Photoshop Pictures: Heaven (page 6)

results 26 - 30 of 55

Kingdom of Heaven - created by Siddhartha

Kingdom of Heaven
Favs: 5SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 4/21Score: 58.9% (20)15311 views

Hope You like it Friends :) (5 years and 3437 days ago)

8 Sources:

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Very cool... I like the mood. But it's more to Hell than to Heaven, don't you think so?

author says:

Erikuri thr's a saying that the road to heaven is not an easy is full of perils and i jst wanted to potray that...beyond tht castle gate is the kingdom of heaven but the road that leads to it is full of evil....


avatar RayTedwell

I really like this one author, nice work. My only suggestion is that the castle on the left probably looks a little too crisp given the foggy atmosphere, and draws the eye a bit too much, maybe just dull/blur it a lil bit.

avatar zahra
zahra says:

I liked a lot

avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

Now this is what i call winner. Good job!

avatar JamesD
JamesD says:

I think the gap in the mist where the woman is, actually spoils the work that's gone into it stands now...

the front hand needs to be blended in more at the bottom as you can still see the straight line, I'd also push the temple thing on the left further into the BG as your composition is leading your eye over to the right.

no avatar
flyhigh says:

very nice....i liked the composited environment.............all the best

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Some elements of this image are simply the perfect...selection of colors is amazing...positioning castle and the church is great...overall well done author

avatar olseado
olseado says:

Great, Love your entry GL author

avatar arca
arca says:

Lovely, emotional image. Bravo!

avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

This work should get more score IMO, I like it

no avatar
marina08 says:

Congratulations for the 4th place!

author says:

thanks to each nd every person who have voted for me and favoured me.....ths tym just missed it...nxt tym i l try to get the top spot....god bless all

avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

congrats for your 4th place :]

Howdie stranger!
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Flight to Heaven - created by dreamboy

Flight to Heaven
Favs: 2SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 8/21Score: 56.5% (0)8596 views

Made by using Color Adjustment, Brushes, and masking Techniques.

Thanks to (5 years and 3464 days ago)

7 Sources:

avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice idea like the overall look of this -- one thing as the light from the door appears to be quite strong would not the person in the door be in silhouette?

(fixed by removing)

avatar Ressiv
Ressiv says:

Nice overall feel, but I see a lot of different perspectives. The stairs look like they go down, the people in front look like they're falling towards the viewer. Gl

author says:

Thanks both for suggestion, I worked on it.

avatar arca
arca says:

Great surreal image ... I say this before you worked on it some more and I definately like it better now. I did like the guy in the doorway before but I can see why you took him out. Either way, wonderful work IMO!

author says:

Thanx for liking. And sorry for the guy was removed by mistake.Now I add it...but unfortunately now I have unable to submit it.

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

lovely concept .........

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Amazing idea and great execution author...I like overall mood and colors...good luck

author says:

Thanx for liking.

Howdie stranger!
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Heaven Calling - created by artgirl1935

Heaven Calling
Favs: 4SBS: 16Hi-resRank: 3/21Score: 62% (25)16920 views

Special thanks to the following for their great sources: chicks57 for the vintage postcard angel, and badastronomer for the nebulae - both at Also to dave at for the cloudy sky source photo. Birds I created with brush and smudge tools, as well as roses and ribbons. (5 years and 3493 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar telmafrancione

what a cute image!!!
I like the mood very much!

avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

oh my oh my....moody it is,...... is she calling the god ? LOLs......very sweet.....

avatar silencer32

it is nice pic but it would be better if u draw the hand clearly and need reduce the clouds abit that around with phone..

avatar ushurani
ushurani says:

I really like the mood in this.

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Aww, so gracious! Very beautiful and pure.

author says:

Silencer, I might consider giving a bit more detail to her fingers, but how could the phone sit there if that cloud wasn't strong enough??? LOL

Nator, good suggestion. Thanks

avatar DanLundberg

Very lovely. To me, the phone looks like it's floating above the cloud she's sitting on because of where shadows are falling under the phone and because the bottom of the phone defines a plane that seems to be above the level of the plane defined by her bottom. A bit jarring to me is the phone cord. Its route is a bit odd with an angular path that clashes with the soft curves that dominate the image. I think a simple catenary between the phone base and the receiver would keep the viewer focused on the important elements of the image.

author says:

Dan, That was quite an oration, but the phone line is changed - just for you!!!! lol I do like it better, and thank you for your time and gracious suggestion.

avatar Drivenslush

very happy fluffy feel

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

I'd just like to say "Happy hippy hugglez" before what's-her-name says it yet again and makes me want to slap her with a live squid.

avatar Disco
Disco says:

Ooooooh - after you with the squid!!!!

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Job

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fantastic creation author...well done

avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

Oh come on CMYK I`m sure you`ve spread a little "free love" in your time (but seriously let me have a go with the squid, she makes my teeth hurt) ........ Oh and sweet entry too author! well done

author says:

Just love you all and fun comments especially. Thanks so much.

avatar CorneliaMladenova

Great! So inspiring

avatar jaskier
jaskier says:

Very nice.

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Congrats! for third place

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Congrats Lois...

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Congratulations, Lois, this is really gracious!

Howdie stranger!
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Heaven's Gate - created by Nator

Heavens Gate
Favs: 1SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 8/21Score: 53.8% (0)10043 views

(5 years and 3514 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Haha... funny stuff! I like it... Heaven is not for anyone...
Well, how you did the neon sign? Which font used? You could add also something like: reservation in advance (I don't know if in English it's this way we say...)

