Photoshop Pictures: Goddess (page 2)

results 6 - 10 of 22

Owl Goddess - created by SaEllisson

Owl Goddess
Favs: 0SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 9/11Score: 61.4% (0)16132 views

(5 years and 3019 days ago)

3 Sources:

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ps.robgd says:

Nice idea. Maybe you should ad some fog in front of the godess too to cover her feet (I personally don't like how the feet were cropped). But that's my oppinion. Good luck.

avatar Drivenslush

Animal House Toga Party on Neptune?

Howdie stranger!
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Water Maiden - created by MossyB

Water Maiden
Favs: 17SBS: 17Hi-resRank: 4/11Score: 70.3% (37)21980 views

(5 years and 3063 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar IDt8r
IDt8r says:

Of all his stock, this one is my favorite. I could just never figure out what to do with her. You did and you did it beautifully. Adding it to my favs. If I could add it twice, I would.

avatar hazem
hazem says:

it is amzing

avatar Mina93
Mina93 says:

Wow it's so pretty..I love this kind of work...high vote and fav

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Beautiful image, well made SBS...mucha luck, author!

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

very nice piece of work !!! love how you've made spilling water ... GL!!!

author says:

Thanks everyone!
Derdevil, the water was the first thing I saw in my mind when I looked at the contest source, imagining "waves" from the curves of the power supply. It took a bit of work to make it look more organic in form, but I'm happy with the way it turned out, thank you for noticing!

avatar dlanswayne thinking.

avatar visba
visba says:

I think that the water was an especially subtle and creative use of the source image. This is a really wonderful piece of art!

no avatar

Fantastic Work........ Love the concept. Good Luck Author.

avatar poetress59

Awesome Work!!! Love the SBS, certainly a teaching tool for me! I am learning as I go through experimentation and I don't have photoshop so this entry just amazed me. Then to see the SBS...all I can say is WOW! Good luck, truly a fantastic entry.

no avatar

The concept is nice and the SBS is very helpful.
Adding it as one of my favorites. Very nice job done.
All the best for your future works.

avatar George55
George55 says:

Beautifully done. Your SBS are very informative. Good luck!

avatar orientallad

beautiful view, love the ancient Greek mood, good luck

avatar bcabilan
bcabilan says:

One of the best and surely a winner for me. Instant fav here author.

avatar riady
riady says:

Wow, it looks great. It reminds me of Aquarius image and the effect is brilliant. Two thumbs up - well done

avatar mo_ta2007
mo_ta2007 says:

This work is beautiful, and good

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Good job showing something recognizable from the source in an artistic way.

avatar DanLundberg

Appealing, but the slightly colorful background, particularly the pink roses, grabs my eye before the water maiden's muted tones.

author says:

Although the roses may grab your eye before the maiden, I doubt your attention stays there, since the maiden is in front of the roses...This then pulls your eyes to the maiden, her hair and the pouring water, which then makes your eye go to the circular pattern containing the source image, which is echoed in the water, directing your eye back to the background roses, and your eye begins the journey again...Notice that the pale roses (which match the maiden's dress) are at the bottom. The roses were deliberately rotated to place the colors that way...

That's the concept behind the composition, and why I selected the roses as well as the pink tones - to keep the focus from settling upon the maiden with the background as an afterthought.

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avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Really nice work, author, good use of source image. I especially like how you made the water.

avatar freejay
freejay says:

Great clean work....should of been top 3 in my eyes.,

Howdie stranger!
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Owl Goddess - created by Eis4Ethan

Owl Goddess
Favs: 3SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 3/11Score: 64.5% (25)12230 views

(5 years and 3079 days ago)

5 Sources:

avatar Drivenslush

Without a HI RES it is very difficult to see the work.. (the edges could use some blur/smooth work for a tighter image.. and the little owl would cast a shadow) all IMHO but a very nice result

author says:

Thanks, it's my 1st one so I was being a big baby about putting HI

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

It's very bright for a night scene. Hi-res would be good.

author says:

ok people.......Hi_res is on.

