Thanks to jagged-eye, dxlogic and nightfate-stock (5 years and 3259 days ago)
Kind of made this for Jaded Ink, Have no Idea why, but there you go (5 years and 3299 days ago)
OH its so funny because when i saw this in my side bar i got all curious as to what the writing was. and i giggled. and then to see you made it for ME, well then..i got even more excited. i honestly have to say, the name "Hellstrom" wins...and the wizard of oz reference in regards to daVinci
However i inspired you to do this, i would love to know. perhaps it was the infection. they were giving people the wrong antidote for that btw...found out that the commonly prescribed medications were only making things worse.
and i read this with the deep voice from action movie trailers...
@jadedink, Your fault, your work does cast a spell.. (hehehe) big kiss and hug
my favorite part though... "Or does the Earth Suck"
its fabulous.
Ultimate humor author with great photoshop skills...as Jade sad Or does Earth Suck is perfectly crazy...well done
That dude reminds me of that movie "I am legend ", lol.
OMG, love this. Your image in Step 1 is perfect, somehow reminds me of a science lab with the bulbs added and the color you gave it. LOL, your zombie filter, hmmm, perfect for the zombie man? AND his little dog, too! Cool story text blocks, love this one!
good work!
Howdie stranger!
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not based on modern interpretation based on the old 8- bit goomba (5 years and 3302 days ago)
Awe, so cute! I just want to jump on him!!!
cool creation author...u could gave him some interesting background too....gl
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3309 days ago)
You might want to post a step-by-step, or a link to the transparency tutorial.
No tutorial to refer to,its just a simple plastic wrap with the hue and saturation adjustment.And some blur around the edges,real simple no tutorial needed.I like working things out for myself,more fun than following tutorials.Thx for your comment.
the effect you wanted to create dont works in my eyes!
Very very nice piece author...@what is with u ShiZa do u have somethings nice to say about others work...if u want to gave critique then give creative advice how to author fix his work...now u just trashing others work and that is not good start here...best of luck author
Maybe we have different views on what effect we want?Difficult to say,besause you only give a negativie comment,without anything else.Thx Erathion appreciate the positive comment,it really helps to encourage people to enter again.
I like what you've tried to achieve and I like your idea. Good luck
Interesting concept and results.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3379 days ago)
Smart! Chaplin vs Hitler, right?
Ya you guessed it right
Great idea author...just few minor suggestions...there is visible white halo around the hat...also edges of the Adolf/Charlie are to strong and sharp...u could use nice soft blur brush and made them a bit softer.Knife demands different shadow and u could work a bit more on shadows bellow the hands...Sorry for the nit picks author but idea is amazing and would be shame to loose points for minor issues...Best of luck
Excellent idea, but fancy doing that to such a beautiful baby.....
Ya erathion.....you are right. I am soon going to update it. Thanks for suggestions
@ Disco: Sorry for that...
@ erathion.....sorry man.... until I made those changes...contest submission time was up. Now how can I update my entry????
Thanks anyway
Thanks Nick
Thanks Nick
Howdie stranger!
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Really strong image! Well done. GL
Like the mood & textures a lot...GL author.
It was very dark! Reminded me of the movie THE RING...really cool...

Excellent work!
Whoa. Author...I am surprised! And I like the mood. Well done!
nice use of textures and brushes!
Very well done! Very artistic, love the mood and tones.
This is fantastic!
Even though i aint fun of brushes i must say spot on!! So effective !!! High marks from me
EDIT: i thought that all those splatters were brushes.now when i saw the sources i like it even more
Thank you! Although no brushes were used to make this, it was all layer masking or texture work
Very Nice
Wow! As always amazing work author!
Love it !
Finally a real artist
Thank you all very much

@TemporaNigra.. hardly, but thanks
Congrats for 2nd, fab job
well done mate, congrats!
Excellent job! Congrats!
Congratulations!!! Have a cookie!
note: cookie is purely hypothetical.
Congratulation..Well deserved win.
Congrats on your win
Thank you all
Howdie stranger!
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