Ed Yourdon for the photo (5 years and 3529 days ago)
Picture I took of a friend. Now a vampire. Please see the original photo. She looks so sweet and innocent before. (5 years and 3530 days ago)
Nice image very pretty young lady...I personally think that you don’t need the bite marks they are not really adding anything to the image. The simplicity of the image is the key and the eyes have a massive impact on the viewer, portrait pose eye contact...
Nice touch...
The expression isn't very vampish...
i like this image a lot, maybe change the color of the eye to like a red or something
agrees with CMYK. It just looks like a portrait with the fang, blood and bite marks.
Howdie stranger!
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Now a lifeless world.
Thanks to pepemczolz for the flower image. (5 years and 3587 days ago)
Good choice of sources and a very nice blend
Well done author! This looks really creative and nice to look at. Keep up the good work!
Well done author! This looks really creative and nice to look at. Keep up the good work!
love how the hourglass is leaning on the mountain... very nice blend
very good!
i have to say. this is pretty freakin cool. i like it a lot, good job
Fabulous! One of the best I've seen! GL!
good luck
Congrats for your second place!
Congratulations for 2nd
Congrats! for 2nd
Congrats on 2nd place
luv the idea.... congrats...
Howdie stranger!
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http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/144193 (5 years and 3597 days ago)
Good clean entry.. good work.
very nice chop good luck
Cool nice!
nice entry .......... all the best ..............
nice blend..good luck
simple and nice work... good luck
Nice work
Howdie stranger!
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Spec Thanks to Thorinsise for use of this picture found on Flickr Photo Sharing and on thornisise photo stream.
(5 years and 3642 days ago)
place shadows under each cross, and try adjusting the brightness, the original source was a bit too bright.
Yes I agree too bright and a little shadow at the bottom of the crosses will help greatly. Also you could push the shorter grass onto the crosses just a bit to make it not float. Very easy fix for higher votes Good luck Author
Hay Thanks guys Thanks. How's this any better?
I think you should dim or fade the bluish background, maybe even som slight blur also.
Hey Thanks I darkened the blue a little more and added some blur to the blue what do you think?..if you look in sbs. the original flickr picture their day & night
This is a difficult background to work with. The view is looking down towards the lower far field with the foreground sloping away. However, you treated the foreground as flat [my eyes interpret the crosses as equal-sized and vertically true], but that's inconsistent with being able to see the tops of the hay bales in the far field. The light is from the upper left corner, so we should be looking at the shadowed side of the crosses and they should have long, strong shadows going south-southeast (like those of the hay bales). If the crosses are marking graves, they seem too close together. And then they don't seem to be organized in a cemetary-like grid (after adjusting for perspective, of course).
Crosses need some shadows...
lightings and shadows doesn't feel right. sky is too blue and dark and w/o any evidence where the light is coming from to cast such a strong shadow on the stones. like the others were saying, celtic crosses needed dark shadows too to match the stones'.
Ok Thanks I Here's a remake any better?
Better. The shadows need to be darker for more consistency with those in the background, need to be thicker (same width as the cross elements casting the shadow), and need to be skewed so the cross-piece's shadow is parallel to the cross piece. I still think having the top of each row noticeably lower than the top of the row in front of it would capture the falling away of the foreground for better linkage with the background.
Thanks for comments I have made some adjustments and added to sbs.
Much better, but you still need some work with the shadows. Blur them a bit with gaussian blur (not to much though) and then also maybe 80% opacity on them. I´d also think you should change the perspective, so that the shadows "leans" on the ground, I´m not sure how to explain that better, but if you look at a cemeteryphoto you might see how I mean. GL
I like the image, but the cross bars on the shadows need to run parallel ot the horizon just like the striations on the ground to make visual sense.
There you go!
fine work
Howdie stranger!
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gud 1, good luck
looks neat but no high res... would love to see another background behind the dog though to make the frame stand out more
i love ood images, they are my favourite 
Idea is great but to be more effective demands few more things to work on it...First thing is gray background...my idea is to add some image of the beach or something like this.Frame should be thinner and work a bit more on perspective of the frame...With position shadow don't match,have to follow line of the dog...I will hold my vote...Good luck
yes, just like erathion says,..author.
When I learned about this technique (OOB), the tut I followed showed an image like this, with a grey background. But it turns the image a little monotonous; if you add a new BG, as erathion said, like a beach, or a contrastant image, like grass, for example, your main image would pop up.
the perspective of the picture frame is wrong but cool idea all the same
ALWAYS upload a high res entry with PH contests. It will really improve your overall score and show up the details of your chopping skills. No less that 1000 pxls wide should be sufice but on average 2000 to 3000 pxls is more preferable.
Howdie stranger!
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