(5 years and 3893 days ago)
Source and PS (5 years and 3897 days ago)
Very nicely done. Great SBS too!
Nice job...
good entry
great job
Now!!! that's a keeper !! GREAT WORK!!
First class entry super work & a great SBS
LOVE IT..but I'm a sucker for anything old world .. everyone else was watching the A Team and I was watching Master Piece Theatre LOL... AWESOME WORK
great job
Very nice work well done. I know its how those dresses were made but her hips just look too big, thats my only problem tho,
ding ding ding, (probable winner)
Figure is good, background not so good...
Lovely Entry......G/L Author.
very well done. beautiful image
how cool is this! reminds me of chivalry times when men used to ride horse and write love poems to beautiful women
old oil painting style. good
Excellent concept and design
very nice drawing good job author ... GL
Congrats! Well done! Way to go! Well deserved!
Congratulations!!! You deserved it!
Congratulations for 1st, great pic.
Thank you so much for your votes and kind comments.
Congrats, a really beautiful piece of work
congrats for 1st
Congratulations Really top work
congrats! great entry!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3897 days ago)
very nice blend.. good luck on this one.. so simple yet so effective..light source will be issue because her head is blocking the direct light onto the hand.. but still a brilliant Idea.. good luck
thanks GolemAura! i've removed that hotspot on the thumb
Very nice -- looks like they were always together
Truly nice blend. Really like this final result! A great shot!
Nice piece if blending you may want to consider adding more shadow to the inside/palm of the hand looking at the young ladys face & neck...
What a sweet image. Pretty convincing too, though I might expect to see a bit more shadow from the girl on the hand. Maybe a supernitpick: add a clipping layer for the hand with a biiit of colored noise, so it will match better with the girl image's noise. Good luck!
hand is little big compare to the face....but a good job
i've added more shadows on the palm. i hope you like it!
Very nice this looks real, does not look photoshopped at all which is the main point of good work, nice one
Super job looks much better more realistic & natural
Hand is way too big...
CMYK46, don't be so sure it's that big. the proportions are about right imo. actually, i tried that yesterday on a friend and my hand looked like that on her face. and i'm no giant!
nicely blended and very good use of the source image .. GL
Howdie stranger!
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I always felt sorry for Kong ... hope you like it!
My Thnx to Sxc.hu for the images (5 years and 3915 days ago)
nice idea.. some observations 1) the leaves in gorilla's hands (in source img) need to be removed. 2) the aircraft propellers are not rotating!!! 3)both the girl and king kong are at the same distance from camera.. need more highlights on the girl 4) high res will be really appreciated.. nice image tone.. gl
WOW hsbee.. you see A LOT, even without High Res.. all I see is an ape going after the girl's hoo haa... but that's just me (author, might want to think about the angle of intersection between the two subjects.. a bit unsettling, though it will be tough because the angle of the gorilla's eyes is right on the mark) nice idea, you just picked a very difficult subject to work with..kudos on that... good luck
MUCH BETTER.. good job
totally overboard on the noise and blur, its alright cause you can still see what it is, but I would like it in better detail
Author, you captured the mood of the film nicely, but the background should be a bit darker to pop the front edge of the girl just a bit...
EDIT: This is a different image now...it has more problems than the first one! The ape is way too indistinct and the girl has a weird hard edge...first pic was better.
If you can remove the tiny visible hard edges around the girl, would look better. Good luck!
very original and nice,good luck
I always felt sorry for him, too. Great idea and well executed. I think your color choice was spot on.
Great idea, and some very useful comments above. A few adjustments and you have a great pic.
Looks good now!
good one
Gotta love Kong, but I think his face should have been sharper while everything else was blurred
Looks way better now indeed! Good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3917 days ago)
Its a nice idea, but I think you went a little over on the filters, try and reduce the opacity of the filters you applied.
too much filters
The texturizing really kills this...
Golem Peaks in.. gee.. I think it's kinda sweet.. would make a great post card... good luck author
nice job
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Nice idea.
very bizarre.. reminds me of in the winter when you are warned not to touch your lips to anything frozen or your tongue will stick..LOL. interesting idea
Interesting idea, but for some odd reason (it could just be my eyes) it looks as though she is on one side of the ice and the lips are on the other.
pretty image, however, her lips look like they are in front of the "ice" and she looks behind the "ice", like her lips are actually poking through the ice, if that makes sense. GL!
I agree with elinoree, nice idea though.
You see it clearly rednovember, kissed himself.
good work
This doesn't work for me... I don't get it.
. Would be super if you "flatten" her nose top a bit, so it looks like she's really with her nose against the ice. A way to do that is using liquify and then the option to make things wider (no clue how else to explain...). Good luck!
the ice looks great! lol to waz's idea, that would be funny! Not sure I understand the idea behind her being in the ice and her lips outside, but good luck!
Thank you wazowski
this is exelent illustration for one estonian song! A Kiss Through A Frozen Window http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydHs6aqsJmg
Howdie stranger!
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