you has broken my spirit..
(5 years and 3743 days ago)
Hope Stoli4naq will like my humble 3D version of she' s great avatar.
Curtain from CG texture
If you like vibrant colors see HR.
3DS max (5 years and 3901 days ago)
Ha ha ah ah... That's cute...
very cute creation
this is awsome, tho i hate to say it, but isnt this suposed tobe a photoshop contest? and not ummm.... not sure what program used
this is too cute.... ^^
@dragoncide. We were told not long ago that we can use other programs now never know whats out there till ya see what other people use
goodluck author.
WOW i love this photo!
Hihihi I now have THREE cuties!!! Author, thnx for making this, I absolutely love it!!! They're so sweet, it seems that the two boys on the sides are fancying the girlire penguin in the centre... and she's like "oh I'm so not aware of the fact that I'm making the boys go nuts" hehe
Bravo!! One was enough IMHO (even if I know it's 3D avatar -> 3 figures
@OliviasArts -> yea i know, but i still think its wrong to use only a seperate program.... and honestly i didnt know it was ok now, but even before, i knew you could use a 3D program to create a 3D image, but every time i saw someone use one, they used photoshop to finish it. its too hard to create the 3D image above in only photoshop which is why i said wat i said. which in my personal opinion is very unfair to those who are doing it all in photoshop. cannot create such things that spectacular in photoshop unless your some kind of 10yr expert or somethin. im not sayin its bad, its awsome
Thanks. After three days of sugar sweety cutie I feel like a diabetic, LOL. Thats exact what I wish on this entry following Stoli4naq cutie style. Giallo, next entry will be with a boy and two girls, you will love it.
looks great!
Looks great.
Howdie stranger!
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A field of heart where hearts are born... (5 years and 3907 days ago)
Super creative.. very nice idea too. High, high marks!!!
I remember this! Love it! Really like the monochromatic with red feel!
i really like this image good luck author
very creative
very WOW
fits the mood.. just thought I'd share
very nice mood
really great! i like everything about it!
very nice!!
well., i remember this one., Nice .,
very nice, good idea
very nice! gl
great use of source
So hearts, when not fully grown, look like chilly peppers hey? hehe Really like ur entry author
not so bad idea but need a bit of atmosphere..!
this will grow to forest? cheers!
hearts :d
Interesting idea!!
wow great mood and idea
very nice
very beautiful wrk..............................
Nice work
So beautiful! I love the idea! Good luck
Howdie stranger!
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It seems a little dark. Maybe you might want to lighten up the background a little. EDIT: source spekulator seems like a pre-manipulated source.
I see you discovered that the king of hearts is on the ground, but the king of spades and the ace of spades is also there just so you know :p
this cards image is alredy manipulated,i don´t know if u can use this,but it´s good work,good luck
well done
Howdie stranger!
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