Photoshop Pictures: Hybrid

results 1 - 5 of 16

Fish Man - created by BWR

Fish Man
Favs: 0SBS: 24Hi-resRank: 1/12Score: 61.8% (35)16841 views

the only thing I missed in the SBs is that the string was made with a Shape and Layer Styles. (5 years and 689 days ago)

7 Sources:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

There's something very fishy about this...

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Great work. Very nice color blending and matching.
A small nit pick for improvement... There is just a small green smudge on the top right and a small purple spot in the hairline just above the nose which need to be fixed unless you particularly want them that color?

author says:

OK it's taken care of. Thank you for your suggestion Angel.

(5 years and 689 days ago)

author says:

Those were part of the film texture. Maybe I should de-saturate them or mask them out some. Could have sworn at one point I did de-saturate them. Gremlins. Yes, the gremlins did it. Will fix. Thanks for the suggestion.

(5 years and 689 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Congrats BWR, he's scary

author says:

Mahalo madamemonty. He's kind of clown-like in his look and behavior. Notice he does not have any claws or fangs. He is friendly. I have some pity on him because there he was minding his own business when he grabbed a bite to eat, but his tasty morsel had a fish hook in it! I hope he got away so he can go back to his friends and family.

(5 years and 683 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats BW, good job

author says:

Mahalo my sister.

(5 years and 683 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

If you say so BWR, I hope he got back to his family and friends too.

avatar lolu
lolu says:

Congrats for first place on this distrurbing fish man

author says:

Thx lolu. I think he is cute. He is possibly a relative of the sea monkey.

(5 years and 682 days ago)

avatar lolu
lolu says:

hahahahaha !

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Congratulations BWR. A well deserved win with a very unique entry.

author says:

TY, but I really liked yours SA and rated it really high. I was prepared to lose.

(5 years and 679 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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The Halls of the Crabadillo - created by BWR

The Halls of the Crabadillo
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 2/12Score: 60% (30)20332 views

Combines an armadillo and a crab. Put it on a cement background with some pillars. Sine the armadillo had no visible eyes, I used some frog eyes so he can see. He's mean. Don't go near him. (5 years and 756 days ago)

5 Sources:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice (Or maybe not so nice...) critter!

avatar still26
still26 says:

Your work is marvellous, simply marvellous.

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Congratulations BWR.
Not sure how you came second when we both have exactly the same scores. Looks like equal first to me.

author says:

I think the rules are that if it's a tie, the person not named BWR wins. This is my second tie and I have gotten 2nd place both times. dunno how that works out.

(5 years and 744 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Brah

author says:

Mahalo seestah.

(5 years and 744 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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Human Alien Hybrid - created by LIONSDEN

Human Alien Hybrid
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 10/12Score: 57.8% (0)26708 views

(5 years and 2409 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar Drivenslush

hehehe, reminds me of an OLD movie I've seen once, can't remember the name though (a soft Burn Brush to add slight shadows to the Helmet and mouth guard could help with realism, but the image is fun over all good luck

Howdie stranger!
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Hybrid Predator - created by spaceranger

Hybrid Predator
Favs: 4SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 1/12Score: 73.8% (63)12911 views

They're always trying to toughen the odds so here's another mutant variation in the Predator/Alien Universe. (5 years and 2506 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar IRONCOW

LOL, Classic !!!!! nice one

author says:

Thank Moo very much!

(5 years and 2506 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Amazing use of source...I love this! Just one quibble: It looks like the eye sockets are showing the star field behind the head. Did you really want him to have a transparent head? Still, high vote for imagination.

author says:

Thanks Bob, those aren't stars in the eye socket, those are highlights (look at the source pic). I toned them down a bit so they aren't as bright.

(5 years and 2506 days ago)

CMYK46 says:

OK, I see...but on first view that's what it seems like. Why not alter the eye sockets a bit?

(5 years and 2506 days ago)

avatar solkee
solkee says:

WOW!!! Love this

author says:

Thanks Rob!

(5 years and 2506 days ago)

avatar George55
George55 says:

This is what sources are for. Have a cup of coffee, think, look for other takes time, but at the end, it pays to have such talent. Good job! Sharp and clear image. Good luck!

author says:

Thank you George!

(5 years and 2506 days ago)

avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

Nice one!

author says:

Thanks Randy!

(5 years and 2506 days ago)

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Congrats Rein!

avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:


avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Congrats Rein!

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Rein this is really scary well done

avatar TorDoni
TorDoni says:

Congrats Rein. So you're the man from space. Rx.

author says:

Thank you all very much!!
Special thanks to patty for generously contributing the Contest Source!

avatar George55
George55 says:

Congratulations Rein, nice, scary image.!

Howdie stranger!
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Hybrid Coke Machine - created by tnaylor21286

Hybrid Coke Machine
Favs: 1SBS: 11Hi-resRank: 1/12Score: 67% (38)17351 views

Hybrid meaning, mixing the old style with the new style. (5 years and 2606 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar Drivenslush

super duper smooth

avatar nicehotcupoftea

Nice work on the reflective surface

avatar Heathcliffe

Love your reflection and lighting work. Makes it shine. Well done

avatar JamesD
JamesD says:


Howdie stranger!
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