no outsources...., please see the highresolution and sbs..., (5 years and 3302 days ago)
with My Picture (5 years and 3348 days ago)
Nice one. Like the idea. Shadows are cool. GL
great construction author and fantastic title imagination...i would just a bit lower the opacity of the shadows...now they are a bit to strong and create small distraction from the Farina and her sister...
much better.. thanks Erathion
My pleasure...just tell me author...which one is Farina? If i could guess i would tell that Farina is Red one...
Farina is more red and green (on the right ...our right.. never could tell the difference) .. for she represents the Christmas Colors and the silliness of making clashing colors a concern... her heart has endured too much so she has decided to unite with her evil twin and take control over the world at hand...
Or I was just really confused as to what to do with a Macro of a fricking Grasshopper and just decided to go nuts (great macro is it not? MnMCarta is a master).. can't shake the guilt of manipulating it.. hehehe.. but I'm going to do it anyway hehehe
(can you tell I've relinked with my college roommate who was a brilliant writer... she gets my creativity going LOL)
Great stuff
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wild boar source with my photo (5 years and 3350 days ago)
super cool...look like some nice cover for child book or picture book...GL
love the colors and the innocent way the creatures look. Agree with Erathion about the way it looks like it should be found in the pages of a childrens book.
Creative use of filters, and love that you created a baby boar!
Howdie stranger!
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Never trust the seductive, innocent type as it could be the world's undoing.
Girl in white by tanit-isis-stock.
Girl in black by mjranum-stock.
Background by night-fate-stock.
Brass tank by spud.
Cloud brushes by redheadstock.
Smoke brushes by falln-brushes.
Toxic symbol and shadows were drawn in photoshop. Also girl in white's hand was manipulated so that she was grabbing the tap and the gauge was altered to read higher pressure. (5 years and 3382 days ago)
is this lady gaga? lol... good job for this!
Mmmm spooky I like it GL
Nice work.
At first sight i tought you made the machine from the given source, but when i checked sources i noticed u did not. So thats a complement on finding the right source.
First i'd like to say that personally i'd like to see the given image to be chopped to be used a little more, but that is personally.
I got a few things that might ( in my eyes ) need changes.
I think the girl in white, still is too much white.
The light source on the girl comes from the left and right hand side,
while on the machine, looks like comes more from top and front side.
For the person in the back ( i do not think it adds much to the image, but that is personal again) might need a color layer on the top of the person.
Also for the shadow u might want to duplicate the layer and give both layers a mask, then blur or stretch the 2nd layer.
These are just my ideas of improvements, and you can ofcourse disagree.
See this as help only and not as, someone trying to see only the bad things.
The idea is to help you get the most out of it.
Good luck in the competition.
It may be my monitor, but I find it a bit too dark.
But from what I see you did a good job with your sources. Maybe a stain or two on the woman's white clothes may help to integrate her more in the image.
Very nice work author...great source find too...u made super cool composition here...best of luck
Thanks for the suggestions, but due to the holiday break I never had time to get back to this.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3400 days ago)
A date gonne crazy
I like the contrast in color (blue-red) and between the man & woman. Tiny suggestion is to flip the girl's image so it gets more or less the same light source as the man. Also, if you can put the girl a bit more to the right of the middle it might improve the composition. Last thing could be if you give some blur for the sky since it looks like the focus is mainly on the foreground (the girl is already more blurry). Good luck!
Thanks Wazowski for the suggestion
nice work author...good contrast and very nice blending...best of luck
weird guys go to beach with his GF on the suit
A nice touch would have been if she was wearing a formal gown or something. I guess she kind of is. Still unique idea. GL!
See until I read the title, I didn't even think of this as a date. Being as how he is in a suit, she just seemed like a stuck up rich person with a butler who carries her umbrella, and she just wanted to take a little dip...well a big dip haha. Anyway, great work, author!
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v-good ,good luck author.
i like ur both h-res...& sbs
great job, really imaginative
stylish fantasy, great use of a hard source..... best of luck author
Such a beautiful image - with so much motion along with gorgeous colors!!!! GL
Fantastic piece of work...Great details, beautiful colors and so lovely mood...well done
Amazing Entry.........Good Luck Author.
Really nice work...love the deepness and color.
wow, what a change! goog luck!
Magical.... fantastic and great ending..... good luck author for you time and for your nice entry.
nicely done.. with great SBS.. :thumbsup:
beautiful job........ all the best
this is very nice in high res...excellent job
What can I say that has not already been said! Lovely work, there is such a sense of movement and expression ... definitely my fav ... and one of my all time favs!!!
You are a master with your creativity
I was a bit surprised to find out that's your work. Yes, still the familiar style but this time I feel something different. In this work you focused more on the composition and lighting, with not much details. All the curves were well done, but the hairs need a bit more works. I don't know if that's your design or not but her bright hand has frog-like shape. It's a gorgeous piece of art indeed! Will be in top place for sure!
Congrats, a great image. I disagree langstrum, i think there is some great detail in this work.
Congrats Anoop...... another great work!
Congrats on your win
Congrats my friend...this is awesome entry...keep going u are on fire...
Congratulations ... I didn't have a doubt this would be here!
Congrats again for ur great work
Congrats Anoop
well done
You deserved to be #1! Congrats!!!
Howdie stranger!
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