Replace Original (5 years and 3809 days ago)
- 1: manure pile
Just a bunch of trees, no elephants anywhere... :) (5 years and 3823 days ago)
Haha! I love this!!! GL
Awww...you beat me to it. Great job! Funny...just the way I like it. Hey...maybe a slight shadow on the pole where the trunk starts to cover the light hitting it...
Pixelkid, thanks for the observation but in my view the trunk is far enough out not to be casting a shadow.
uhm o.o; i dunno but to me that looks like a shrink elephant o.o love the idea tho I was thinkign the same but then with a lantern XD
and whats up witht hat site O.o I cant see ur sources unless i register O.o
CONGRATS AUTHOR...nice entry.
good luck .
Of course he's not shrunk, he's tall enough for that tree...he's just hiding! (I sure wish more people had a sense of humor...).
ye is funny, but if i was u author i try find a way to put one more leg on front side,image with potential but could be better like looks elephant only with one leg and elephants usually have four
Nice entry, very much on theme. The only thing that seems odd is the shadows. The light source on the elephant is on it's head giving the shadow on the ground which you have made. Therefore there should be some shadow on the tree trunk. The shadow cast from the tail is from the opposite direction though.
What shadow? What elephant? Don't you get it? It's only some trees...there's that one tree that kinda looks like maybe there's an elephant there, but any sane person would realize it's just some trick of light and shadow...you don't wanna be called insane, do you?
yep, that's the first thing that came to my mind too BUT i think you shold lose the back of the elephand and make his head stick out more!! the whole head. this way he looks like he's a foot long
i get what you were going for, but try this
Well if there's no elephant than i'm afraid this image is off theme, so low vote from me.....(just kidding of course, excelletn image - very clever )
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someone in the cage, ask for help before he disappear.
thanks to demordian for the source (5 years and 3831 days ago)
love the idea.good job
thanks Nehayash
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3836 days ago)
Nice montage - but your light sources are from different directions.. Maybe flip the background? GL
A pike is very light on its underside. I put the lightsource on the left side. I'm not sure what to do--I tried to darken the RGB on the belly side of the fish and it looked funny. I tried to bring the lightness down on the belly side of the fish and it looked funny also. I'll try your suggestion.
Thanks animmax, I took your advice and it seemed to work out.
All good - much better.. GL
This is not a montage it's just a real picture.... Nice job!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photomontage it would be considered a montage
good job, looks like the real thing!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3843 days ago)
Voyeur 2, Voyeur 2, we need more photos, please raise resolution, over.
lol... I had something similar in my mind... lol this is really cool... And I really love that title... "Ground Control to Major Tom... Your circuits dead... There Something Wrong... Can you Hear me Major Tom... "
This is so wrong in so many ways. Way high points!
great image (photoshop skill-wise, of course) xD
naughty.. hehehe
EDIT: I Only Faved this piece because ... well.. hell.. it's just such a fantastic original idea... on a very deviant mind... don't lose that.. because a deviant mind with class is very hard to find
and rocket lands to...
hahaha good humor :P
Very naughty.. but funny )
ha ha ha, cool! Now i know why they called Asstronauts
AWESOME idea!Greatly executed!
very original idea!
Is that the planet Uranus?
Voyeur I to Voyeur II, requesting location...
Don't get to close to the crack... very funny!!
No butts about it that's funny! You should get a little more variety with the background stars, check out these brushes, they're free! http://getbrushes.com/space-photoshop-brushes/jennbs-starlight-brushes.php
Great work, great fun, I don't suppose it needs a moon, it's doing a great job all by itself. Sorry couldn't resist.
Oh what a humour!
"Let me asssssssssssska something!", what's the most comments received for an entry? This one is gettting alot... Great Job!
OMG!!! almost fell out of my chair laughing....high marks just for humor and creativity...GEAT JOB!!! You should tattoo "U're an..." on that thing just for kicks!!
too hilarious!!superb idea and gr8 job!!
i think the challenge is to figure out what this is... boobs, or butt? lol. press 1 for boobs, and 2 for butt.. author, dont say anything! lol. i think they look like boobs. btw, i love how the binocular ship says voyeur. lol.
Good humor
lol...27 comments later. I think you all covered every possible thought that could be said and what I was thinking. Great job author..high marks from me from every end.
Great pic!!
Congrats for your second place!
Congratulations for 2nd
nice job! congrats it make me smile
congrats for the second place
Bravo bre megale...poly kalo!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
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Howdie stranger!
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very funny! love it!
Hehe good one, it would be more effective if you could try to remove the one of the men with the horses, because both sides look too similar at the moment. Good luck!
Ok I took one guy out any better?.......Thanks
Howdie stranger!
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