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Hey Thats funny:

avatar gamemastertips

I dunno...I don't like the sign. It's not entirely true. Sure, there are alot of idiots in the world but the whole point is that everyone's welcome into heaven if they're deserving of it.

avatar iquraishi
iquraishi says:

yea author you are right.. no one would ever think that heaven is full.. but yea I guess that sign will be more appropriate on hell.. hehe..

avatar erathion
erathion says:

I like this image very vacancy is great humor IMHO...and now about entry it self...light in the middle of the picture is fabulous touch,one nit pick...guy on the left side is maybe,just maybe to dark...any how,this is my new favorite...well done author

avatar oasisman
oasisman says:

Great idea. Well done. Agree with erathion regarding person on left side. GL

avatar hereisanoop

Nice work

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Doesn't look like you did much...

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

sometimes it doesn't take much

Howdie stranger!
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Heaven can't wait - created by langstrum

Heaven cant wait
Favs: 27SBS: 15Hi-resRank: 1/21Score: 68.1% (47)51695 views

There is a day in 10 years, every mortal can visit Heaven through the portal that St. Peter creates. He summons a Cloud Phoenix by the Heaven Sword, carrying this enchanted world close to the Earth.... It's time to go...

Source credits to all the author I noted here

Other sources:
Child in blue dress by Falln-stock:

Bird brush from Falln-stock:

Cloud stock by LovelyBstock:

Pegasus statue by shinimegamistock:

Flower Queen by marjoleinart stock:

Pigeon by mlestock:

The flying gull by avianstock:

Heaven gate by gothicbohemianstock

Fairy by faestock

Old man by skydancer-stock:
(here is the written permission of from skydancer-stock to use this image:

Sorry Mod, i used too much external sources :(

Other than that, some digital painting was use to draw the Cloud Phoenix and clouds.
Please view in Hi-Res (5 years and 3515 days ago)

10 Sources:

avatar Chalty669
Chalty669 says:

OMFG! Magic! ...........................Your skills have seemed to have exploded within the last couple months.

author says:

Thanks Chad, honestly I'm surprised myself, but I realized that's the result of learning and practicing, and source hunting is also very important (half of my time is for that)

avatar gamemastertips


avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

It's a good image except for a pair of headless gray wings flying at lower left.

avatar silencer32

hope u will get 1st prize for ur creation..

avatar gamemastertips

Silencer...he will.

author says:

Thanks Gamemastertip and CMYK46. @CYMK46: you mean the lower left of the image or of the castle? if in the lower left of the image, there is a gull and it still has head as you can see in the source, just because of the pose, we can't see head. If you mean the lower left of the castle, that's the bird brushs and how can we see their head from that distance?

avatar hereisanoop

i was 100% sure that you will enter this contest..., and i was waiting for this stuff..,clever selection of sources.., very welldone.., no need to say a good luck..., but i want 2 say CoNgRaTs for the 1st place

avatar RickLaMesa

fantastic work!!! i especially like where her gown fades into the ground...excellent piece of art...early congrats

avatar jack2
jack2 says:

nice nice nice

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

WOW! Terrific job and beautiful colors. Your stocks hunting, image blending and drawing skills are awesome. Congrats in advance.

avatar fatz8016
fatz8016 says:

i agree with Chalty..incredible talent shown last couple months..great imagination and superb execution on all of your images, including this one.

avatar Siddhartha

mind blowing...highmarks nd a fav too...!!!! well done author

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fantastic work author...totally in your of luck

avatar skeletor
skeletor says:

Very nicely done!!.... lighting is great, good job on this creation!

avatar Disco
Disco says:

Wonderful work, SBS very very good. Top marks!

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Wow, it's really beautiful, and so peaceful, just like heaven should be, great work.

avatar genuine2009

beautiful!!!! maybe the caslte perspective it's a lit bit strange ...but it' ok.....for me!!!

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

real heaven wonderful imagination and execution.... Great skills coming out in these days....

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L!!!! It's breathtaking! Very beautiful coloring and blending of images.

avatar neeraj55
neeraj55 says:

very nice ! g l

avatar oasisman
oasisman says:

Simply Stunning. Top 3 easy. Well done.

avatar shaadow
shaadow says:

This is a masterpiece

avatar chromathoughts

love it, congrats in advance

avatar cabldawg71

I agree what else can I say but Very fine indeed Author.
No need to say good luck here.
You get my vote and I love to see members improve as you have.

avatar CorneliaMladenova

Wait, wait, I still don't want to go there, have too much things to be completed here...

author says:

Thank you my friends, your kind words mean so much to me, I very appreciate ^^. @Cornelia: these days, Heaven is opened for visitors every 10 years, just enjoy that for a day then come back

avatar gamemastertips

Lol, I can't believe anyone actually even bothered to submit their entry after this...the more I look at this, the more I'm stunned. Definately, definately, congrats in advance.

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:


avatar Nickk
Nickk says:


Good luck author


avatar dustfinger

Well done. There is so much happening in the image.

avatar jaskier
jaskier says:

Little overloaded,but great image.

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Congrats! for winning

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

I KNEW! I KNEW! I K-N-E-W!!! You'd win, certainly! It's a wonderful work! Congratulations, Minh!

avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

hi,.....always stunning work, congrats again......

avatar hereisanoop

congrats buddy..,

avatar madamemonty

Lovely work Langstrum, congrats

avatar gamemastertips

Con.Grat.U.Lations. WHOOOOOO!!!!

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

Congrats .......... great work ...............

no avatar

Woww i wanna go there when i die haha.

Goood Job!

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Congrats buddy,well deserved...

author says:

Thank you all for your constant supports to me, I'm so glad

avatar genuine2009 deserve that!!!!

no avatar
renathy says:


avatar artgirl1935

Congratulations!!!! Great entry!

avatar jackaloftrades

Glad to see you have been doing well with your works, congrats. Keep up the good work .

avatar neeraj55
neeraj55 says:


avatar spaceranger


Howdie stranger!
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