I am a newbie so don't be so mean to me. (5 years and 3893 days ago)
Used one of my own images.
1. Moon (5 years and 3895 days ago)
simple pretty.. looks like a page out of story book.. good luck author
very nice!
Very nice.. so simple.. so obcious, but so remarkable! I love your ability to restrain yourself from creating something extremely complicated. Good luck!
fine job you have done here
kept it simpl and came very nice, gl
very nice
this kind of tricks with moon need over-work in all shadows, but nice movie! cheers!
Howdie stranger!
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Who would have known Greece having a colony on the moon?!
Hope you like it.
How it's made:
The background was cut away and replaced with an Earth image from wikipedia commons and some manually added stars.
The foreground was made by turning the source image grey scale and then coloring it. Vegetation and people was added on seperate coloring layers. (5 years and 3897 days ago)
cool, not sure why do the buildings cast shadows above them though..
Very nice image, except that the Earth seams to be a little distorted, Well good luck
Thx for the comments. As mentioned I realized that i should have moved the moon to the right corner to avoid the dissapearing dark side. As for the roof top shadows it came with a glowing layer. I should have inverted it. Thx for the comments!
Very nice idea, i think you need to work a little bit more on your selections of the village. Good luck!
you need to give a link to the moon image even if it was from wikipedia goodluck.
I agree with the other coments. Great concept...gl
nice feel...
very nice
yes i will like it even more when ALL greeks go to the moon joke! cheers!
Looks like a winter colony lolz., well nice effect, but shoud there be shadow on top of the building close to the planet?. nice job.
Howdie stranger!
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Dionysus - god of wine growing and winemaking. He went all over the world teaching people how to do wine. He was accompanied by satyres and nymphs - mythical, fantastic beings. When Hestia has left the throne on the Olympus, Dionysus became one of 12 Olympians.
Sbs coming soon 8-) (5 years and 3929 days ago)
Accompanied by satires. That is priceless...
satyr not satire... hehehe.. CMYK you so bad..hehehe .. nice work author, can't wait for the sbs
EDIT: Very good SBS.. I think it's funny how much you see the comment It's TOO FLAT.. hehehe and you did the exact opposite LOL
beautiful black vase painting look; and it is very recognisable as being Greek
nice SBS godd luck
Golem thank you for your comment, but I'm not sure what you were trying to say ...)
Howdie stranger!
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not quite sure what you were going for, you might add a description or a step by step to help peeps understand what you did.. it's a nice image but I would like to know what you were thinking when you created it.. good luck though. and good job
welcome newbie! tell us what u were going for in this picture; it looks like u only applied a filter to it
I was going to much more combinations and get to some line effects photo, but along the way this is the only result i liked , so here you have it. Maybe if I would get a better succes with what I was going for I will post a new one
kinda simple
something like this will happen with skin, when here is too much sun
Howdie stranger!
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