Your link should be http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1159804
ok i will do it next time
not really much photoshopping done, especially to the image used from sxc
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3769 days ago)
one problem... the background is white, so why can i see behind the baby through the lenses of the glasses? might want to fix that. not a huge deal, but still an issue never-the-less
Good eye bddesign. Didn't even notice til I read your comment. Author, great idea.
nice choice of images. I agree with bddesign, It is only a small issue. however, fixed it would improve the image if one was going for realism.
This little guy looks so sweet
Nice idea author, well done.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3773 days ago)
Nice image, some edges could use a bit of cleaning up...
What CMYK said...and I'd like to add that this is very appealing. I wish I were there now to down these!
good use of skills , i love the background and the curves you created. ( i agree with the above comments ,, but it is just a few touches needed)
Only slight edges, like the base of the cocktails. You can see the original shadows, even in low res.
I like this a lot.. very nice work (great job with the leaves behind the glass!!)
High level in the comments. It is an honor. I came late for the correction of edges. I'm sorry. Thanks for your kind remarks.
nicely done, the edge of the table looks a bit funny in HiRes
Howdie stranger!
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Windblows for your windows (shades) Just put them on and tell windblows where you want to go or what you want to do.
(5 years and 3858 days ago)
Hey... Now that's cool... There maybe some quirks here... But doesn't matter to me... Again nice pics...
Edit: Scratch that thought... I think I saw something else lol...
Awesome concept and probably in the works... nicely done!
The concept is fantastic but if this is an advertisement you should photoshop out the blemishes in the face.
isnt windows copyrighted?
Great job
Its a good concept author. Just one nit-pick with the image; shouldn't the images inside the glasses be flipped around so that the man can see the screen properly from the other side? Otherwise, very good!!!
well you can always call it windblows XD
I book one!!
nice idea!
Now that you took the blenishes out it looks much better. Great job!
cool, really like this one.
I'd love to have this Windblows! Including that cool glasses of course Good luck!
Congrats for your second place!
Congratulations for 2nd
hey congrats for the second place..
Congrats!!!!!!! well done!!
Howdie stranger!
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this is simple but very cute.. gj .. I had to favorite this I can't stop looking at it it is the cutest thing ever..
very nice work author...gl
The glass and the puppy, both are very warmful...
original idea -- well done author !
Not very original http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_TYnbO0hQZHM/Sct4-qNrkqI/AAAAAAAABqI/p-08_4Yr_V4/s400/Dog+sunglasses+-+we+heart+it.jpg. However, I still vote high because of the nice execution
My opinion is simple that this kind of glasses is quite popular but I didn't mention that you take the idea from anyone else. I'm sorry if it's offensive to you. Good luck
so cute ....and good execution...good luck
Well author, compared to the photo Langstrum showed you and the image you did, yours is like 10 times better so good luck.

EDIT: Of course it's you
cutie dogie
lovely... well done
cool! a nerd dog!
Brillliant sweetheART wot fun lol! ;} happy hippy hugglez
Howdie stranger!
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