Hey! I hope you like my new entry!
Techniques used were: cutting out with the pen tool, and mostly just lighting shadows and contrasting...
(5 years and 3374 days ago)
EDIT: Updated 2 (5 years and 3382 days ago)
Perfect blend author and very lovable entry...I am glad u'r back....best of luck man
Castle needs a reflection, light sources conflict...otherwise, good image.
Castle reflection would be parallel to the tower, much like the rock reflection in the source pic. Also, the light on the bird is from the right, light on castle from left.
Just Ctrl J on castle layer- flip vertically move it down and either distort it with ripple or use displacement map to make the reflection fit the waves.
the cropping on the bird can be a little better. you can see white under the wings under the tail and between the beak and body. otherwise nice image
Great combo of images.
Sorry I am late with this suggestion:
Chops could be a little smoother/cleaner (try layer masks and then smudge edge gently to remove left over pixels from original image ... as the white around the bird. It also helps correct hard edges).
Howdie stranger!
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thanks for the Pics Jaws (5 years and 3383 days ago)
Oh, and you're welcome
The image of the man may be a bit too red, compared with the background. But it is a good image.
Good luck
Hahahahahaha super cool transformation author...And to be honest Jaw looks better now...:P
This reminds me of the snake from beetlejuice! Nicely done! :0
Snake from beetle juice huh??
YES! Go watch the movie silly! It was funniest when she made a sculpture outta it and swung it around to show her husband. She made the shape of the head like the way it's done here...hehehe
Love it! Truly fun work!!! Great street art in the background and Jaws is perfect (although it gives me a pain in the neck looking at him ... but only in this picture.
I don't need to watch it since I've pratically got it memorized, but it sounds fun.
I always thought this kind of a frame off "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
"This is not a good town for psychedelic drugs. Extremely menacing vibrations are all around us."
Ooooo, snaky! Reminds me of my relatives...
Nice composition, and a very odd feeling piece of work(in a good way).
Howdie stranger!
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sorry guys.. i lost the psd in some logic reasons. but at least i can soften the shadow. i'm apologize. (5 years and 3388 days ago)
Great job, I don't see any flaws.
good idea made me smile. all the edges are a bit hard tho could do with softening them and maybe blur the shadow a bit
Great job! Leg shadows could be more defined, but I love it.
I think if you softened or maybe blurred some edges in your image author, it would look more better blended. I'm mainly talking about the place where the left leg joins the body and definitely the shadow from the left leg. GL
Cool idea and composition. I would only suggest altering the markings on the feet a little more so the fact that they are from the same foot is less evident.
I am curious what creature will hatch from this sinister looking egg
HAHA!! This is cool
very very good work author...well done
thanks so much for the vote
Congrats on 1st ..........
Congrats, nice work
Congrats !!
thanks so much for you all!!!
Howdie stranger!
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figure - private stock, was taken at jaffa piers
(5 years and 3393 days ago)
Moody! I love how you made the rain.
very very nice work author with a great mood...best of luck
What a beautiful image!
the bottom of her dress looks too blurry author, i really enjoy the background though! the area with the birds & light looks immaculate!
thanks for all the comments.
CrystleClear, i did made a soft motion blur, but on a separate layer and its all most unnoticed (you can see it in the head area).
i think maybe the rain is blurring the bottom dress a little bit.
I really like this except for her shadow being in the wrong direction from the light source.
Howdie stranger!
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Author it's a very sweet image
I noticed in high res the shadows around the cloned flowers on the dress need to be softened and something looks out of proportion to the rest of the image...not sure if it's the child or the trees or the flowers but something isn't quite right....I will hold my vote and check back 
Thanks for the advice Christy
I'll see what I can do 
Yeah.. I think you were right with something not being right.. I decided to increase the size of the tree on the left and IMO I think it improved a bit. Also decreased the opacity of that shadow of the girl and tweaked the shadows of the trees. Hope it's better now
Please leave feedback so I can improve and learn
Thanks again Christy ! 
Light on trees is from 2 different angles. Light on child is opposite that on the foreground tree. Please try to consider light sources when making this type of image.
Conflicting light sources and shadows. Also your tree source links go to the same image.
The lighting ill try to fix and thanks for the feedback. But the source image of the tree consists of two textures meaning it only shows you one in CG tex when you are not logged in. If you log in you will see both trees visible as image 1 and two. Thanks guys...
I've changed the lighting and added some other effects.. Hope this improves 'cause you guys are sure hard to please
*********NOTE THE IN ORDER TO SEE SOURCE 5 (TREE 2) YOU HAVE TO BE LOGGED INTO CG TEXTURES************* if you are not you will only see one image that is source 4 (tree 1)
Better author!!! Glad I held my vote....Best of Luck
very nice moody work author...best of luck
oh what a princesss!!! Great work on this.
Thanks people
I know lights are hard when diff. sources, but you got a nice mood here. Cheers!
Great concept ... love the story you have created here ... just not sure where she got the daffodil in a field of dandelions ... but I am going to assume she brought it with her and is trying to find her way back to the daffodil field! I really want to give her a hug, she looks a little unhappy.
Thanks for all the coments guys I really appreciate the support
Thanks for voting!! So happy with first!!
Congrats for your first place, Toothpick!
Congrats on first place!
Howdie stranger!
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