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Overall not too bad for your 1st at pxl, welcome to the site

no avatar
bryonics says:

Nice, I love it!
and i must say
If this is really your first your going to be Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Much better now...GL author.

author says:

thanks bryonics! It really is my 1st try at photo shop.

author says:

and thank you CMYK!

avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Congrats on placing so well with your first entry!

author says:

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! That's very nice of you. I love the one that got 2nd. way cool.

Howdie stranger!
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The Sacred Golden Warrior - created by Hayato

The Sacred Golden Warrior
Favs: 20SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 1/11Score: 74.4% (45)31346 views


The Goddess of the Goldenspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Pixelian Vale, joined the Guardian Forces for monetary purposes.

However, weeks turned into months, and fighting alongside the many holy warriors with fearless souls inspired her with the responsibility of protecting the sanctity of the Pixelian castle.

This reputation is well earned by their Golden Warrior representative Joan of Archangel, with her devastating abilities revolve around shortening her own lifespan to spear her foes to burning pieces.

Considered a blessed martyr by her people, the Sacred Golden Warrior is not afraid of death, and will even run towards it willingly, sometimes desperately, in order to bring the Undead Rebels to an end.


Done entirely with You Know What Software & Hardware to do this in just several hours or so.


Good luck to everyone! (5 years and 3135 days ago)

avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

I can say no words, Mr. cintiq,......just fav from me and full vote...

author says:

Umm... you just said the words, Mr. dekwid.

Thanks for your compliments. Just posted this while I'm finishing this one today, not so detailed ofc... Tired of tight schedules. But, I can't hold anymore to post... maybe it's called post-gasm?

avatar theodosiou


avatar freejay
freejay says:

Very nice work, but there are some questions about the lighting.

author says:

Not perfect, theo... Nobody perfect, rite? And... Noentry perfect too.

IMHO, I still need to tweak the legs, the upper phoenix-like armor, the non-blurred middle-part armor, err... there's so many things so little time. I just don't want to be late to post this girl here... she's ready for battle.

"Do you require aid, human?" she said to my ear while I creating her.

EDIT: yeah, the lighting too... I'm aware of that, I try to paint it over with clipping mask, but it will become dark, desaturated, I frustrated & well... I apologize for being lazy-ass...

avatar roon
roon says:

gold for this .

author says:

Golden thumbs for you, guys... Appreciated so much!

Thanks, Roon. Your works gold too.

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Wonky anatomy. Arms, legs and perspective. The cornucopia on the shoulder is visually out of place.
Really nice concept, but somewhat sloppy execution.

"...Not perfect, theo... Nobody perfect, rite? And... No entry perfect too."
That's a poor excuse.
This is not a competition site to make excuses. No entry is perfect, but generally we try our best with our entries...

Author, you also don't need to tell us the software and drawing tablet you use for your entries. This gives away your identity too easily.

avatar DigitalDreamer

It is very beautiful colors are great and the background is beautifuly done and the armor...... wish I could do that. The only 2 things that throw me off about this piece are the left arm (the arm with the hand grabbing the spear) and also the left foot it seems it looks like it's missing the shoe and foot. It's been a while since I been at this, and commenting n stuff

Other than that I think this is a wonderful piece

author says:

I apologize about the identity "software + hardware". Changed.

Yeah, ofc it's wonky coz I'm rushing to do this just for several hours. IMHO, I'm trying to put this idea first of all. Okay the execution was sloppy. Fine by me. I'll do the best for next time over a week absolutely just 1 piece of stunning design. Since I'm doing this by speed not accuracy & dexterity. If you want my perfect resume, it can't be done in two days of rushing things together.

So bare with me, would you? Please?


