Own photo (5 years and 3169 days ago)
(5 years and 3169 days ago)
Needs a couple of diamonds on the road or somewhere in the image...Or maybe a toothbrush or dental sign...lol!
Nice entry.
Good points! thanks for the input.
Nice one, maybe you can make the text "Is it safe" in the same color as the top of the background from the poster, so you can read it a bit better and there may be nice repetition of color. Good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3172 days ago)
We have a Burger joint in my home town called "Fat Boy's" this made me think of them. I think I'll go get a CheezBurgar. "
Nicely done and you explore much of your imagination here author. GL!
wonderful job! especially body and arms!!!! but something's missing in his head...
The body was the focus Androla, to add a head with facial features would have doomed it, so I made a simple blurry head (thanks for all your comments guys!)
This is great! Body and arms are fantastic! Would like to see something connecting the head though...Nice job, author!!
He shoud wear a crown, then he would be a king.
Nice job. I like the construction of the arms and the pose.
interesting idea, the head is a bit awkward (doesn't fit the scene), and you could use some more shadow best of luck
Very nice, GL!
super cool imaginative work...well done author
nicely done.... lots of meat....(a puppy would love that)....lol........good luck author.
Vanguard apparel
Good concept and blending job author. That had to take a while to put together.
Howdie stranger!
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A team of scouts discovers the invading forces advancing through the forest.
I would like to mention & thank Marcus Ranum, for his quality stock. Mouse drawing the characters would have taken me another 2 days to finish the entry.
Please check the full resolution. (5 years and 3174 days ago)
Wow... very nice...
Very nice, I suggest you add some shadows though.
Lol, rob was right, thx. You see your entry differently the next day . I had no idea why i hated it
You can see the changes in SBS. Also thank you nilknarfsoive.
I like this imaginary world, looks a little avatar!! very nice,,!!
Yummy mushrooms...hehehehe... nice one!
Made me craving too! ha ha
Nanaris, at first I wanted to make it all blue and draw the humanoid aliens. But it was less energy / time consuming to make it earhlike by finding the right stock, than inventing alien landscape
Thank you for your comments.
Excelent, GL!
Fascinating creation and very interesting world you have envisioned. GL
great work author and he is lucky guy....i would like any time to her watch my back...
Interesting Fantasy world there author. Best of Luck.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3177 days ago)
i just want to mention that, a man missing his trip......because he too late to take a ship.......and all image i uploaded are my own photo! thanks!
inspired by Latest Blog Posts? well done, author!!!
Sort of like "The day my ship comes in I'll be watching it sail off". Good vision.
Howdie stranger!
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Howdie stranger!
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