(5 years and 3881 days ago)
- 1: source1
My first try at digital painting, it's not good but I'm happy with it.
I used Artrage to do this.
MementoMori-stock credited at his other account as requested http://m3ment0m0ri.deviantart.com/ (5 years and 3887 days ago)
Doesn't look too much like a lady, but i suppose because it's your first try, good luck
Always had problems with faces Ponti
Oh-la-la, its a primitive painting style, gorgeous. Cannot imagine how did you find this ArtRage, I shall try it.
looks pretty freakshowishy to me! and ponti, its freakshow! are you really supposed to be able to tell? lol cool image author
like Matisse and Rembrandt collided good luck
love to see people extend their skills and learning. Nice entry Author. GL
nice first try
very nice.
Fun! Good luck!
Great try, keep practicing!
ewwwwwwwww a painting lady
What! First try at digital painting! Man, that's great for me. It looks like oil painting
could b better but nice
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(5 years and 3891 days ago)
Hmm..... interesting!! Good luck!
nice and good use of source, but it will be better with stp by stp, good luck
I'm still working on the step by step guide. I'll post it soon!
nice image!
Nice...but the nose has way too much shade.
mariosilva, why didn't you just write "step by step" with the E's? kidding
cool image
nice work.. what a very peculiar performer.. like Hannah Montana all grown up.. on a street corner .. good work
OK guys so I added the SBS guide.
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She loved this mask before, and she loves it now. (5 years and 3895 days ago)
nice i love how it doesn't realy feel weired
Wow, this new perspective works great, you adjusted this perfectly. Good luck!
wow i like this
Haha! I remember this one!!! I only think the shoulders are too long. Other then that, great job!!! GL
Vlad, take a look. The shoulders exactly match the source pic.
this is supposed to be anonymous!! just kidding, great job!
very nice
Classic!! Nice work on this...maybe a little more shadow on her face from the hat
pretty cool Beavus...I like the eyes
Oh Mrs. CMYK! Good to see her back. She is still as beautiful as the last time she showed up here Good luck!
Absolutely odd.....but.....truly amazing...! What should I start with???? I love the eggy head idea, great choice of sources: the hat couldn't fit better and the colors of the scarf really match the overall tones...., I also like it cause it's neat and clean....and....oh well....fantastic...! My only quick suggestion would be an increase in the backround contrast....maybe a bit more darkness to it, maybe some clouds, mist, anything to help the depth of field! I am usually the adept of highly defined brightness and contrast! So, it might just be me....! Great image anyways! Best of luck!
also not the first time i see this, nothing new, but is good in technique, good luck
wht a match for mr. cmyk..............grt wrk..............
looks as if all the feedback i could provide has already been said. therefore,,, GREAT JOB... all the best with your entry.
Congrats to Mrs. CMYK for being top 7!
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Pscipolnitsa is a character of myth and tradition, common to much of Eastern Europe.
Referred to as Południca in Polish, Полудница (Poludnica) in Serbian, Polednice in Czech, Poludnica in Slovak, Полудница (Poludnitsa) in Bulgarian, and Полудница (Poludnitsa) in Russian, she is a noon demon in Slavic mythology. She can be referred to in English as "Lady Midday". She was usually pictured as a young woman dressed in white that roamed field bounds. She assailed folk working at noon causing heatstrokes and aches in the neck. Sometimes she even caused madness.
Pscipolnitsa, who makes herself more evident in the middle of hot summer days, takes the form of whirling dust clouds and carries a scythe or shears, but it's likely that the shears would be of an older style, and not akin to modern scissors. She will stop people in the field to ask them difficult questions or engage them in conversation. If anyone fails to answer a question or tries to change the subject, she will cut off their head or strike them with illness. She may appear as an old hag or beautiful woman, or a 12-year-old girl; and she was useful in scaring children away from valuable crops. She is only seen on the hottest part of the day and is a personification of a sun-stroke.
All pictures I used in this entry are my own + PS brushes. (5 years and 3898 days ago)
hmm never heard of her.. cool image.. maybe add a scythe?
Never heard of her either and I'm kind of happy about that! Such a lovely looking lady with such "nice" habits Good luck
Thank you guys elficho, what did you mean "Add a scythe"? In case you didn't hear about this lady http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_midday
quite pretty.. though she seems like she should look more menacing.. like Maab.. (sister of the lady of the lake).. though this is quite nice.. Good luck author (love to learn new things
GolemAura, Thank you. English version of explanation is differ from mmmm... original one. In original it says that she never harms people who live their lives right, only sinners.
it says right here in the description that she carries a scythe or shears.. yeah, i read about her but it was a bit odd to me because she's from slavic mythology and i'm from those parts
nevermind, nice image
nice work
elficho thank you, I guess I was a bit tired yesterday, should google the word.
In my part of that world she could appear without those tools. That fact causes confusion regular women for Lady Midday. And good excuse for unfaithful husbands.
Reminds me of anture and pure things, nice one author.
very nice
I love the expression on her face. To me it goes great with the description of her "ways". Great job and good luck!
Thank you guys for nice comments and wishes. Just addition from my language version. When she starts to ask difficult questions person should answer detailed and slow explaining everything. Because she is disappearing at noon, so there is chance to survive.
I get a nice feeling from this one, but I would have loved to see a higher resolution, as for the time being the bottom part of the dress just looks a bit too blurry to me! And some brightness and contrast adjustment layer would have given the image a great plus! Best of luck!
Nellista, thank you, she is appearing from the swirl of the dust, so bottom part of the dress isn't visible, not materialized yet.
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reflection is nicely done
great reflection!
Oh spooky, nice idea!
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