Thanks, DigitalDreamer for the input. It's not missing, it's just too narrow for my eyes too. I'll add depth if this contest got enough time to spare.

avatar George55
George55 says:

I think it won't be anonimity in your entries as most of them look the same techniques, and Mossy is right, you do not have to mention the time you spent and the programs you used to make your works, as you have done in all your entries. Well, it is you, the artist who decided what to say and what to post. I am just giving a point of view. Yes, it is beautiful again.

author says:

George, thanks for your words.

Time-spent & stuffs like that were NOT to bluff, boast or something.

Really, I'm not comparing pxleyes to any other forums like CGSociety & CGHub.


People out there were add the time consumes + products to recall & honor their valuable times. I learned this way & by doing like that; I really know what I'm doing, not wasting a single time. Speed is the priority of my works. I almost see the clock every-time. Yeah, some people may say it's utterly useless, freak, idiocy or something.

For me, this is who I am.

avatar DigitalDreamer

NP author I checked out the SBS and seen it their just maybe the way the angle looks idk I'm no expert at this stuff hehe.

No entry is perfect lord knows mine are always in need of some tweaking here and their lol, and of course no one is always perfect 100% all the time unless you get paid to do this hehe. While speed is great to have on your side some times speed can ruin the quality of ones entry even if you know what your doing because some members here do vote for quality and execution rather than prettiness and good ideas. You are who you are, don't feel so responsible for it :P We all have our own ways and style of how we do things.

no avatar

something wrong for the hand? Look like missing? Maybe too close for the body! Try to get more on depth of field! More better feel!

no avatar

something wrong for the hand? Look like missing? Maybe too close for the body! Try to get more on depth of field! More better feel!

avatar Dubhy63
Dubhy63 says:

Stunning ! I say no more

avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Very nice image.

avatar enblanco
enblanco says:


avatar chakra1985

beautiful work

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

You are quite talented, author - chopping, digital drawing AND storytelling - you could produce entire books! I know how it is to get an idea, then try to crank it out in time to upload for a contest. Would love to see this tweaked and then hi-res. Overall, great job.

avatar ramesan
ramesan says:

great work!!

avatar CorneliaMladenova

Very well created super hero

avatar spaceranger


avatar madamemonty

Congrats, fabulous work

avatar artgirl1935

Congratulations!! another terrific entry!!

avatar lordymail
lordymail says:

Well deserved! CONGRATULATION!

author says:

Thanks for all the supports. I kinda really down about something rite now... But, all the best to whoever support me & encourage me with the great words.

Especially Missy.

avatar chakra1985


avatar Dubhy63
Dubhy63 says:

Congratulations ,great work !

avatar aheman
aheman says:


avatar bcabilan
bcabilan says:

Congrats on your entry Author! Well-deserved win! I like missy comment on MossyB. I hope he internalize that.

author says:

Thanks, everyone. I went a lot of terrible times within this creation & couldn't change the picture with the suggestions. Also right now, I'm a bit down with some matters. Maybe I'll had the time-off from Pxleyes.

Thanks for the great time, everyone. Cheers!

@bcabilan; thanks for your kind words, man. But it's not "he", but "she".

Howdie stranger!
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Weather Goddess - created by fatz8016

Weather Goddess
Favs: 8SBS: 14Hi-resRank: 2/11Score: 65.3% (31)10636 views


Credits to:
CRCharisma (5 years and 3177 days ago)

6 Sources:

avatar nilknarfsoive

This is really good... Best of luck...

avatar greymval
greymval says:

Not bad!

avatar CorneliaMladenova

Oh, she is something like a female Zeus the Thunderer

avatar greymval
greymval says:

At Cornelia : Actually she s more like Storm from X-men.

avatar hereisanoop


avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Love that blue lightning! Cool image, author.

avatar CorneliaMladenova


avatar spaceranger


avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Nice Job!

avatar lordymail
lordymail says:

congrats, nice effects, very good work

avatar arca
arca says:


Howdie stranger!
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