Photoshop Pictures: Guardian (page 5)

results 21 - 25 of 37

Royal Imperial Guardian - created by spaceranger

Royal Imperial Guardian
Favs: 3SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 3/11Score: 61.5% (39)11799 views

Obviously inspired by a favorite but not a copy rather a Regal version for the Emperors Personal Guards. I should mention the planet like object in the background is another Death star, this one made of natural metal and not yet completed.
All source and photoshop. (5 years and 3462 days ago)

avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Another awesome sci-fi image to your gallery, very well done . I think the small planet on the right can be blurred a bit (if it's a planet, but if it's just a small orbit near the ship, it's okie) and if I can see the reflection of the globe on the wings, that will be even more fantastic. Wish you the best luck

avatar hereisanoop

well crafted.., good luck

avatar DanLundberg

Cool idea. I'm not convinced that the wings are tilted up quite as much as the central pod, however. The lighting on the Guardian does not seem to match that on the planet and moon. Having a Guardian wing overlap the planet would create a greater feelng of depth.

avatar itgik
itgik says:

MMM, I thought the planet was Hoth. Good job btw

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Well done

avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

I love the precise lines and metal texture on this, superb execution author

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

Nice one .........

avatar George55
George55 says:

Another beautiful space image. Well done... good luck author.

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:


avatar arca
arca says:

Fascinating image!

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Awesome use of the source! GL!

author says:

Thanks for the comments, always appreciated. That's a small metal Death Star in the background also remember with no atmosphere, aerial perspective is diminished. I've also added a perspective grid in step 4.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

I like the details author so much,precision is amazing here...i wish u best of luck...

avatar George55
George55 says:

You did a wonderful work here.... Congrats my friend..... well deserved 3rd place.

avatar erathion
erathion says:


avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

Nicely done CONGRATS!!!

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

Congrats . . . .

avatar hereisanoop

very nice imagination, congrats..,

avatar nishagandhi


avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

Congrats bud, well deserved

avatar demi
demi says:


avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Congrats Space Ranger!!!

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

WTG! spaceranger, congratulations.

author says:

Thanks to all for the comments and congrats! Thanks to jawshoewhah for the great source image!

Howdie stranger!
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Pandora's Guardian - created by itgik

Pandoras Guardian
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 6/11Score: 55.2% (0)9424 views

I addition to the sources there also is - *they wouldn't fit*
Fire by Straymuse
Campfire by crazedoug (5 years and 3464 days ago)

10 Sources:

No comments yet... Be the first!Pandora, Guardian

Howdie stranger!
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vulpine guardian - created by mistic

vulpine guardian
Favs: 1SBS: 10Hi-resRank: 8/11Score: 51.4% (0)8510 views

(5 years and 3468 days ago)

4 Sources:

avatar jamespaul
jamespaul says:

vulpine guardian !! wow .. thats an unusual title n really vulpinine concept...

luv the concept .. i wudn`t dare go to that garden :p

gud job

gl author

author says:


avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Very nice conception. But image is a bit noisy. And it's a shame that there's no hi-res version... GL!

author says:

thanx erikuri

avatar erathion
erathion says:

nice work author,i like the colors...its shame for the noise and the High resolution...good luck

Howdie stranger!
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Guardian angel - created by erikuri

Guardian angel
Favs: 0SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 11/11Score: 54.3% (0)7702 views

Thanks to:
- Maya Kruchancova @ Photoxpress;
- lusi, TACLUDA, Lajla and turevista @ RGBStock;
- lela1971 @

Sbs coming... (5 years and 3468 days ago)

6 Sources:

avatar gopankarichal

good idea, but the fixing of angel on the cloud is not ok.

Howdie stranger!
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Guardian Angel - created by telmafrancione

Guardian Angel
Favs: 9SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 2/11Score: 62.1% (30)16297 views

I thank all the guardian angel that own the stocks I've used.

Model: Sinned-angel-stock
Forest: Eirian-stock
Rock Path: eyewish-stock
Water Lilli 1: kmstock
Water Lilli 2: staciabennett
Fern 1: Smack Babe
Fern 2: Garr1971
Unicorn: Shoofly-Stock
Wings: MaureenOlder (5 years and 3508 days ago)

9 Sources:

avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

As beautiful as this is, I do believe you used a premade background. I feel you could have come up with a background that you created yourself with a stock photo that would have been more original and shown more artistic effort on your part. It is still early, you can come up with a better version of this that was more your own imagination.

avatar silencer32


author says:

I think you should check all the stocks I've used and if you still continue with your opinion, I respect but I see no reason to change.
Thank you for taking time to tell me this.

avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Author, dollmummy is right about the stock, it's the premade one for sure (the blending of the cloud and the scene is not good, that's from a sky image). But I don't agree that you just base on the this background. You used the non-manipulated part of the source and add the other sources to make your current background and you did a good job. However, rule is rule, the background source can't be used. I think the best way is finding the alternative background and email the author to ask him whether you can get the original background or not.

avatar JoeCacia
JoeCacia says:


avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

one of ur best entry ............... all the best ...............

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

She's all wet.

author says:

Thank you for the very useful comment.... and you're right I'm going to ask the owner of the background, the original image! This is a new place for me and I am still not used to rules.
Thanks a lot.

Thank you, guys: Silencer, JoeCacia, Swordfish and SMYK46... for the comments.

avatar neeraj55
neeraj55 says:

excellent work author !!! good luck

author says:

Thank you, Neeraj55

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Lovely, very fairy tale like = )

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

I hope you can get with the author of the BG image the original, or find quickly a similar, because it's really a wonderful image, full of fantasy. I like it a lot and wish you good luck! And welcome, as well!

author says:

I really appreciate your comments, EmiK and Erikuri
Thank you!

author says:

Hey Guys:
I've been all Sunday changing the image: *tired but happy*
Now, a new background made by me, with different photo stocks.
I hope everything is OK and, of course... I hope you enjoy

avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

I really didn't mean to be a pain, just trying to help you to keep your entry up. Your time spent on this newer creation you can feel proud of. Sorry if I made you angry but I had checked all the stock before I even wrote my first comment, mine was just an observation . Great job on the new and more personally original compilation.GL

avatar hazem
hazem says:

that is nice good work ,good luck

avatar mounirupa
mounirupa says:

Superb... it looks nice place to see
al d best

avatar Tuckinator

good work

author says:

Don't worry at all. I thank your advice... i just really wanted you to know that, even being a background a took a lot of time there. To change it was more work but worth it. (I hope my English is right)
Again: I thank your advice.

hazem, mounirupa, Tucknator and Nator,
Thank you guys!

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fabulous,neat,creative,dreamy....that words i would use to describe your work author...very very well done

avatar mdali2020
mdali2020 says:

yours is the best in this contest, well done

author says:

Erathion and Mdali2020,
I thank you so much for the comments.

avatar ikrumon
ikrumon says:


author says:

Thank you, IKRU!

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your second place!

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Congrats! for 2nd place. Very nice work

avatar hereisanoop

congrats for ur 2nd place.... it's beautiful entry

avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

congrats......yes, is beautiful....

avatar Ressiv
Ressiv says:

Congrats on 2nd! Nice colours.

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Telma, congrats, parabéns, omedetou! Viu como certas mudanças valem a pena?

Howdie stranger!
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