Pweeze? (5 years and 3315 days ago)
Thanks to cindy at flickr.com for the barn; to nataraham at flickr.com for the desert hills; to at NASA Goddard at flickr.com for the nebulae overlay; to biggles621, fionnaandneil; to zuai at flickr.com for the owls; to nadbasher at flickr for the old farm machine; Trees are brushes I made. (5 years and 3319 days ago)
Nice and unique style...like it
very orangy.. which is cool.. very difficult color to work with and you did a great JOB!!! good luck
I love the mood of this!
wow,fantastic image with great mood...best of luck author
Congrats for 3rd
I was surprised to see who the author was when i voted this. its beautiful, and congrats on 3rd!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
(5 years and 3322 days ago)
very nice work and good usage of the source image...Small nit pick,its to big difference in the sharpness of the planet and the other elements...if u could solve that problem that would be great...any how i like the final product...best of luck
Wow ... GoooD WorK
i agree with erathion. the consistancy of focus isn't working for me. but, you've got time to work on that a bit.
Thanx For Your Operations
Cool composition and color. Would have really liked a high res version of this.
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Blue butterfly-http://enchantedgal-stock.deviantart.com/art/Blue-Morpho-Butterfly-Wings-50406350
Red butterfly-http://www.sxc.hu/photo/736909
Carlos Paes-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/wax115
Richard Styles-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/stylesr1
Leo Reynolds-http://www.flickr.com/photos/lwr/
Jodie Gayton-http://bastherself.deviantart.com/
Kimberly Crick-http://enchantedgal-stock.deviantart.com/
waldo swiegelaar-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/freshdes
george georgiades-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/geoX
Julia Starr-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/night_fate
Michal Zacharzewski-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/mzacha
Thanks a lot for the resources...;)
Please Watch High resolution before voting
I added all resources links to this page because there is lot of them...Hope u understand...;)
(5 years and 3332 days ago)
good luck author... fun image
little old lady who lived in an army boot
Author, in future please add the first 10 sources in the source boxes so they are hotlinked, any extra sources may be added in your description, in this case there would only be three. It is not necessary to add the links to peoples profiles and in fact it makes it very confusing.
Sorry for this Mods,this happened first time to me. I did not had time to add links to the boxes because i there is a little time to upload an entry. I tried to upload entry few time but each single time connection was reset. So for lack of time i had to do at this way. Sorry for the problems that i maybe cause. Thanks for understanding.
Good looking pic. Great work.
yes,... I know it must be you.......
I would have put the boot on the top of the hill! But good work!
its great, good luck !
nice work...
Great work .... love the feeling of the image a lot!
THis one is really awesome! Love the framing and the color palet
Good chop.
Congrats for 2nd
Congrats for stood Second !
Congratulations for 2nd place!
I also face the problem with upload as connection gets reset. Mine is cause of slow connection speed. I empathize with you.
Nice work erathion. Congrats for 2nd place.
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Deep inside me
A silent whisper in my mind
Sweet surrender to Your love divine
Peace enfolding
In the stillness I empty my soul
And Your healing presence flows
-sixpence none the richer-
the birds is from the former pic contest http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/16084/gulls-attack.html , thanks Jaskier (5 years and 3340 days ago)
Wonderful work ... would love to see an SBS!
wow very nice mood
The usage of the main source seems minimal, but on the other hand it creates your foreground, therefor your sense of depht & completes the composition, which looks wonderfull, btw.
beautifull! Fav!
Nice work and nice final result...only think, u use 15% of the original source....however GL friend!
wanna see the SBS too!!!! LOL
Good idea, but you should have color matched all the rocks. The different color rocks just look like cut & paste this way. You also have conflicting light sources...not too late to correct this...GL.
WOW!... Simply wonderful! You really was lucky in your images choice, the combo of them is very beautiful. Check the point of light sources and color of the rocks as CMYK said. Again, awesome work! And you know that...
Quite a beautiful image, author. The movement throughout is so flowing, and the techniques so well done. GL
beautiful! a fav for me!
Beautiful...Love the words also!
It took me a second to find the source but I found it. I'd say quite creative for minimal use but it's too cool for me to docks points for it so good luck!
It took me a second to find the source but I found it. I'd say quite creative for minimal use but it's too cool for me to docks points for it so good luck!
Very very nice compo author...U made to blend lots of different sources perfectly...there is few small nit picks but i don't want to point them now because u don't have the time to made some corrections...Love the overall mood and feel on your creation...Its fantastic how u achieve great blending without usage some additional color layer...Hat down for that my friend...Well done and another top place for sure...best of luck
Congratulations !! Knew you would do well!
Congrats !!
Congrats my friend...
Congrats for 2nd
Congrats, Dek!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Very very cute kitty, and very well done = )

Great job on the anatomy of the cat.. and the expression is priceless. I'd like to see the whiskers casting some light shadows, but great work.
Lol reminds me of the puss-in-boots scene in shrek, nice job author!
Awwww...! my...Here I come..I looove the expression,,so abandoned..Great work.
.Your sbs is so good author.very helpful o learn from it.I love the way you did the back of the cat .with that extra layer of fur. which gives that extra droopy effect and old guy Thanks for the SBS .V.V.cool
and I added the heart..(A FAVORITE
Great job! Very sweet. One thought however...if you use a brush with a short fade setting, it'll taper your ends of the whiskers. It might give a slightly more realistic look, but if you're just going with an illustrated look...then you've nailed it. Nice job!
Stunning work ... what an incredible image you have created! I could not believe it was just the source until I looked at the SBS ... amazing! My fav and definitely high points!!!
The only thing that distract my eye, is that there is to obvious cloning on the wall that shows previous cat contour , and there is still some fur as well, can be seen in high rez.
Sooo cute.
Like: The expression. The beautiful eyes. Idea.
Dislike: Ear contour on wall. Shadowless wiskers.
Suggestion: Still time, changes can be implemented. Match hand fur with that on leg.
derdevil, thanks for the heads up on the background. Fixed now.
awww... This is really the cutest cat in town.. GL author!
Lovely sweet cat...........Great job........G/L Author.
Awww! I think I just found my fav. GL! Author!
Oh, cuteness
Great work author...
Thank you for your votes and comments!
Cute little guy....well deserved second place.... congrats...
Congrats!! Really cute kitty!
congrats for the second place...
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: