(5 years and 3307 days ago)
Used layers, styles, brushes, gradient, texture (see credit), dodge and burn, etc. (5 years and 3637 days ago)
love this, just a couple of things you could tweak: the fins wouldn't have any shadow, they're in space and not up against anything; try to give the letters some bevel/emboss for depth (they might have a tiny shadow), bottom fin might have light at the left edge like the back one. love the rivets and rust look, though!
very nice
great idea ! different and wonderful job
Thanks for the Favs and kudos everyone. Pearlie, I agree with all your critiques as well. The fins I created with a layer style (looking for a metallic effect on the fill) and didn't even realize that I gave them a drop shadow. Honestly, I didn't even see this until I zoomed in on the high res after I submitted! I tweaked per your suggestions (and a few others), and resubmitted. Thanks for the constructive input.
Rofl! Great job, and the title is epic!
The one fin would have a shadow, but it needs to rotate clockwise about 5 degrees. Good job with the texturing.
Great imagination and creativity.....Good work....
Very good job author...best of luck
great idea nice work
good and good and good job....
very nice and... tasty
Very very creative! Very creative!
Thanks all!
good job author
very good entry! gl
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3860 days ago)
Voyeur 2, Voyeur 2, we need more photos, please raise resolution, over.
lol... I had something similar in my mind... lol this is really cool... And I really love that title... "Ground Control to Major Tom... Your circuits dead... There Something Wrong... Can you Hear me Major Tom... "
This is so wrong in so many ways. Way high points!
great image (photoshop skill-wise, of course) xD
naughty.. hehehe
EDIT: I Only Faved this piece because ... well.. hell.. it's just such a fantastic original idea... on a very deviant mind... don't lose that.. because a deviant mind with class is very hard to find
and rocket lands to...
hahaha good humor :P
Very naughty.. but funny )
ha ha ha, cool! Now i know why they called Asstronauts
AWESOME idea!Greatly executed!
very original idea!
Is that the planet Uranus?
Voyeur I to Voyeur II, requesting location...
Don't get to close to the crack... very funny!!
No butts about it that's funny! You should get a little more variety with the background stars, check out these brushes, they're free! http://getbrushes.com/space-photoshop-brushes/jennbs-starlight-brushes.php
Great work, great fun, I don't suppose it needs a moon, it's doing a great job all by itself. Sorry couldn't resist.
Oh what a humour!
"Let me asssssssssssska something!", what's the most comments received for an entry? This one is gettting alot... Great Job!
OMG!!! almost fell out of my chair laughing....high marks just for humor and creativity...GEAT JOB!!! You should tattoo "U're an..." on that thing just for kicks!!
too hilarious!!superb idea and gr8 job!!
i think the challenge is to figure out what this is... boobs, or butt? lol. press 1 for boobs, and 2 for butt.. author, dont say anything! lol. i think they look like boobs. btw, i love how the binocular ship says voyeur. lol.
Good humor
lol...27 comments later. I think you all covered every possible thought that could be said and what I was thinking. Great job author..high marks from me from every end.
Great pic!!
Congrats for your second place!
Congratulations for 2nd
nice job! congrats it make me smile
congrats for the second place
Bravo bre megale...poly kalo!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
Thank you for your comments and votes!
Howdie stranger!
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fantastic image author! very well composed..only thing i would change is the spelling of "pxleyes" on the rocket..good luck!
osthir(awesome) idea///...
..high marks from me
The bright values at the bottom are a bit "blown out" and too bright, and I agree that the rocket should be spelled "Pxleyes," but otherwise this is a very nice entry!
Well done! This is very cool, author. It's clever, wtih great additional elements.
ok i have made some corrections
Well done Author.....
Great job author! Fantastic!!!
Amazing, perfect! O_O
lovely image you got here
Very very nice construction author...rocket and all about launch ramp is great...IMHO u should work a bit more on a sky...stars looks a bit unrealistic...best of luck this is great work...my favorite in contest for now
Great job!
great one
Great use of the source, well done author
Houston, we have a cool PxlEyes rocket here
nice! good luck!
Great blending and a great image.... good luck author.
Incredibly well put together image ... great work!
Great entry - but I hope Pxleyes doesn't get blown away again!!!!!!! lol GL
Congrats on your second place.... nice work....!
Congrats on your win
Howdie stranger!
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