Photoshop Pictures: Good (page 12)

results 56 - 60 of 69

Good Music and a Fine Cigar - created by artgirl1935

Good Music and a Fine Cigar
Favs: 1SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 1/14Score: 65.8% (36)63730 views

Churchill surely needed something to put a smile on his face when he was in power. Satchmo might have been all he needed. This entry uses some brushes beyond the ones provided in my photoshop program. I had to figure out where to find new brushes and how to load them through a zip file. Smoke brush is by Brusheezy #452 in downloads of stock patterns, and hat brush, by Faeth at devian. Thanks so much. The Satchmo photo is my own, and hand holding cigar I drew with paintbrush tool. (5 years and 3795 days ago)

2 Sources:

no avatar

This is Amazing!

avatar demi
demi says:

This is really very nice

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Nice 1!

author says:

Thanks for the nice comments. Had fun looking through all the available brushes. Would love to design brushes of my own now.

no avatar

top marks author.. love the image , the chop , brushes and thought all work so well.

avatar solkee
solkee says:

Nice work.

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your first place, Artgirl!

avatar madamemonty

Congrats, beautifully done

no avatar

congrats author... well done...

avatar refleksi
refleksi says:

congrat for the first

avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:


avatar spaceranger


avatar vertigo
vertigo says:


author says:

Thanks for the votes everyone. My first time for a 1st.

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 1st

Howdie stranger!
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The Good Doctor - created by ice

The Good Doctor
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 9/14Score: 52.7% (0)9696 views

Some people are willing to pay almost anything to look beautiful. (5 years and 3836 days ago)

3 Sources:

no avatar

If he kept his head turned to the right I'd be more than willing to.... Oh, wait. This is family friendly? Uh, in that case, nice job. High points for Doc McDreamy.

avatar animmax
animmax says:

Maybe rotate the blade so the cutting side is facing downwards?? Maybe feather the opacity around the skull into the face some more? Looks just a bit sudden.. GL.

author says:

yeah, i thought of the blade after i did it.

avatar akasha
akasha says:

I think u can better integrate the skull with his face; now it seems a little to the side; it should be in the direction of the man's features (nose, eye, mouth) so I would move it more to the right and lower it and rotate to the right; sexy man by the way

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

This is really good and has a lot of meaning to it. The skull seems to come out a little too far by his eye but I could be wrong.

avatar mariosilva

setting is good but scull on the head need some more work ,out of face and need some wrap.good luck

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

It's a good idea, but the skull doesn;t quite match up with the doctor. Good luck, though!

author says:

Thank you Hisks for the scapel picture. I put a link from your page the other day to here

Howdie stranger!
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And The Good Mother Wove - created by Stowsk

And The Good Mother Wove
Favs: 1SBS: 15Hi-resRank: 3/14Score: 59.2% (25)11153 views

(5 years and 3842 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Really nice use of source. Beautiful job!

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice light effects, but a bit chaotic...

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says: Good luck!!!

author says:

thanks...the chaos was created to enhance her focal point

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lilz777 says:

freaky ! i love iT.^

avatar sosipatra
sosipatra says:

intresting, effect.

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

Love this!

avatar CorneliaMladenova

This one is amazing and the colours are beautifully combined

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your third place!

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 3rd

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Excellent! Congrats!

Howdie stranger!
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Berry good.. - created by ladybug

Berry good..
Favs: 0SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 3/14Score: 54.1% (25)8284 views

Foliage: Thank you Okami-Rain!
(5 years and 3846 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Hmm.. looks a little simple. Try adding High Res.

avatar k5683
k5683 says:


avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your third place!

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 3rd

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


avatar Stowsk
Stowsk says:


author says:

wow, thank you.. frankly I never expected this, I wasn't even going to submit this entry but my husband made me... he loves this image because he watched me paint each and every berry ... and it took me hours! Thank you all , I'm VERY honored!!!!

Howdie stranger!
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Goodbye... - created by Lelaina

Favs: 8SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 2/14Score: 62.1% (30)15492 views

I have the feeling, that I need to explain my thoughts behind this, so I'll do it :)
Some of you may think, that it would make more sense, if he would carry the suitcase, but I wanted to say, that she just arrived at her destination, whilst his journey still goes on.
But she has a strange and inauspicious feeling about this.
That's the reason why the front of the picture is light with green grass and a butterfly on her suitcase, but the background has this dead tree with a raven sitting on it and no grass.
So this shall represent her feelings about his leaving.

That was the first time, that I recovered such a big part. I know it's not perfect, but I hope, it is at least acceptable ;)

Jazza has been notified. (5 years and 3861 days ago)

9 Sources:

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

very, very nice image.. i bet i can guess who it is (i'll keep my mouth shut, no worries!) Good luck!

author says:

*lol* Thanks Am I so predictable?

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

I espeacialy like the sharpness and clarity of this work. The colors are fantastic as are your composition. The use of symbolism is dramatically pleasing. Very Nice!

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Wow its you

author says:

Yes, it's me Thank you very much!

avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

Nice image like the overall look -- only two small points -- the wheels appear to be into the rails and the rails seem to large for the car

author says:

Thanks Alan I made the rails a bit smaller and rearranged the train. I hope it's better now

avatar arkncheeze

REally got an nice mood this pic... Love it...

author says:

Thank you, arkncheeze

avatar Tuckinator

wow pretty cool! i like the image its kinda artsey ... know what i mean...the pic has a nice warm feel

avatar nishagandhi

very nice mood

avatar SOLARIS

great image indeed!

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Great storytelling!

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lilking92 says:

i didnt need to read the explaination i understod everythin good job

avatar hereisanoop

Narates a story! welldone....

no avatar

great entry

avatar dustfinger

Well done. I like images that tell a story.

author says:

Thanks a lot for all your nice comments

avatar darkshellie23

Ohh don't leave her. Very nice

avatar CorneliaMladenova

Congratulations, Elke! Really great image

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 2nd

avatar thomasms
thomasms says:

Well done on second place Lelaina.

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Congrats! for 2nd place

avatar nishagandhi

congrats friend

avatar spaceranger

Congrats!! Well done!

Howdie stranger!
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