Photoshop Pictures: Joker (page 3)

results 11 - 12 of 12

Joker - created by chakra1985

Favs: 3SBS: 14Hi-resRank: 9/40Score: 59.9% (0)6947 views

(5 years and 3731 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar hsbee
hsbee says:

the joker's shadow is wrong.. in ur case, u just cant use duplicate and skew the leg layer to create a shadow...please correct it.. a very beautiful work painting the joker, and nice use of source..

avatar nishagandhi

nice work

avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

Very very good work

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Color Scheme is just fantastic... hsbee is correct on the shadow.. but not a big whoop for you author I'm sure.. must have been a brain malfunction on your part.. (even though if you weren't looking for it you probably would never see it.. focus is totally on the subject.. excellent job

author says:

i think now it's better... thank u for your comments

avatar hsbee
hsbee says:

nope author.. now u have seperate lught sources for each from 7 o'clock and another from 9 o'clock.. u have good painting skills.. why dont u manually paint the shadows??

EDIT: on the second thought is it just one lighting from 8 o'clock?? just ignore me author... sorry

avatar niks1351
niks1351 says:

very nice work.......awesome color scheme

avatar Tuckinator

cool colors

avatar freejay
freejay says:

Nice looking entry but source seems a bit lost

avatar coolmaddy123456

very wel done........hmmm I think the joker looks sad though

avatar CSevrip
CSevrip says:

Very good

avatar DigitalDreamer

Nice entry

avatar Ory
Ory says:

Very nice, I like the whole thing, if you would like an improvement I think that the hat is too large, perhaps reduce the size of the hat a little then duplicate, flip and rotate to its got 4 thingys on it. I think that would be better, not that it needs it

avatar LKY
LKY says:

cool work....also nice use of source image.....GL

avatar marmee54
marmee54 says:

Awesome the colors ...

avatar Warlock
Warlock [banned] says:

Great piece of manipulation top job!

avatar gopankarichal

good work

avatar dreamdriven

very nice

author says:

thank u very much for your comments

avatar akasha
akasha says:

u put the mask right where it belonged

avatar RickLaMesa

all i can say is wow..excellent job

Howdie stranger!
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joker - created by lincemiope

Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 12/40Score: 48% (0)4399 views

thank to stardixa for the brushes mouth (5 years and 3742 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar gopankarichal

simple work, try your best

avatar Ory
Ory says:

Good Luck

Howdie stranger!
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