(5 years and 3123 days ago)
After I made this I found out that there is a brand called: How to kiss a Frog.
But they only got a crown in the logo, so I hope this is ok. (5 years and 3185 days ago)
Oh my! where the kiss should be???
Androla what about on his big red lips?!
hehehe, NOT SAYING NUTHIN!! hehehe (good luck author)
Hehe.. Thanx Drivenslush always love a comment about saying nothing
This is adorable, well done! Keep that copyright, it's got possibilities!
Thanx pearlie, I might just do that
Very fun and amusing—and the red, puffy lips are clearly begging for a kiss. I admit the underline doesn't work for me. (Maybe if it were lower so it looked like the floor the frog is sitting on?) The copyright symbol is usually a superscript with no space before it and I think it would be OK if it went of bounds as it were in order for "frog" and "wear" to share the same right margin (which IMO would make it clearer that all the text and not just "Childrens Wear" is copyrighted). [BTW "Children's" should have an apostrophe.]
So nice of you to stop by Dan.
too much! hahahahahaha lol
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(5 years and 3206 days ago)
is there a before pic? how is this showing getting older?
happyme27, Please reread the contest rules, I took a child's face and placed it into an adult body, (straight from the contest description)
From The Contest Description: "You can create anything you like... for example, you can turn the face into an adult face by working only with photoshop tools... but you can also put a child's head on a grownup body and add grownup characteristics to it. The important thing is that your photo should be convincing."
It really helps to have an understanding of the contest before you start commenting on them, (I'm sorry you aren't at the correct level to compete at this contest, but then you would have known that if you had read the rules)
I'm sorry. I should have looked at the SBS. I did not recognize the childish face in the adult. My apologies.
Apology Accepted, thank you very much
Howdie stranger!
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Agradecimentos especiais à trublueboy (http://www.sxc.hu/profile/trublueboy) pela fonte 2.
Kiss (ou KISS) é uma banda de hard rock dos Estados Unidos, formada em Nova York em 1973. Conhecida mundialmente por suas maquiagens, e por seus concertos muito elaborados e até exagerados que incluem guitarras esfumaçantes, cuspir fogo e sangue, pirotecnias e muito mais. O Kiss já recebeu 24 discos de ouro.[3]
Constitui um dos maiores impactos culturais da década de 1970, valendo-se de roupas, e sobretudo, maquiagens nunca antes vistos, e que marcariam a história da música. Seus dois fundadores são Gene Simmons (baixo e vocal) e Paul Stanley (guitarra rÃtmica e vocal), que ficaram frustrados com o fim de uma banda que formaram, chamada Wicked Lester, assim, decidindo procurar novos integrantes para uma nova banda, encontraram tais integrantes através de anúncio de jornal, Ace Frehley (guitarra solo e vocal) e, pela revista Rolling Stone, Peter Criss (bateria e vocal).
(5 years and 3208 days ago)
So VERY clever!!!! and nicely done!!
Thank you. Your comment made ​​me win the day. I was flattered!
I think what you have here is very unique... I would add some KISS make-up to the cow... lol... then a fav for sure!
Edit: No No Thank you!
woodztockr, did exactly what I proposed, I compared the two and opted for the simpler, because I wanted to emphasize the "kiss ". Thank you!
Amusing. I confess I don't get the red eyes. I think a stronger lipstick color would focus the viewer's attention more. Also, the fiery text that escapes the boundary of the outline doesn't really work for me. To my mind, a more compelling composition would be to move the cow to the left (think Rule of Thirds) and move the text to the upper right corner in a much bigger font size for a clearly diagonal arrangement.
DanLundberg, thank you for commenting my work! So I do not know if the problem is my monitor, but for me the eyes are not red and gold ... lol
Your ideas I liked, but I think that would be the question of personal taste, right? Hugs.
great Idea
Howdie stranger!
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....love can make you flip and redecorate your home .... :) (5 years and 3252 days ago)
he he he wonderfully created, love how you made the sliced shell 3d, great job
This is art ! GReat job
Very nice! GL!
great!! good luck!
Congrats on your win
Howdie stranger!
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if can add some flapping wings (motion blur) may be better

like the color-play on the birds n sky
Howdie stranger!
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